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Comments about PoOC thread #16

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#221 Karandras

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Posted 22 August 2007 - 07:35 PM

hmmm im all out of ideas...does anyone have any good ideas for screenies or characters for me?

Here is an idea I use sometimes, go to Tessource's index page, select a page at random and then find a mod on that page that looks interesting, then just take some pictures of it :) (this is also a great way to find mods you may never have heard of before)

Now today I am having another little change to the post, not only will there be a quote of the day but there will be a fact of the day :) Ejnoy

Fact of the day:

The U.S. Postal Service handles 668 million pieces of mail every day. This is more mail than FedEx delivers in a whole year.

Quote of the day

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.


Post #139: Great posing in this shot though I agree it is a bit dark.

Post #153: Your welcome :) This one looks really great, the zombie is so dead (again)

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: A good way I have found to shed a bit more light on pictures such as this one is to use the Drop lit torches mod and throw a few torches down in the area (don't worry, you won't burn the shop down) :)


Post #140: Your welcome :) Those clothes look great on her . :)

Post #140 part 2
: Never a moments rest for the guards hu? :lol:

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: What animation are you using to do that?

Lady Blue

Post #141: Nice armor (questions below)

Post #141: who is cutest? Now that is a loaded question if I ever heard one...I am going to have to go with they both look very cute :)

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: What is that black armor and where did you find it?

Rogue Sun

Post #142: Yet another awesome site I have never heard of :) From the look of it you have good taste when it comes to who your character looks like :) (Turns out my dad looks sorta like Kim Jong-il, the leader of North Korea :unsure: )

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions
: Can't think of any sorry :(


Post #143: I tried to edit those claws to work with BAB hands but my inability to edit meshes once again proved my downfall :( oh well

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Have ou asked over at CI? They seem to have a lot of people who use BAB there.


Post #144: I really like that outfit on her. It looks great.

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Strangely enough when I ran her face through the site Rogue sun found and Amanda tapping wasn't even on the the page of results. instead you got mostly Japanese people including two singers who I really like :) (Boa and Hikaru Utada)


Post #145: wow she really does look like a Draenei, awesome job.

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: I would say try making their face more slender and a bit more blue than pink. Also the eyes I think would look better if they were glowing blue. As for Clothes and items you picked categories I have no have no clue about so i am afraid I am no use there.


Post #146: All very nice characters, I really liked kitty and Xabaras

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Can't wait for the rest of them :)


Post #147(nudity): Wow that is amazing, great editing

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: I see you have already gotten a name for the picture :)


Post #148: Well that is an "interesting" pose :)

Post #154: Really nice combination of armor and great lighting in that shot

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Where did you get that pose? (not that I would ever want to use such a thing :whistling: )


Post #149: Very nice.

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Hmm what is he looking at?


Post #150: A Nerevarine joining the Dark Brotherhood?! The temple will hear of this...*runs off muttering*

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: *still muttering*


Post #151: You really need to stop down-rating yourself, those shots are awesome.

Post #152: Really nice tattoo :new_thumbs:

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: How did you make your new tattoo look like it has have depth?

Another day another...wait a min, what exactly am I getting from this? Life is to short to spend in front of the computer! I should go out into the real world and experiment with new things!

Never mind, my foot fell asleep before I could stand up. I am going to stay here for awhile *twiddles thumbs*

Edited by Karandras, 23 August 2007 - 04:48 AM.

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#222 Lady Blue

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Posted 22 August 2007 - 07:41 PM

Lady Blue

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: What is that black armor and where did you find it?

Made it myself :)
The helmet mesh was made by Phitt though

#223 Karandras

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Posted 22 August 2007 - 07:46 PM

Lady Blue

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: What is that black armor and where did you find it?

Made it myself :)
The helmet mesh was made by Phitt though

Ah nice :) It came out very well :)
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#224 Groo


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Posted 22 August 2007 - 07:50 PM

Karandras cool, ill try it, any character ideas for me though?

#225 Soul_Slayer

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Posted 22 August 2007 - 07:51 PM

The title for this painting, I do not impose. Can you have any suggestions? (warning nudity)

"When I think about me, I touch myself". :ROFL:

#226 Karandras

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Posted 22 August 2007 - 07:54 PM

Karandras cool, ill try it, any character ideas for me though?

