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#121 Shadow'


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Posted 19 August 2007 - 02:10 PM

You guys make this forum so much fun. :cheers:

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kalia I'm stunned. She's beautiful. :cheers:
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(Sig by Sinharvest)

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#122 Ryu Doppler

Ryu Doppler

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Posted 19 August 2007 - 02:18 PM

*takes a break from inhumane torture and notices Ryu and leomorg, looking at them with one glowing red eye*

(Demonic voice): "I have plenty of time. You two care to join him?" :devil:

IG Ryu: Sorry, but no torture for me today. I need my body to keep my duces in. Besides...I'm just here for the Skooma.

*IG Ryu loots a doctors nearby corpse and finds 3 Skooma* :lol:
A moderate amount of evil is nature to all.
If one is to control their nature, then they
must accept both the light and the dark.

Doppler's Armory - I'll do something...eventually...

#123 Hector the Hooded

Hector the Hooded

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Posted 19 August 2007 - 02:32 PM

*Hector gets up*

*Star Wars Music plays*

ARGGHHH! *rips off straigh jacket*

Hector kill!

*grabs corpse of a dead doctor and beats the attackers upon the head*

#124 Victoria


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Posted 19 August 2007 - 02:42 PM

Beautiful pics as always kalia my love :wub: Brin has taken a leaf out of your book, got himself all tarted up in some skimpy outfit he just happened to find lying about and went down to the beach for some serious posing ;)
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Click For My Screenshot Gallery
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Thanks to Gizmodian for the wonderful sig!

#125 leomorg


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Posted 19 August 2007 - 02:46 PM

*leomorg craping his pants and blaming the stupid skooma*

Uh Oh....
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Caine's Outfit - because evil assassins need evil looking gear!

Caine's album - contains tons of shots of... a evil assassin wearing evil looking gear!

#126 Ryu Doppler

Ryu Doppler

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Posted 19 August 2007 - 02:47 PM

*Hector gets up*

*Star Wars Music plays*

ARGGHHH! *rips off straigh jacket*

Hector kill!

*grabs corpse of a dead doctor and beats the attackers upon the head*

*IG Ryu still sipping Skooma in the corner...*

IG Ryu: Damn! Someone just got Lork-pwnz! :lol:
A moderate amount of evil is nature to all.
If one is to control their nature, then they
must accept both the light and the dark.

Doppler's Armory - I'll do something...eventually...

#127 Shadow'


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Posted 19 August 2007 - 03:13 PM

*Hector gets up*

*Star Wars Music plays*

ARGGHHH! *rips off straigh jacket*

Hector kill!

*grabs corpse of a dead doctor and beats the attackers upon the head*

*slowly dissappears into the shadows, enjoying the chaos*
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#128 Ryu Doppler

Ryu Doppler

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Posted 19 August 2007 - 03:33 PM

*IG Ryu Imagines an entire thread series dedicated to the purpose of IG Character persona crazyness, with pictures thrown in for good measure*

IRL Ryu: Isn't that already the pictures and comments threads?

IG Ryu: Well...not specifically. I'm talking about a completely on-topic thread about IG Character...uh...off-topic-ness? Not just posting pictures but getting involving in crazy circumstances and such. Like how Hector is pissed at his doctor and how I'm now covered in blood and 10 skooma bottles richer, or that whole Layla romance, and the Blow up dolls thing.

Also, great Screens Kalia and Floydian1! :coolthumb:
A moderate amount of evil is nature to all.
If one is to control their nature, then they
must accept both the light and the dark.

Doppler's Armory - I'll do something...eventually...

#129 Ginnyfizz

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Posted 19 August 2007 - 04:00 PM

Weee to craziness!!!!!!!!!! Me nuts too!!!!!!!!!!! :whistling:

Great pics everyone, and some wonderful characters there!

#130 highpressure

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Posted 19 August 2007 - 04:04 PM

Darkness Illusion is out. The heavy one! Skelton K just uploaded.

#131 Karandras

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Posted 19 August 2007 - 04:04 PM

Woohoo! The Darkness Illusion armor (both the light version and 2 heavy armor versions) are up on Tessource!


Edit: Darn it all Highpressure! We both posted in the same minute!

Edited by Karandras, 19 August 2007 - 04:20 PM.

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Thank you Sinharvest for the signature

#132 highpressure

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Posted 19 August 2007 - 05:45 PM

Love this shot Floydian!
Awesome image Karandras!
Another awesome image. Looks so mystical Rogue Sun.
Great looking character and screen Ginnyfizz!
The imagery in all these shots is fantastic Kalia. Makes you wish you were there!
For quick work she turned out quite beautiful Blue!
Is this the game? Man that looks so real Ryu!

Edited by highpressure, 19 August 2007 - 05:52 PM.

#133 highpressure

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Posted 19 August 2007 - 05:50 PM

deleted oops!

Edited by highpressure, 19 August 2007 - 05:52 PM.

#134 Ryu Doppler

Ryu Doppler

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Posted 19 August 2007 - 05:57 PM

Is this the game? Man that looks so real Ryu!

Yep...although it took me forever to get the LOD to work, and it only is extreme pre-alpha (ver. 0.0001)

Random insert but in case any people wonder where I got a certain quote from a page or two back, or just want to see a fun little video...Check out this craptastic 10 worst Mario games review at Screwattack...

