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the BPv1-8-0 Wishlist

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#61 radish_hoedown

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Posted 06 September 2007 - 02:55 PM

masked within the impolite, potentially offensive rant, is possibly a sensible point. :/

#62 Gort

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Posted 06 September 2007 - 07:16 PM

ahh, Bereth is back=). And still unregistered=). Some things never change...

#63 dragonian

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Posted 07 September 2007 - 01:10 AM

If i might:
Yes in my opinion you are right. I don`t want to have this game ever finished - if not for the new content of mods i would probeably have forgotten about Baldur some time ago.
But also we want to have install as stable and as bug free as possible and for this moment this is a top priority. As far as i read this topic and some others BP which is saddly RIP now was to get rid of bugs before adding ANY NEW CONTENT AT ALL.

#64 -Marvin-

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Posted 07 September 2007 - 07:55 AM

I think it's very important to fix all the bugs, in fact it is the most important aim right now.
Sure, new content is welcome, but the basement of the mod should be stable.

BP is the core of the BGT Megamod. Say what you want, but I think it is. Bu by now, it seems that all the other mods around it are even more stable.

New versions of all the big BG2 mods such as TDD, CTB, ROT...

I mean, I don't care if NEJ isnt compatible in its new versions or that it has some bugs or that there are conflicts with CTB.
I don't even care if once or twice I got to cheat to finish NEJ because of bugs.
But I do care if the CORE is buggy, such as not being able to finish TOB ...

I don't want to say that the modders didn't do everything possible, anyway I don't know about the begining of BP.
You modders did a great job out there, but NOW, if you want to work on BP, my advice would be to make a bug-free version first and then add new content.

As I read, time is rare for you guys and that's clear, so you should use the time that you spend on BP in a good way, such as fixing bugs... I know also, that it is more exciting to try new stuff,
but you have to take that street if you don't want to let BP die.

So much for now,
Let's not fight, let's not loose control,
It's still "just" a game (also if it is in deed a very special one :rolleyes: )
Let'S sit together and drink some beers :cheers: ,


#65 ronin

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Posted 07 September 2007 - 09:23 AM

I can't believe my eyes.............. :blink: :wacko: :blink:

You guys, actualy think adding MORE POSSIBLE PROBLEMATIC issues to the game is the answer.

You know what,, .. Here I was a while back told to calm down that my opinion was wrong and out of place about the the real constant battle of finalizing a concrete game ,, all the while being told by EVERYONE here on this board that I was wrong that you weren't adding more stuff and that wasn't the cause for the bugs,,, and yet'

your doing it all again..right here right now, exactly what you said you weren't doing. Let me put it to you all in a way you might finaly understand...

FIX THIS FIRST THEN ADD AN ADDITION LATER THEN MAYBE you'll at least AFTER 6 years of FKN around,, have a complete game....HOLY FK .,.you guys are loosing your brains......

You all just refuse to see the truth that you have chase away one of the largest fan bases a video game has ever had over the past few years with all your fkn around,, saying 'NO WE HAVEN'T, NO WE HAVEn"T,, and yet here you are talking about doing YET AGAIN..



GOOD BYE........................no realy,,, your all dumb. You must be, either that or you just don't want to have a finished product, ever!

Then fix BP yourself you friggin a$$hole :angry: and be man enough sometime to register.

#66 Rubberduck

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Posted 07 September 2007 - 09:40 AM

@Ronin: :) Something makes me believe that this will never happen. Every party you attend there's some (how did you call him?) ***** pi$$ing in your beer.

Democracy is when your able to ignore such a$$sholes :cheers:

#67 -Marvin-

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Posted 07 September 2007 - 11:02 AM

I can understand your reaction ronin, but I think we should all calm down now, because this is getting far away of being a hobby that you like to do and that you have motivation for.
It's useless to blame someone that the mod is buggy...

Everybody just take a break and relax a bit and when motivation comes back, just start fixing it.
And if anyone who is involved in working actively on BP has no more fun on doing it, just stop or find somone else who's interested. Why should someone continue his hobby when he doesn't like it anymore?

You did a great job already and anyone who attacks you like that guy there you should just ignore... also if sometimes it's kind of difficult :angry:
You don't need to justify. Just do how you feel, the important thing is, that you do it not stressing yourself with it.

so far,


#68 Rubberduck

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Posted 08 September 2007 - 03:02 AM

I can understand your reaction ronin, but I think we should all calm down now, because this is getting far away of being a hobby that you like to do and that you have motivation for.
It's useless to blame someone that the mod is buggy...

