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Oblivion Sound Sets

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#61 ChaironDeCeleste


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Posted 15 July 2008 - 01:53 AM

Any chance please to convert the Bloodrayne Morrowind voiceset (pc and npc)?

It is a mod for ES III pc voice complete:


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#62 brucevayne

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Posted 20 July 2008 - 05:52 PM

Any chance please to convert the Bloodrayne Morrowind voiceset (pc and npc)?

It is a mod for ES III pc voice complete:



Hmm, I'll definitely take a look at it.

Meantime, I've released a new version of Kyndrulhu set, new version changes:
- further improvement of enviornmental comments script;
- improved functionality of enemy detection script;
- the day/night comments will now be used only with proper weather;
- PC will no more use the 'standing idly' comment when player's controls are disabled;
Along with this version Kyndrulhu set has been enhanced with:
- 11 new battlecries, Kyndrulhu will use them according on his enemy's race;
- 4 new enviornmental comments;
- 2 new hit sounds;
- a spell to turn on/off additional music samples; look in the readme for more details;

Along with version 2.7 a spell to turn on/off additional music samples has been added. Situations that trigger those sounds are:
- discovering a new oblivion gate;
- entering silillum sanguis;
- equiping weapon/armour summoned by a runestone;
- engaging combat with five or more enemies;
By default those sounds are short metal samples. Except enhancing the gameplay, this new feature is aimed to give the player possibility to adjust this part of mod by himself.

Those sounds are easily to be replaced with any other .wav sound files with proper format: 352 kb/s, 16 bit, mono, 22 kHz *OR* 705 kb/s, 16 bit, mono, 44 kHz. The sounds are to be found in 'Data\Sound\fx\PCSoundSet\Kyndrulhu\Additional Samples' folder.

will await for your opinions,


Edited by brucevayne, 21 July 2008 - 01:35 AM.

#63 sinblood

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Posted 21 July 2008 - 09:57 AM

Another one with larger amount of samples. I use some of them (combined with some from Chairon's link) for my vamp replacing brekke's voice files as I don't really understand how you make your mods...but most have a to much modern language :D but there should be enough samples that match a game like Oblivion :)

Thanks for all those great voice mods. It make the game really more enjoyable :)

Edit: Maybe it can be of some use for some other sets http://www.fileplane...ion/Sound_Packs

Edited by sinblood, 21 July 2008 - 09:58 AM.

#64 brucevayne

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Posted 21 July 2008 - 03:26 PM

Hey, thanks for the links!

IMPORTANT NOTE: I have re-uploaded the new version of Kyndrulhu set, as previously it contained a bug that could couse some of new features not to work properly. Currently available file is free of this bug. If you have already downloaded new version of Kyndrulhu sound set then please, do this again.


#65 brucevayne

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Posted 24 July 2008 - 05:11 PM

All Kyndrulhu fans should be happy with the new version.
I'd like to know, if you like the new 'additional sounds' stuff, because I'm censidering implementung it into other sets as well. Of course the sounds should be different(or even silent - just to give you possibility to replace them with your own selection).
So, what do you think of it?

Here is a description of the 'additional sounds' feature for all who haven't tried new Kyndrulhu set:

Along with version 2.7 a spell to turn on/off additional music samples has been added. Situations that trigger those sounds are:
- discovering a new oblivion gate;
- entering Silillum Sanguis;
- equiping weapon/armour summoned by a runestone;
- engaging combat with five or more enemies (x2);
By default those sounds are short metal samples. Except enhancing the gameplay, this new feature is aimed to give the player possibility to adjust this part of mod by himself.

Those sounds are easily to be replaced with any other .wav sound files with proper format: 352 kb/s, 16 bit, mono, 22 kHz *OR* 705 kb/s, 16 bit, mono, 44 kHz. The sounds are to be found in 'Data/Sound/fx/PCSoundSet/Kyndrulhu/Additional Samples' folder.


Edited by brucevayne, 24 July 2008 - 05:11 PM.

#66 -Wallet-

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Posted 26 July 2008 - 11:34 AM

Hi Im using Human race along with your mod (Imoen) and Im only hearing a few of the sounds. First of all, my pc doesn't make any sounds when shes hit, I looked in sounds folder and theres like 2 of them, and 1 dying "oof" sound (which works). one other thing, Human's default voice (same as the ainmhi voice from BP mod) is no longer used after the 2.6 update. I tried creating HUman folders and moving files and all that but it still didn't work. messed around with Load Order and nothing.

