1. @Karandras' question- Nah, only the emerald one was set at a fixed location you can move the amethyst one around with the grab key, I noticed it wasn't stuck when I bumped up against it and it fell over, thing acts like one of those old child's punching bag things that always comes back up when you hit it. Only thing is you can't put it in your inventory because its "too heavy" (totally BS though Bo' can SO carry that thing, it is NOT too heavy for her!).
2. I apologize if these comments were over intrusive or somehow offensive. (Sorry just covering all my bases here)
1. lol nice, I guess I need to bump into more stuff

2. You know I need to add a line like that to the bottom of my posts....

Edited by Karandras, 03 September 2007 - 05:41 AM.