that is why I don't post so early on a Saturday...you all finished page 1, started and finished page 2 and have now begun page 3...wow...And here I was saying there wasn't enough posts on weekends
I have decided to add a new little comment under a lot of peoples names today that doesn't relates to pictures so much as the person posting the pictures, please let me know what you think and sorry in advance if I can't think of a comment for you)
Okay then being a long post there will be , three useless facts of the day and three quotes of the day!
Useless fact of the day one: The only country in the world that has a Bill of Rights for Cows is India
Useless fact of the dat two: The world's youngest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in China in 1910 (The world's youngest mother was 5)
Useless fact of the day three: A donkey will sink in quicksand but a mule won't
(and no I did not make up any of those at all)
Quote of the day one: The glory of great men should always be measured by the means they have used to acquire it.
Quote of the day two: Oh, I don't blame Congress. If I had $600 billion at my disposal, I'd be irresponsible, too.
Quote of the day three: Why pay a dollar for a bookmark? Why not use the dollar for a bookmark?
And that finishes the intro, yay, now for the post...
Sinharvest(Nice to see you got an avatar)
Post #17: Welcome back
Very deadly game of
leapfrog you seem to be playing
Post #26: Lol giving
lessons to the bears now are you?
Post #34: That last picture does look better but I am not sure if that is the AA or just because it is a different picture
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Why do you use both Fraps and Gamecam? Why not just use Fraps for both?
Floydian1(you sure posted a lot today

Post #18: Personally I can't see any difference between your screens pre and post Bioshock but maybe that is just me.
Sia looks even more amazing than usual
Post #21: I am often amazed by the detail put into the eye textures by some people and
this shot shows just how amazing some of them can be.
Post #25: Nice general shots of
Sia *question below*
Post #31: Now that is a
evil/regal/neat bed
Post #33: No Balrogs this time to get in the way of your
Post #37: Doing a bit of
relaxing are we?
Post #41: Really
nice, reminds me of a shot
I did awhile ago, only you did it better
Post #49: Touched by
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: The questions from post #25: Are those some of the new outfits recently added to bab? (Another questions) That is that large purple line in
this shot? I noticed it isn't there in a later
pictureGinnyfizz(I hate it when oblivion doesn't work, glad to hear you got it working again)
Post #19: That relly is an amazing fact isn't it? No matter how large or small you are the armor always fits
perfectly (except for that armor that looks like it is falling off

Post #42:
murdering, and
shopping....sounds like the Dark brotherhood only worse...
Post #47: You seem to have a lot of half-something characters
Draka looks lovely
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Why do you shopping pictures look to have such lower graphics quality than the others? It is almost like you turned down the texture size from large to small (or does it go the other way? I can never remember)
Ryu Doppler(never take directions from a cat, it never works)
Post #20: Wow, that place looks a lot better now with it not being purple (not that there is anything wrong with purple, it could be the purple half of the land where Mentos come from, although Mentoes are kinda pink... ) and having water.
Post #27:
Ouch! that looks like it is about to get painful (more so than it already is)
Post #32: Okay I must know, what LOD mod is
that? (or .ini settings if it is that)
Post #44: Going out on a
limb with that one aren't you?
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: What is the glitch in
this picture? It looks fine to me...
HighpressurePost #22: Great
picture! that sort of shot makes a wonderful wallpaper ( I swear, I change my wallpaper every time I look in the thread)
Post #28: Wow nice
pose, why have I never seen that before?
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Are there two versions of the new pose mod? you seem to have a ton of poses I have never seen before
Greatfood1(I don't know how it is possible but you have found a way to show the the adoring fan as even more annoying then than I thought he was, bravo

Post #23(video): soooo,
that is what is going on in his head, it all makes sense now....
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Questions escape me at the moment
Soul_Slayer (Another day with no new outfits? You are Soul_Slayer right and not some relative of them right? Soul_Killer prehaps? Maybe even Soul_Executioner?)
Post #24: Nice
mixture of the outfits, they look really good together.
Post #48: Now
that is some cool lighting.
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Where is that
cave located?
Darziak(A four day break from pictures?! I demand 4 days worth of catch-up pictures! Wait a min, scratch that, that would make commenting on all them really hard)
Post #29: I personally like no-name best in
this shot, he looks like he is studying the water.
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: How do you keep so many companions in check? Mine are always flying off the handle
Shadow' Post #35:
Evil enough? Heak, he looks more even than Dagoth Ur, Mannimarco, and Lord Dagon put together
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions:
Great time to remember I forgot to make the chicken out of the stove... (you said to insert a captions

Zombie216Post #38: I agree, even if she doesn't use it that axe looks nice just
being there (although that might just be the character I am seeing

Post #43(mild nudity):
"why not?" indeed
Post #46: Wow,
that shot looks amazing, have a cookie:

(or two)
Kalia(no carefully places fans this time hu?

Post #40(Nudity): And so at long last we get pictures from you containing
nudity, it sure has been a long time coming (wow did that sound wrong) but I guess there was never any doubt it would arrive some time.

I am quite happy though you decided to use your new character and not Ophelia, somehow she has always seemed above that sort of thing in my mind.
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: How mant time am I going to have to say this, no suggestion of mine could ever improve your pictures, carry on!
PetrovichPost #45: Now she is
cheating on the oger?! For shame...
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: чудесное изображение (sorry if that got messed up)
Rogue sun(Just barely sneaking into the post aren't you?

Post #50: As usual,
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: What armor is she wearing? (I cant remember if I asked this before, sorry if I did)
And to end this up a quick (or not quick, not sure yet) mention/comment/sort of question for everyone.
I was reading through an old picture thread the other day and I noticed that a lot of people (Grimbot, Kaelis Ebonrai, Kimory, DIE 75, tavishhill2003, lemonio, DS Divine, Luchaire, The Raven Crown, trollf, Rumpleteasza, SeV, Yorkmaster, fyrefae, ShadowJ, the list goes on) who used to post quite a bit no longer post at all. I was just sort of wondering what happened to them all. I know some of them might have stopped playing oblivion but several of them I have seen lurking around here recently.
So to all of those who haven't posted pictures pictures here recently (or have never posted a pictures before) Please post! The more people who post the more interesting this place becomes