First off, Welcome back Treetop Smoker, sorry to hear about your computer
Next off, a smile emote

just to brighten the post a little.
Okay, quick apology for yesterdays lack of comments (except for Sinharvest). Okay quick apology done, moving on...
Useless fact of the day: "Scapulamancy" was a method of fortune telling involving the study of cracked shoulder bones.
Quote of the day: Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens.
Word of the day: solecism \SOL-uh-siz-uhm\, noun:
1. A nonstandard usage or grammatical construction; also, a minor blunder in speech.
2. A breach of good manners or etiquette.
3. Any inconsistency, mistake, or impropriety.
Random Wikipedia page of the day:
Andre GregoryHighpressurePost #152: Don't ask me why but somehow
this shot reminds me of the scene from the Twin Towers with Gollum fishing...
Post #156: Great shots, I love the smoke/fog in
this picture.
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Did you make
that version of the rogue armor?
VanQaPost #153: Wonderful shot of
Post #172: I know what you mean, sometimes it just hits me how great Oblivion
looks, mostly when I am looking in this thread
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Was their any editing done to
this shot? It somehow looks, different.
Petrovich Post #154(nudity): Ouch,
that has got to hurt
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions(nudity): Is she
enjoying this or
sorry about it?
fyrefaePost #155(nudity): Who would ever think I would be happy to see a repost
She looks wonderful
Post #155 part 2(nudity): Great
shot it almost looks like their hands are linked together.
Post #155 Part 3: Wait, so armor is used to
protect, not just look good? weird...
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Glad to see you found somewhere to host them, in my opinion they were worth the wait
Yorkmaster Post #157: Welcome back

Your new Bosmer looks
What is her name?
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: What hood is she wearing in
this shot? (Please don't say it is something from default oblivion, that would make 2 time in 2 days

ChimeraPost #158: I see you have converted to bab now
That outfit looks great on her
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Well lets see, I can't really think of anything to suggest or questions to ask and since you didn't ask any questions I guess I am just filling space with this overly long explanation that in simple terms says I don't have anything to say
Soul_SlayerPost #159: Really nice shot of
Anvil, I like how you got her to lean on the railing
Post #162:
Snow? Near the imperial city? that is a new one
Post #171: Somehow in spite of how simple it is,
that shot is amazing
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Is that
balcony normally there is it a mod?
GrooPost #160: Okay, now
that guy is downright scary
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: You sure that is oblivion and not some horror movie that looks like oblivion?
Floydian1Post #161: More amazing shots from Lost Spires, I really like
this one
Post #164: The joys of misposts
Post #168: Battle of the
Post #175: You know, in
that shot your sword almost looks like a whip
Post #177: Those
swords are amazing, not to mention Sia
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Why is
this shot so blurred? Somehow it seems out of place for you to have a shot like that
KaliaPost #163:
Ooooh sparkly
Post #174:
Lovely as always
Post #178: You know I think this is the only time I can ever remember 3 posts from you all within around 24 hours

I can't tell though, is that
thing looking back at you?
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Drat used up my questions above, not again...
Ginnyfizz Post #165: See does look wonderful although a bit top-heavy in
this shot
Post #176: I knew it! the
destruction of the dog race is at hand!
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Not of these days I am going to figure out a nice general question that I can put in when my mind goes blank *sigh*
JazzJRPost #166: "A few shots"?

Anyway it's nice to see the cat again, he looks a
happy as well
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: What weapon is that
guard using?
RadicusPost #167: She looks great, I love the new
Post #167 Part 2:
That was hilarious
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: How were you able to move
that? I thought it was stuck to the ground.
SinHarvestPost #169: Wait a minute...I already commented on this...good try at tricking me into reposting comments
Lady Blue(love your new avatar)
Post #170: In her case? Yes, you can be
Very cute in Bonemold
Post #170 Part 2: Hmm lets
see...number 7 makes her kinda look like a guy (

)...number 8 makes her look kinda old (no offence to old people

)... my favorite would have to be number 3 or 4.
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Quick question about
this shot, what sword is she using?
ChigletPost #173: Yea, the beach would be a better place to have
that not a snow covered mountain
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: It seems your 13th (ironic hu?) picture is having some link problems, when I click on it to shows me an page not found error.
Another quick idea I had (Seriously, don't ask where I get all these) in order to get more comments floating around (who doesn't like comments?) on page ten of the picture thread whenever you post a picture (or pictures) on that page try to include a comment for the post above you.
To whoever posts the first, take a guess who will post next, you never know, you might the ability to see the future (if I see you have edited your post past when the next person posts you wont get a cookie)
Anyway it would only take a few seconds and I think it would be a nice little addition

(oh one extra thing for you Floydian, no hacking the forum to make your posts always be right under Kalia's
