Posted 29 August 2007 - 04:49 PM
Posted 29 August 2007 - 05:08 PM
OOH! Trivia! *So* glad I didn't have any screenies to post today . . . .
Posted 29 August 2007 - 05:12 PM
Trivia: What did blind bank robber David Worrell use as a weapon when trying to rob a London bank?
Posted 29 August 2007 - 05:19 PM
The answer to the Trivia question: Surprisingly none!Highpressure
Trivia[/b]: How many people were killed in 1979 at the Three Mile Island nuclear disaster?
Trivia: What did blind bank robber David Worrell use as a weapon when trying to rob a London bank?
A cane.
The lighting was like that already.
Posted 29 August 2007 - 05:38 PM
Posted 29 August 2007 - 05:41 PM
Karandras I did the effect...carefully...lol (i could give u a link if u want
Posted 29 August 2007 - 05:43 PM
Edited by Groo, 29 August 2007 - 05:43 PM.
Posted 29 August 2007 - 06:00 PM
Posted 29 August 2007 - 06:02 PM
i went a little crazy on erasing in my shot, but oh well:P oh and i know two of the question answers http://www.tutoriali...ur-Effect/28070
1.Greek hell was Tartarus, the name of a character i just made too^_^
2. Gladiators were armed with a net i think
Posted 29 August 2007 - 06:24 PM
Post #97: Well I must say she does look quite relaxed. As for the clipping hair have you tried the It's a wig! mod? That seems to have very few clipping issues.
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Do you have a link to that ar...I mean clo...I mean outfit?
Trivia: What so-called "war" spawned the dueling slogans "Better Dead Than RED" ?
Edited by Shadow', 29 August 2007 - 06:31 PM.
Posted 29 August 2007 - 06:58 PM
Rogue sun
Post #102: Wow another amazingly awesome shot from you
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: What program do you use to edit your shot? (bonus question I really will understand if you don't answer: How did you edit that one I linked to get that effect?)
Trivia: Who averaged one patent for every three weeks of his life?
Posted 29 August 2007 - 07:10 PM
Trivia: What so-called "war" spawned the dueling slogans "Better Dead Than RED" ?
Trivia Answer: The Cold War. History class FTW.
Rogue sun
Trivia: Who averaged one patent for every three weeks of his life?
Thanks, I use GIMP to edit. Umm, the effect you saw was just a blur filter. Pretty simple really.
Hmmm...I want to say it was Edison, but I don't think thats right.
Edited by Karandras, 29 August 2007 - 07:11 PM.
Posted 29 August 2007 - 07:13 PM
yes, its a net, but Groo really pissed me off by answering my trivia question, and i RARELY say im pissed off too...i went a little crazy on erasing in my shot, but oh well:P oh and i know two of the question answers http://www.tutoriali...ur-Effect/28070
1.Greek hell was Tartarus, the name of a character i just made too^_^
2. Gladiators were armed with a net i think
Thank you for the tutorial![]()
For the question I guess Tartarus counts, the answer I was looking for was Hades, and since Tartarus was the hellish part of Hades I guess it counts
No helping Lady Blue with HER question
Posted 29 August 2007 - 10:07 PM
Posted 29 August 2007 - 11:48 PM
Posted 30 August 2007 - 12:30 AM
Looking forward to itETA for the shop - Thursday. (Expect even more colour variations from yours truely)
TMI gf!! TMI!!I love the fact that so many people from all around the world post - it is always cool to run a geographical charting of my image hits on my website. So many people from different continents
- even different worlds in the case of some of us!
Hey, I think it would be cool to know what are people's primary language if it is not English. Let us know, if you want to!
I think we post more on weekdays because many of us are busy with family and/or household work.chores on the weekends.Another wonderful day for commenting..then again, being an indoor activity the weather doesn't have much effect now does it?
This looks to be another short post, I am always a little curious why weekends seem to have less pictures then weekdays.
oh well, time for more useless information
Parting comment to all: I still say this thread should have gotten a name other than "Thread #17", bunch of philistines....
Cute, cute, cute!!
Well, it was sort of fun. But they left out one of the best crews from a really good SciFi show. Space:Above and Beyond (Space:2063 for those not in the U.S.)edit: Wait! This might be the fun quiz: http://quizfarm.com/...php?q_id=111863 Still can't get to it myself at work, but at least it showed me an addy.
