This is obviously not because I don't want one, I know many people who desire a sequel, but the lack of anything solid is infuriating. If they would only berate the false rumors all would be well in the world. For example IGN has been predicting for the past fews years that it would be out "the next year" but it seems that it wasn't out in 2006, 2007 and I doubt it will be with us by 2008. Some people are even predicting that it will be RELEASED by Christmas, well is it just me or is that conclusion completely and utterly stupid. The most solid piece of evidence of this year was when a corporate said that LucasArts would not leave the Battlefront and KotOR franchises behind. This, of course, is hardly evidence of one in the making and it could have simply been examples of franchises that were successful, and which they wish to replicate, not continue.
LA are really irritating me at how little they are doing to quell/confirm rumors and believe me there are a lot. A simply "kotor 3, kotor 3 news" search on google retrieves... well... dozens of predictions that have been created in the past 3 months!
I just beg of LucasArt to do something and gaming sites to stop getting gamers hopes up. It is ridiculous, nearly 3 years of predictions and there is not hide nor tail of it. At least announce something about it.
Sorry if I am ranting like an old man in the corner but I needed to get this off my chest. Thank you for reading.

Edited by Clucky, 22 July 2007 - 02:45 AM.