Just to start off:
Welcome back Chiglet 
And thank you for your many comments

Well this will be a simple day, quote of the day, then useless fact of the day followed by comments (yesterday I think I burned myself out a bit with such a long intro it made my commenting a bit lacking)
Quote of the day: The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoys several times the same good things for the first time.
useless fact of the day: 50,000 of your bodies cells will die and be replaced while you read this sentance.
And something else I just learned about, I hope no one who read this thread has Caligynephobia
Rogue SunPost #75: I am really liking your
forest shots, sometimes I wonder if you are playing oblivion or not
Post #82: Okay now I am sure that is not oblivion, oblivion doesn't look that good
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: What armor are those people being ambushed using? It looks almost Persian...
Cosmic-BananaPost #76:
Cookies you say? I guess as long as they aren't burned it won't be to bad...
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Is that a retextured version of that shirt or is that just the lighting?
Shadow'Post #77: Nice "little" army you have there
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: How did you manage that effect on Revenant Lord Nihili?
LeomorqPost #78: Hmmm now you made me curious as to what I am supposed to forget
Post #83: Wow,
those shots are amazing

Your character looks like a wraith from Stargate:Atlantis
suggestions/questions/answers to questions: In the last two shots were you trying to show the weapon? Thats the only reason I can come up with why the character is almost out of the picture
fyrefaePost #79(nudity): That is really strange how some pictures are removed and not others, as it is all my shots that included nudity have stayed on Photobucket for several weeks and not one has been deleted.

Still the
one I can see is awesome
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Once ou find a new site to post pictures on be sure to include those 4 deleted ones

(and I won't even hold the repost against you)
HighpressurePost #90: Not that I have an issue with it but you do know that
this shot contains some nudity right? (and I am not talking about the partly see-through top)
Post #88: Another really nice group
shot of those three
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Do you have any plans to put out your version of OSR? So far it seems to be the most complete one out there
Soul_SlayerPost #81:
Exnemised Dreadweave? Woohoo!
Post #84: Who needs swords when you have that kind of
Post #94: Sooo, the one above wasn't exnemised?
Now you are just confusing me...
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Is the Dreadweave going to be included in the shop or a different release?
RadicusPost #85:
Holy....Okay now I am in serious envy of your editing skills. And you say you just got Photoshop? Wow....
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: More pictures like those please
ShadowjPost #86: Woohoo you have returned! (seems a lot of people have been recently) Very nice
looking character, I like the combination of the clothes.
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Bit of a strange question but um, are they male or female?

The face looks male but the body seems to be somewhere in-between
GinnyfizzPost #87(nudity): Isn't she going to get a bit
cold? That fort isn't exactly in southern Cyrodil
Post #92: She looks great

So great in fact I nearly stuck my finger into a nearby fan because all my attention was on the picture
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: How did you make that race? just add a tail to a Dremora?
PetrovichPost #89:
Nice one

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Poor Annoying fan
Greatfool1 Post #90: Another hilarious part in the series,
that shot is great
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: You just had to add that line about upper hair to make me wonder didn't you?
GrooPost #91: Nice to see another
picture from you, and it's of my favorite overly emo character to boot
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Where are the gloves he is wearing from?
Hector the hooded Post #92: Indeed, people do like

(I count right?

) I pity the poor undead who get that
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Why does
that not look like a normal bow? It looks a bit to fat...
Zombie216 Post #95:
Really nice

That is a cool tattoo she has.
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions(nudity): Just couldn't leave out the frontal
shot I see
Okay I have learned that asking for suggestions rarely gets me anything so I will go the other way, Does anyone have any idea they don't want to see in this post under any conditions? Perhaps making links randomly go to pictures of horror movie characters? Replace quote of the day with a new section dedicated to various forms of sodomy? (bet that got your attention

) Maybe even doing the entire post using "l33t speak"?
Edited by Karandras, 28 August 2007 - 07:14 PM.