Oh man....no words to describe. 
My eyes! My wondrous eyes! 
GF1 You are still crazy, and hilarious!
I'm still laughing at this!
Thank you, guys, I am glad you all enjoy fine art so much!
Unlike our good friend,
MR (Mighty River) Karandras - who apparently wants a huge warning even when such tasteful material as mine is presented:

Post #185(WARNING: Very disturbing image): Well that shot is...different
Suggestion/questions/answers to questions: Put some warning labels on that sort of picture next time! I know it doesn't contain nudity but still... 
I apologize deeply for disturbing your fine sensibilities,
MR K, but this was supposed to be a private shot of his pubics, not a public shot of his privates. Those damn paparazzis!

Post #160: LOL
further reason to hate that pointy haired elf
I really like this shot 
Thank you for this! That shot of the girls could also be their reaction to what AF did to restore his hair, though they don't know about that... yet!
greatfool1 - really, sometimes even the guy has to shave. 

Well in the case of AF, it is best that he did not shave there - as his hair is now fully transferred! But I am not sure what the girls think of his new hair, as they have not seen it, nor have they run their fingers through it... not yet, at least.
In terms of guys shaving, it reminds me of the time I asked my female hairdresser for a trim down there, but the look she gave me, and the way she intensely snipped her scissors several times, made me quickly withdraw the request. Another part of me also withdrew, but I should stop now. In fact, I should have stopped awhile ago...
I love your shots, Kalia, and I found this one very very hot, however it caused me a great number of impure thoughts!

I think there should be a warning for that possibility!

Oh, nevermind, that warning would be required for pretty much every shot of a girl on this awesome thread!

P.S. For the sake of those amongst us who do not speak English as their primary language - first I want to say, that I am totally in awe of anyone who can speak more than one language!
Leomorg, Petrovich, Hector, and others...

My wife is also bi-lingual. (I love it when she talks dirty in Spanish - but that is probably enough of that.) Anyway, just so you know, often what I post is a joke and I will try to use the

emoticon more often when I am joking - because I know that jokes in a language that is not your first language, can be very difficult to get. My wife doesn't get most of my jokes, but that may be because they are not funny, but could also be English is not her first language.
I love the fact that so many people from all around the world post - it is always cool to run a geographical charting of my image hits on my website. So many people from different continents

- even different worlds in the case of some of us!
Hey, I think it would be cool to know what are people's primary language if it is not English. Let us know, if you want to!P.P.S.
leomorg, I know you are from Brazil, and I also think SeV is too. That part of his post was not a joke a while ago. At least, I don't think it was.
SeV, did you ever find out where Rumpleteeza has gone these days? And when will we see your posts again?
OK, back to looking at all these great screenies!
Edited by greatfool1, 25 August 2007 - 12:29 PM.