Try this character generator. Some of the results could be quite interesting if you put them into oblivion :)

Edited by Karandras, 22 August 2007 - 07:55 PM.

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Thank you Sinharvest for the signature

#227 Flucidity


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Posted 22 August 2007 - 08:11 PM

Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way
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Wow, that is very hot! So is her face, but that is a given, as you create real beauties, Flucidity! Are those shorts available?
gf1: Ouch! I just hurt myself! :Tasty:

Thank you Thank You :whistling: :cheers:
I can send em to you :D


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A glance from her, the whole city falls; a second glance leaves the whole nation in ruins.
There exists no city or nation, that has been more cherished
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#228 greatfool1

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Posted 22 August 2007 - 10:14 PM

Thank you Thank You :whistling: :cheers:
I can send em to you :D

THAT would be very much appreciated! Will they work with Exnem? (greatfool1@gmail.com)

Your latest screenies are also fantastic, btw! Great work! Those outfits rock too!

#229 Flucidity


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Posted 22 August 2007 - 10:20 PM

Thank you Thank You :whistling: :cheers:
I can send em to you :D

THAT would be very much appreciated! Will they work with Exnem? (greatfool1@gmail.com)

Your latest screenies are also fantastic, btw! Great work! Those outfits rock too!

Yes they're for exnem, I'll send you a few versions


A rare beauty in the north, she's the finest lady on earth.
A glance from her, the whole city falls; a second glance leaves the whole nation in ruins.
There exists no city or nation, that has been more cherished
Than a beauty like this.
-Han Dynasty poet Li Yannian

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#230 Darziak



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Posted 23 August 2007 - 03:33 AM


Post #149: Very nice.

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Hmm what is he looking at?

Um that's not mine... ^_^

#231 Karandras

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Posted 23 August 2007 - 04:47 AM


Post #149: Very nice.

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Hmm what is he looking at?

Um that's not mine... ^_^

Whoops....wrong link...

It has been fixed now

Edited by Karandras, 23 August 2007 - 04:49 AM.

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Thank you Sinharvest for the signature

#232 Victoria


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Posted 23 August 2007 - 05:51 AM


Post #143: I tried to edit those claws to work with BAB hands but my inability to edit meshes once again proved my downfall :( oh well

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Have ou asked over at CI? They seem to have a lot of people who use BAB there.

Yes Alienslof is working on female version of hand and toe nails that will equip using ring slots, so hopefully they'll be able to be converted once they are released.

Edited by Floydian1, 23 August 2007 - 05:51 AM.

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Thanks to Gizmodian for the wonderful sig!

#233 kalia

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Posted 23 August 2007 - 06:10 AM

Karandras - ooh, great fun!

The unhealthy, principled, hateful farmer who is dependent on medication.

I love random generator thingies.

Must. Have. Claws.

Seem odd to anyone else that there are *no* birthdays today? 7000+ members & no one born today? Or are people born today naturally shy & unwilling to advertise?

Yes, it's an emoticon-free post from me. The world may, indeed, be ending - thus the need for claws. ;) Oops - emoticon. Guess it's not ending, after all. :P

#234 Victoria


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Posted 23 August 2007 - 06:32 AM

*imagines kalia with claws* ;)

Okay slaps head must do some work now! :lol:
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Thanks to Gizmodian for the wonderful sig!

#235 Hector the Hooded

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Posted 23 August 2007 - 06:46 AM

Well, I've decided to do my own quotes from now on :P. It will feature anything from life lessons to fortune cookieesque quotes ;).

#236 ChaironDeCeleste


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Posted 23 August 2007 - 06:55 AM

On BioShock:

'Official 2k 1st...

UPDATE - Elizabeth from 2K has repsonded on the forums, clarifying the copy protection issue. The key lies in uninstalling before you reinstall. Uninstalling registers the same as installing does, so if you do not perform an uninstall first SecuROM thinks you are just installing the game on different systems over and over again. Hit the jump for the full text of Elizabeth's message, and thanks for everyone who followed up on the issue.

hey guys,

first, let me say this. you DO NOT NEED TO USE THE INTERNET EVERY TIME YOU PLAY THIS GAME. it is only the first time.

second, you can uninstall and reinstall this game, and if, by chance, you have 2 computers you want to simultaneously play this game on, you also can do that.

if by some chance you are reinstalling this game without uninstalling it first, a lot, there is a chance you may have to call securom and get a key, or deactivate some older installations.

but if you upgrade your hardware next week, you'll still be able to play the game. if you revamp your system and need to reinstall bioshock, just uninstall it before you go through the overhaul, and then do your reinstall.

calling it "hardware fingerprinting" is a bit alarmist. we do not transmit any of your data to any companies.

really, the only people who will be concerned about any of these security measures are those who are rapidly putting bioshock on many pcs... if you use the game as you normally do, you won't notice this at all.


