Okay I couldn't help myself, today so there will be 4 useless facts of the day...there are so many interesting things to learn...
Useless fact of the day 1: Mailing an entire building has been illegal in the USA since 1916 when a man mailed a 40,000 ton brick house across Utah to avoid high freight rates.
Useless fact of the day 2: A species of starfish known as the Linckia columbiae can reproduce its entire body - that is, grow back completely - from a single severed piece less than a half-inch long
Useless fact of the day 3: During Ronald Reagan's presidency, the White House purchased 12 tons of jelly beans.
Useless fact of the day 4: There are more Irish in New York City than in Dublin, Ireland; more Italians in New York City than in Rome, Italy; and more Jews in New York City than in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Hopefully no one found that to boring
Quote of the day: It takes hundreds of nuts to hold a car together, but it takes only one of them to scatter it all over the highway.
One other thing I wanted to add to todays post,
Random Wikipedia page:
Rosicrucianism Also for this post only I have added a trivia section to each persons section, try to see if you can answer it (I will try not to find anything to insane to ask) Oh and there will be a reward if you get it right

Now what was this post about again? Oh yea screenshots...
Shadow'Post #97: Well I must say she does look quite
relaxed. As for the clipping hair have you tried the
It's a wig! mod? That seems to have very few clipping issues.
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Do you have a link to that ar...I mean clo...I mean outfit?
Trivia: What so-called "war" spawned the dueling slogans "Better Dead Than RED" ?
ChimeraPost #98: Very nice, the lighting is really great in
that shot
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Cant even tell it is outdoors

(except I recognize the portal

Trivia: What current branch of the U.S. military was a corps of only 50 soldiers when World War I broke out?
Lady BluePost #99: Really nice collection of shots, my favorite is
this one but
this is a close second
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Does the guy in
this shot have two faces or is that the lighting?
Trivia: What was a gladiator armed with, in addition to a dagger and spear?
Floydian1 Post #100:
Wow, all of your shots in this post are amazing...more than normal I mean
Suggestions/answers to questions: Is
tat lighting normal or did you mod that in?
Trivia: What did blind bank robber David Worrell use as a weapon when trying to rob a London bank?
LeomorqPost #101: I know that blue flame is really hot but what is
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Where was that shot taken? Shivering isles?
Trivia: What radioactive element is extracted from carnotite and pitchblende?
Rogue sunPost #102: Wow another amazingly
awesome shot from you
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: What program do you use to edit your shot? (bonus question I really will understand if you don't answer: How did you edit that one I linked to get that effect?)
Trivia: Who averaged one patent for every three weeks of his life?
Fyrefae Post #103: I agree,
that dress (and character) are beautiful
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Can't think of any, Guess I will just mention how well those items go together
Trivia: What country sent out 15,000 census workers to count its homeless population, in 1990?
GrooPost #104: Wow that is really neat effect, it looks almost like the effect in LOTR when Frodo put on the ring
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: How did you get that effect?
Trivia: What's the Greek name for hell?
DarziakPost #105: Really great
picture, shame we aren't going to see the fighting
Post #109: The lighting in
those shots is amazing

(just felt like using that emote for the heak of it)
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Congratulations on being the only person with more than one post today
Trivia: What creature's tongue weighs as much as a full grown elephant?
Hector the HoodedPost #106: Oh crud, run for it, it is an army of
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Is that QTP3 you are using in that shot? It looks a bit strange...
Trivia: What two presidents were impeached by the House and acquitted by the senate?
GuestPost #107: First off I just thought I would mention that it would be nice if you registered so I could give you a name here

As for the picture really nice lighting and
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Haven't I seen your pictures of at eq2.matrix.jp?
GinnyfizzPost #108: Not sure how that
sword goes with the maid outfit but wonderful shots
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Why is your character so infatuated with Lucian?
Trivia: What powers the sun?
HighpressurePost #110: So I wasn't the only one to see
that outfit got released

I like the questes you added
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: You sure have an evil
(not a questions, I know, sorry)
Trivia: How many people were killed in 1979 at the Three Mile Island nuclear disaster?
In addition to your answers let me know what you think of the trivia

(to easy, to hard, that sort of thing)