[Old Post][Okay, this might be an odd request (I hope not), but here goes anyway.
Anyone familiar with Rachel from Ninja Gaiden? She's this girl.
I was trying awhile back to make an Oblivion character that looked just like her, but I gave up. I have no skill in facegen (and believe me, I've tried

I was wondering (more like hoping) if anyone could make her face in Oblivion.
I've seen very, very identical faces of movie/show characters/actors (Picard (Patrick Stewart), Catherine Zeta Jones, etc.) made for Oblivion, so I'm guessing making a face of another video game character isn't impossible. I just can't do it myself due to aforementioned facegen skills.

So anyone with good facegen skills/tricks willing to take this up? I can't describe how much I would appreciate it.
More pics for reference:
And yes, I am a Ninja Gaiden fan (but not a Dead or Alive fan incase anyone asks).
Nothing wrong with requesting such a character right? Right?
Thanks to anyone who tries to help.]
Luchaire attempted this, had no luck. leomorg? Same. Myself? So terrible you don't want to know.
I appreciate everyone from the CI board for trying to help with this. But all our efforts have been thwarted by this character's seemingly impossible to re-create face.
So anyone here willing to take a shot or know anyone that can? (Or if that fails, maybe someone could send word to the Japanese community and ask if they can do it? Lol doubtful but hey you never know).
Unending praise shall be rewarded for the one who can pull this off successfully.
Again, if this is the wrong board sorry. You can move it if so.
Edited by Shadow', 26 August 2007 - 03:43 PM.