Quote in case a mod over at 2k forums finds a new reason to poof, lock or move it:
Bottomline is that you have a chance to get your money back because 2k games
violated their own EndUser License Agreement :o

2K Forums > BioShock > BioShock Technical Support

If you need to have your game refunded, here's how.

I was able to return my copy of Bioshock to Gamestop today. Sorry, I just couldnt deal with the crap associated with it right now. Maybe a few months down the road, I'll rebuy a copy.

Anyways, if you are one of those who wishes to return it for actual money of how you paid for it for whatever reasons (securom/2k screwed you with the crappy no valid installation, unbearable crashes, .exe wouldn't start up, etc), you can tell them the following:

By law and according to 2K EULA agreement you agree to the terms and conditions regarding the installation of the product.

Under these set of rules, it is perfectly legal to uninstall the said product and reinstall it on another machine that is owned by the buyer of the product. Typically, one needs multiple products to install on multiple systems but one only needs one product and if he or she wished to uninstall the product, the consumer has every right to reinstall it onto another machine that is owned by him or her.....indefinetely.

Securom, hinges on your rights as the buyer. Securom, in general, does not; however, the practice of allowing only two installs do hinge on the right. It is the same as buying a Ford Mustang. True, you cannot advertise your Ford Mustang on TV to make profit as you would violate their buyers contract. HOWEVER, if you fully bought that Ford Mustang, it is yours until you deem fit to get rid of it. Ford cannot limit your driving or years of ownership if fully paid by you.

With your rights as a consumer both by US Consumer standards and by the very EULA contract on page 34 of Bioshock manual, 2K are in violation of their own contractual agreement with the buyer.

I'm not talking about the game being crappy for you to give the game back. Im talking about the violations that has occured under securom. Now, if 2K were to altar Securom so that you still need the DVD to play but allows you to receive unlimited installs, then their contract to you will be fulfilled.

But, right now, 2K is in violation of their User End Agreement.

Trust me when I say this. I graduated from Regent Law School in Virginia Beach, Va in 2006 and I received my license in Oklahoma after passing my Bar Exam in Feb. of 2007.

Explaining those violations will give you your refund back by the store you bought it from (with a receipt) or by 2K actual company.

Good luck.

**this post was locked by Elizabeth2K yesterday but I felt that every consumer had the right to know this; whether you love the company or was indifferent about it.

Thanks for the alert! The account has been chopped up and thrown to
the snarling beasts that crawl in the dark recesses of Abuse Central
The user has been terminated. Have a nice day.

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#237 Karandras

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Posted 23 August 2007 - 06:56 AM

Well, I've decided to do my own quotes from now on :P. It will feature anything from life lessons to fortune cookieesque quotes ;).

Great, there goes my monopoly, I think a quote is in order:

A fine quotation is a diamond on the finger of a man of wit, and a pebble in the hand of a fool.

(That is for destrying my monopoly :whistling: )
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#238 Victoria


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Posted 23 August 2007 - 07:00 AM

On BioShock:

Can't get AA going on that, tried pratically everything.

Edited by Floydian1, 23 August 2007 - 07:01 AM.

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#239 Karandras

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Posted 23 August 2007 - 07:04 AM

On BioShock:

Can't get AA going on that, tried pratically everything.

Here is a link showing how to get it to work http://forums.tweakg...71963#post71963
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#240 cyborgakadjmoose

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Posted 23 August 2007 - 07:12 AM


:lol: I can't help but utter the words EMMMOOOOOOO!!!!


What mod is that animation from in your second pic. I'm not sure I have it.


Post #145: wow she really does look like a Draenei, awesome job.

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: I would say try making their face more slender and a bit more blue than pink. Also the eyes I think would look better if they were glowing blue. As for Clothes and items you picked categories I have no have no clue about so i am afraid I am no use there.

Thanks Karandras, I'll make some changes!
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