Plz help =(

#67 brucevayne

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Posted 26 July 2008 - 04:44 PM

Hi Im using Human race along with your mod (Imoen) and Im only hearing a few of the sounds. First of all, my pc doesn't make any sounds when shes hit, I looked in sounds folder and theres like 2 of them, and 1 dying "oof" sound (which works). one other thing, Human's default voice (same as the ainmhi voice from BP mod) is no longer used after the 2.6 update. I tried creating HUman folders and moving files and all that but it still didn't work. messed around with Load Order and nothing.

Plz help =(

Strange. Human race is using a Redguard voice for female characters. I've just tried Imoen as a Human female and it works. Either you don't have any sound files in Data\Sound\Voice\PCSoundImoen.esp\Redguard\F or you have some other mod that alters race's voices(like Corean mod). As for the powerattack sounds - I've turned them off, but you can easily turn them on by using provided PCSoundPowerattackControl spell. This way you should enable powerattack sounds provided by Human race mod. As for the hit sounds - there are three of them, not two... ;)


Edited by brucevayne, 26 July 2008 - 04:53 PM.

#68 brucevayne

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Posted 02 August 2008 - 06:27 PM

I've just uploaded a new soundset: Kensai.

Happy playing!

#69 Miriamel

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Posted 24 August 2008 - 03:12 AM

This mod series is absolutely brilliant! :new_thumbs:

The games I played, always featured PC sounds (Baldur's Gate Series, Planescape Torment, Thief, Nevewinter Nights II and of course Morrowind with PC Voice Complete). When playing Oblivion without PC sounds I am constantly reminded, that there is something missing. Thank you for filling this gaping hole! :)

Do you plan to add the Sorschana soundset from Vox Populi someday? She would be absolutely perfect for female ranger characters and good aligned (yet not overly righteous) characters in general. (I know there's Jaheira already, but while amusing me greatly and bringing back many fond memories, her voice is so unique and characteristic, that I never manage to forget about Jaheira when playing my own character in Oblivion. ^_^ )

Thanks again for all your efforts to give our characters a voice and something to say! :)

I just realized, I've been a member of this forum for so long (joined 4,5 years ago, because of the Baldur's Gate II Valygar Romance mod), but this is my very first posting! :blink:

Edited by Miriamel, 24 August 2008 - 03:14 AM.

#70 brucevayne

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Posted 25 September 2008 - 10:50 AM

Sorry for my absence here, it is related with my health problems. I spent one week in a hospital, unfortunatelly the doctors did not found a reason why the symptoms(paroxymal vertigo + numbness of left arm) occur, they just said that they are propably because I was overworking myself.
In a few days I will have a MRI, since while I was in a hospital it was inpossible to perform it...(it's a long story, don't ask). After this hopefully I will know more about what is going on with me.
For some time I will have a break with modding(hopefylly not for long).


Edited by brucevayne, 26 September 2008 - 10:20 AM.

#71 fi32

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Posted 29 September 2008 - 06:23 AM

Hi! A quick question. Is it possible to use ainmhi voice from BP 2.7 mod with Corean mod?   :blink:

#72 -Guest-lurker-

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Posted 04 October 2008 - 12:34 AM

Hope you're getting better bud.

Wondering if you'd consider making a esp that combines all of the voice choices and have a menu at the character gen to choose which to use. It would be useful to have a sample play on selection [so you can test each out].

Anywhere you can get all the sound sets at once. [I've got them already, just thought it would save time]

#73 -Tom Supergan-

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Posted 21 October 2008 - 07:29 PM

I just watched the James Bond movie "Live and Let Die." Jane Seymoor sounds suspiciously like Mazzy. Are they one in the same actress?

#74 Miriamel

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Posted 25 October 2008 - 11:27 PM

I'm very sorry to hear about your health problems, brucevayne. I hope everything will be (or is already) ok.

#75 -Guest-

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Posted 20 November 2008 - 02:28 PM

i was wondering if u could make a mod which replaces the deafult battle theme wiht Chrono Cross's " Scars of Time" music? :)

#76 -BuddhaKhan-

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Posted 19 February 2009 - 07:15 AM


I don't know if there still is any activity in this forum, but I just write here anyway...

first of all, and definetly far too late the translation of Robin's post, for the sake of order(I'm german, this is not going to be perfect, but i hope the quintessence will be understandable):

" I can't speak english, therefor I write in german, maybe someone is able to translate it.