The quote in question?

All educational games suck...except for the Oregon Trail...

Edited by Ryu Doppler, 19 August 2007 - 06:27 PM.

A moderate amount of evil is nature to all.
If one is to control their nature, then they
must accept both the light and the dark.

Doppler's Armory - I'll do something...eventually...

#135 Shadow'


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Posted 19 August 2007 - 06:06 PM

Darkness Illusion is out. The heavy one! Skelton K just uploaded.

Awesome. :cheers:

This character of mine was an accident to be honest :ROFL:
I wanted to quickly make a character to test oblivion on my new laptop, but i didnt want to spend a lot of time moving sliders around lol
So, i just moved some random sliders, added some new hair i downloaded and i was off! I didnt realize how nice she looked until i reached Skingrad, which is shown below.
She was made in about 2 to 3 mins really, pretty funny

Posted Image

Seriously though, that has to be luck. Wish my luck was like that. :lol:

Edited by Shadow', 19 August 2007 - 06:44 PM.

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(Sig by Sinharvest)

The official Oblivion Screenshot Ninja Posted Image Posted Image

#136 Chimera

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Posted 19 August 2007 - 06:45 PM

Lady Blue; Your 3 min character looks fantastic.

#137 Lady Blue

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Posted 19 August 2007 - 07:02 PM

no really I swear it was at most 3 mins long :ROFL:
I guess it WAS luck ^_^

#138 Karandras

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Posted 19 August 2007 - 07:23 PM

I am sure you will all notice but I took out the suggestions/questions/answers to questions section because after several days it was proving to be cumbersome and of little use, if people want I can add it back in but I don't have any plans to do it again currently.

Quote of the day:

The greatest of faults, I should say, is to be conscious of none.


Post #66: Very nicely done

Post #73: Great fight shot, that armor looks great on them.

Post #83: Might wanna check behind you Xerxes :)

Post #88: I agree, the fight for that armor was really fun :)


Post #67: Now I have to visit that island, it looks wonderful...maybe thats just Gwen though :)


Post #68: Woohoo she is back!

Post #78: "Pouting and being cute" indeed :)

Post #84: Well aside from the horns she looks wonderful :) The horns look almost big enough to tip her over :)

Post #85: That armor is great, same goes for the character as well :)

Lady Blue

Post #69: Welcome to the forum :) All three of those girls are resplendent :) My favorite is Erika ;)

Post #89
: (neat you have both post 69 and 89) Anyway, Wow, I could spend a half hour making a character and she wouldn't be as good looking as you got her in 2-3 minutes :)

Hector the Hooded

Post #70: Well, for committing suicide you sure picked a place with nice walls...and bricks...No no, must not go in that direction again...


Post #71: two new armors in a single post?! wow...just...wow...

Post #75
: Those eyes are awesome, did you make them yourself?


Post #72: Thats a unique place for a picnic :)

Post #76: and just how did the Balrog feel about this? :)

Post #82
: Awesome, that is all.

Post #90: LOL Sia looks downright embarrassed with him dressed like that :)

Ryu Doppler

Post #74: Even if it's purple it still looks great

Post #79
: wow that looks great.


Post #77: "Ain't you a cutey?" I can agree to that :)


Post #80: Deadly and beautiful, is that blood coating the walls? :blink:

Post #81: She looks almost exactly as I imagine Penelope looked when she was waiting for Odysseus :hug:

Rogue Sun

Post #86: Breathtaking sky, I love how she is posed as well :)


Post #91
: Good idea giving the picture a date, I get a feeling her face will be changing a lot until you find something you are happy with :)


Post #92: :whistling: *points at the shoulder of the character in my newest picture :whistling: :) I really like the look of that armor, it was well worth the wait.

Alright thats all for today, my apologies if I messed up anything in this post, I was watching the movie Kennedy for the first half of this post :)

Edited by Karandras, 19 August 2007 - 07:24 PM.

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Thank you Sinharvest for the signature

#139 kalia

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Posted 19 August 2007 - 07:51 PM

K, first that word I had to look up & now Penelope waiting for Odysseus? Dude, way too highbrow for these parts! :P (Just kidding - I love these parts, and I even got the Odysseus thing without having to google or anything.)

That *is* blood - it's the arena bloodworks. Nice blood, bad lighting. (And I didn't feel like adding lighting.) Many of the shots I took turned out just way too dark, and I really wanted the blood more noticeable. But let's face it, I prefer the beach shots. :P

Oh, and whatever makes the job easier, Karandras - the comments/suggestions/things, while when you had a comment/suggestion/question was always insightful/useful/interesting, isn't nearly as important as having you on the forums! Don't wear yourself out!

Oh, and I totally agree - 3 minute character? I want Lady Blue with me if I ever go to Vegas again. :P

#140 Soul_Slayer

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Posted 19 August 2007 - 08:35 PM

Post #71: two new armors in a single post?! wow...just...wow...

Thanks, jury's still out on the Red/Black one though.

Post #75
: Those eyes are awesome, did you make them yourself?

Thanks, kinda, I made them up from a pic I found on the net, been a Naruto marathon on Cartoon Network. :cheers: