Okay I know its been a few days but here is part 2 of the story. Now I know I had only 1 actual reply on the last part but being part 1 that kinda figues so this time It would be really great if I could get 2(or more) comments

"Lets find another, this one is done." Kezhra watched irritated as two of her Dremora escort threw the corpse into the nearby water. Her daily hunting trips were proving less and less entertaining as the number of targets deceased. So far her little party had only found a dozen or so mortals hiding out in the waterfront district plus this last one who had been hiding in near her Sigil tower. Her favorite Clanfear Murmer had actually been the one to find this newest catch.
There had been precious little else to do these past weeks since the destruction of Anvil. It seemed that their starting victories at Kvatch, the Imperial City, and Anvil had been nothing more than luck and surprise working with them. All attacks on Skingrad and Cheydinhal had been completely thrown back by the mortals while the troops sent to Bruma, Bravil, and Leyawiin had been forced to adopt siege tactics when their head-on assaults had failed. And from the reports she had seen they didn't seem to be likely to end anytime soon.
Kezhra's thoughts suddenly snapped back to the ruined city around her. She thought she has heard a faint noise coming from up around the corner. She glanced around and noticed that her escort was no where in sight.
"They will pay with their entrails for this," she muttered under her breath. She carefully snuck forward, her fingers beginning to hum as she prepared to unleash a blast of flame who ever was around the corner. Suddenly she stopped and sniffed the air, then wrinkled up her nose in disgust. Whatever it was around the corner it stunk. In fact, it stunk like a lizard, an overgrown lizard to be precise. Smiling she let the flames dissipate from around their hands and drew her blade, a nice Argonian skin would go well in her thrown room. With one last glance around for her escort she spun around the corner.
"Oh shi..."
Standing directly in front of her was the Argonian as she had expected. What she hadn't expected was the Dark Brotherhood armor they were wearing.
"It seems you are a very wanted Dremora Kezhra," the Argonian hissed "within the last week I have received many prayersss to kill you. I think you have overstayed your welcome in Cyroldil."
"Oh but that is where you are wrong, lizard, I invited myself, forever"
She lunged forward and slashed upward but the assassin was to quick, leaping back and landing a few inches in front of the sword point.
"Pathetic, I thought you Dremora were supposed to be excellent fighters." Grinning, the Argonian jumped up again, landing on a windowsill. "Wont it be fun for you to explain to your lord Dagon that you couldn't take over the world because of a simple lizard?"
Furious, Kezhra threw a lightning bolt up at the mocking lizard, no longer concerned about her lizard skin wall hanging. Once again they dodged but not before their tail was burnt. They let out an angry hiss stared malevolently at Kezhra.
"It is far past time you expired, Dremora slime!"
With a flick of their wrist two daggers appeared in their hands. With a final glare they dived forward, slashing mercilessly with lightning speed. It was all Kezhra could do to keep the attack at bay and the daggers out of her throat. Suddenly Kezhra dropped to the ground and sent a sharp kick into the Argonian leg, making them fall to the ground. Without waiting Kezhra sliced down and almost look off the Argonian arm but she was still off balance from the fall and instead cleaved their tail clean off.
Smiling with satisfaction Kezhra stood up and stared down at the Argonian howling in pain.
" Worthless Lizard," Kezhra prodded the Argonian tail stump with her boot, causing another scream of pain. "Next time the Dark Brotherhood wants me dead they should send someone with skill than a bundle of blood grass."
"Sovereign Kezhra!" Kezhra turned around to see her two Dremora escorts racing up to her. "We heard the sounds of Combat and came as quickly as possible, you are uninjured?"
Angry once again Kezhra snarled down at them.
"Yes I am no thanks to you worthless weak-blooded fools. You will now drag this Argonian back to my tower and deposited them into one of the cells there. Make sure the torturers know they are to kept alive until I am done with them."
"It shall be done as you command"
The two Dremora hurried over to the Argonian and dragged them away as quickly as they could giving no consideration to the cut tail.
Again I apologize for the lack of pictures. This is due to alot of the pictures i took being overwritten and me not being able how to figure out how to do certain shots I wanted (the detatched tail for example)