Thanks for the link! I've a ton of mods in my downloads file, but haven't put any of the new ones n my game yet. Still trying to get things cleared out and cleaned up, and being very slow about it. sigh. I need a "How to do stuff in the cs for absolute idiots" guide. But then, I'm one of those people who figured out how to make an origami crane, yet still can't make an origami "paper drinking cup".Chiglet! Thanks for the compliments. The knives-throwing animation (which includes the knives) is part of the osr pose mode, most recently updated for us by Karandras - here's his link.
Beautiful People does work with all the custom race fix mods, which are also, by the way, incorporated into the unofficial patch, for those who are actually playing the game & therefore have that because they care about bugfixes.To use the other hair mods w/ Beautiful People, you do have to merge them or add the hairstyles manually to your race.
I think a "Word of the day" would be good.And something else I just learned about, I hope no one who read this thread has Caligynephobia
Post #79(nudity): That is really strange how some pictures are removed and not others, as it is all my shots that included nudity have stayed on Photobucket for several weeks and not one has been deleted.Still the one I can see is awesome
Okay I have learned that asking for suggestions rarely gets me anything so I will go the other way, Does anyone have any idea they don't want to see in this post under any conditions? Perhaps making links randomly go to pictures of horror movie characters? Replace quote of the day with a new section dedicated to various forms of sodomy? (bet that got your attention) Maybe even doing the entire post using "l33t speak"?
I did not notice that.You mean you don't notice that there is a big sun, and a little sun? I honestly can't remember if it was just a really lit up moon, but whatever happened it made it look like there was two different suns.@ Ryu Doppler - Looks good
I'm looking for that glitch, but just see a lovely mountain scene
BTW Emilie and Lucien wonder if anyone has knowledge of a naughty nun outfit? She did think of wearing the maid outfit with the hood and making it look more religious. Or maybe someone could retex the Black Hand robes in lace?
And...she says how about a whip? I could take a pic of my hunting whip if anyone wanted to make one...
A leather naughty nun outfit with lace (or fishnet) inserts and hose,that includes whips and chains?? Nope, hacn't seen one. But if I do, I'll let you know.And chains! I lo... I mean holy people love chains!
Not exactly a useless fact for fishermen.Useless fact of the day 2: A species of starfish known as the Linckia columbiae can reproduce its entire body - that is, grow back completely - from a single severed piece less than a half-inch long
Excellent!! And thanks for the linkExnem has returned
Posted 30 August 2007 - 01:59 AM
Edited by leomorg, 30 August 2007 - 02:00 AM.
Posted 30 August 2007 - 04:56 AM
Okay I couldn't help myself, today so there will be 4 useless facts of the day...there are so many interesting things to learn...
Useless fact of the day 1: Mailing an entire building has been illegal in the USA since 1916 when a man mailed a 40,000 ton brick house across Utah to avoid high freight rates.
Useless fact of the day 2: A species of starfish known as the Linckia columbiae can reproduce its entire body - that is, grow back completely - from a single severed piece less than a half-inch long
Useless fact of the day 3: During Ronald Reagan's presidency, the White House purchased 12 tons of jelly beans.
Useless fact of the day 4: There are more Irish in New York City than in Dublin, Ireland; more Italians in New York City than in Rome, Italy; and more Jews in New York City than in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Hopefully no one found that to boring
Quote of the day: It takes hundreds of nuts to hold a car together, but it takes only one of them to scatter it all over the highway.
One other thing I wanted to add to todays post,
Random Wikipedia page: Rosicrucianism
Well at least there will be future action shots though.Darziak
Post #105: Really great picture, shame we aren't going to see the fighting
Post #109: The lighting in those shots is amazing(just felt like using that emote for the heak of it)
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Congratulations on being the only person with more than one post today![]()
Trivia: What creature's tongue weighs as much as a full grown elephant?
Posted 30 August 2007 - 05:19 AM
Exnem has returned
Trivia: What country sent out 15,000 census workers to count its homeless population, in 1990?
answer that would be the US i do beleive
Karandras: The shots were taken on the "Missing Pauldron" at Bliss side of SI main city... The purple flames was the only alternate thing to standard animated flames I could find in my Oblivion Data Folder (Too lazy to recoulor step by step) - the arcane fire ^_^V
Answer to trivia: Hummmm... Coca - Cola?
Well at least there will be future action shots though.Darziak
Trivia: What creature's tongue weighs as much as a full grown elephant?
Thanks, it's too bad I can't use any other pose mod apart from AiM and AiC because I get a black screen otherwise when using HDR with them.
I feel special.
Trivia: Some big whale comes to mind and that's just a guess without looking into it.