The sounds are really great (note: matches my opinion),

however, maybe it would be better not to steer the activation of the 'combat-comments' via the precence of enemies,
but by performing a blow or attack instead.

Why: If the enemy is near and I'm sneaking around to pass him or something like that, my character permanently keeps talking these 'combat-comments', that doesn't fit in, particularly when doing long 'sneaking-passages'

it would be nice if this could be changed in one of the next updates and that someone will be found who is going to translate this.

Thank you"

Now to my personal concern:

Is there any way to convert this mod to german? I would do it by myself but im a noob to the construction-set and modding-stuff. I cant find this sounds in my german BG's directory, even worst at that point: even if I could find them, I wouldn't know how to convert them...shame on me!
Maybe someone can help me to understand if or how that works?


#77 brucevayne

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Posted 20 February 2009 - 02:35 PM

Thanks for the translation BuddhaKhan.

As for your question: the only problem might be getting the german sound files. If you have a german version of BG, you might unpack them from the game... I don't know how to do such thing, but you might want to ask on this forum, since there are many BG modders in here, they shoud be able to do such thing. Next thing would be converting them into proper format, which is no problem, and the last thing would be translating some of the text spoken by PC to german and putting the text into mod in CS.  Oh, I almost forgot: new lip files should be generated in german. If you'll be able to get the sound files we might think about other things.


#78 BuddhaKhan

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Posted 20 February 2009 - 05:53 PM

Ahhh, nice to see there is still life around here!

fortunately my brave fight with the dictonary on thursday wasn't in vain :)
besides my speechcraft leveled a lot that way ;)

to make things short: thanks for the fast reply!

I found and downloaded the voice-packages of jaheira, branwen, imoen, shaartel, dynaheir, skie and safana<--- i wasn't able to find their soundsets in my BG directory ---> 18-23 files per soundset
I only found the soundsets available for the player character at BG\Sounds in my game directory -----> only 13 files per soundset

by now I only got your 'innocent' and the very nice 'callisto' soundsets for testing, I soon realized I need this mod in german, so I didn't test more of them. If I'm correct callisto comes with 15, and the innocent with 16 sound files. (Where is that callisto-soundset from by the way? its realy nice, fits my char very good)

As you said, the primary goal is to get the appropriate sound-files. Only with them in my greedy claws, talking about anything else will be sensefull. Maybe you can tell me where exactly you got your files from, and how they are labled, and I will try to get them in german...ahhh my english indeed has seen better days, and its difficcult for me to write about komplex matters*sigh*

I am far away to think about such things like lips-synchronisation, but if we could manage that someday, an old man would be really happy
I have really no experience with the CS at all, but I have the strange feeling ,that I will know even more about the CS than I ever wanted to soon... :)

Again thanks for your reply and have a nice day/night or whatever-daytime-it-is when you read this


Edited by BuddhaKhan, 20 February 2009 - 05:53 PM.

#79 brucevayne

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Posted 21 February 2009 - 02:32 AM

You might also consider getting the sound files from BG2. As for Callisto, this set was recorded by Sorschana, anamateur voiceactor(though her recordings sound like made by a pro, truly amazing work), therefore I suspect it might be hard to get this set in german. There are 11 cusom custom made soundset, and I'm afraid that getting those in german might be impossible. As for where I have the sounds from, you might try: http://www.planetbaldursgate.com/
If you'll manage to get the files, we might start to work on other matters.


#80 BuddhaKhan

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Posted 21 February 2009 - 07:57 AM

At the moment I am combing through the I-net, searching sound-files, very hard to find they are... so a new idea has already began to grow in my mind. I wil have to create my own files.

But therefor I need a record-program, one which puts the files in the right format...do you know a good share-ware-program by any chance? That would simplify my search, as I have no experience in this whole matter...I do my best to learn fast, but it cost a lot of time...

2 hours later...

for now I managed to exchange the soundfiles of the callistopack with german ones, my files are not entirely of the same voice set and I only tried to find matching meanings of the comments.

Now I am going to test what happens ingame, I didn't play for a long time with your mod, so I have to find out how the different soundfiles are triggered in order to find better soundfiles in german.
I did all this with the program Audacity, it seems to work fine so far...

a friend of mine has happyly agreed to lend me her voice for own record efforts.

I never thought that this soud-set-stuff would inspire me so much, but I really take delight in this.

I will work on the soundfiles and then turn towards the text and the CS...you will most likely hear from me, and more than likley I will have more questions at hand. :)

So long


Edited by BuddhaKhan, 21 February 2009 - 08:00 AM.