Everybody just take a break and relax a bit and when motivation comes back, just start fixing it.
And if anyone who is involved in working actively on BP has no more fun on doing it, just stop or find somone else who's interested. Why should someone continue his hobby when he doesn't like it anymore?

You did a great job already and anyone who attacks you like that guy there you should just ignore... also if sometimes it's kind of difficult :angry:
You don't need to justify. Just do how you feel, the important thing is, that you do it not stressing yourself with it.

so far,


Very well spoken. Says it and grabs another cold beer......

#69 DavidWallace

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Posted 12 September 2007 - 03:20 PM

Finding this thread after an age... sorry!

I'm not an expert on BGT but here's how I imagine things working:

- version 6 of SCS will be BGT-compatible (and so will effectively replace SCSBGT, bringing the SCSv4 and SCSv5 enhancements into BGT-compatible SCS.) I'm borrowing chunks of code from Ronin and pro5 without 100% understanding them, but I'm reasonably confident it'll work fine. (The BGT install on my computer seems to play it fine, touch wood.)
- SCS2 won't overlap at all with SCS - if you install both, you'll get SCS1 content in the BG1 phase of SCS, SCS2 content in the BG2 phase. However, if you don't install the smarter mages/priests in SCS1, you'll get SCS2-style mages/priests in the BG1 section (so BG1 enemies will use Stoneskin/Sequencers/whatever). That might suit BGT players - it probably aids continuity.
- I don't know much about BP, but provisionally I don't see why the content enhancers (whatever they are) in BP shouldn't be compatible with SCS2. I don't know how modular BP is, though.
- SCSv6 should be out in about a week.
- SCS2v1 should be out in maybe 2-3 weeks. (It's finished, but I'm still beta testing.)

#70 DavidWallace

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Posted 12 September 2007 - 03:31 PM

Just had a look at BP, and wow, it looks impressively well done - beyond my abilities to work out compatibility with SCS2. I think I'll have to leave this to players to work out - obviously I'm happy to make modifications, within reason, to sort out compatibility.

#71 Hoppy


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Posted 12 September 2007 - 05:33 PM

- SCSv6 should be out in about a week.
- SCS2v1 should be out in maybe 2-3 weeks. (It's finished, but I'm still beta testing.)

Thanks DavidW! I can't wait to try these as I have just been playing BP with megamods. By the time the new versions of SCS are out I plan to be playing BGT for the first time. I am not afraid though...er, maybe just a little. :unsure:

Just had a look at BP, and wow, it looks impressively well done - beyond my abilities to work out compatibility with SCS2. I think I'll have to leave this to players to work out - obviously I'm happy to make modifications, within reason, to sort out compatibility

Do you mean the core of BP (AI) or the seperate components, or all to BP to make compatible with SCS? We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Thanks again for an awesome contribution to the mod/player community!
:clap: :Bow: :clap: :Bow: :new_thumbs:
?May God defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies.? - Voltaire

"If you think that a size of the mod indicates an amount of bugs that it introduces and their severity you're totally wrong...
Try not to use next time a load of shitty "super-mega-improving-tweaking-revising" small mods that you have installed and try to meet Wulfgar once again."
- King Diamond

Posted Image The Definitive Guide to Trolls

"Finding food and a place to sleep is your own business. I imagine Paul the Cat should have some fun with you, too" - Potencius in The Darkest Day
"You have been warned, little bastard!" -Khelben to a young <CHARNAME>in Check the Bodies
There are those who will snivel, and offer nothing in return except criticism, meanwhile never lifting a finger to do other than to cut other peoples labor down simply for the fact that they lack the capability to put anything of their own together. -erebusant

#72 DavidWallace

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Posted 12 September 2007 - 11:35 PM

Do you mean the core of BP (AI) or the seperate components, or all to BP to make compatible with SCS?

I meant the AI core.

#73 -Marvin-

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Posted 13 September 2007 - 12:09 AM

Will SCS 2 really be substitutional fot BP?

BP balances all the big mods, so that no hard differences in difficulty or in items and spells exist.
Can SCS 2 do that, too?


#74 DavidWallace

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Posted 13 September 2007 - 12:27 AM

Will SCS 2 really be substitutional fot BP?

BP balances all the big mods, so that no hard differences in difficulty or in items and spells exist.
Can SCS 2 do that, too?


No, it definitely can't. It's an AI upgrade for BG2 (and so BGT also) and it adds very little new content (just a lot of upgraded old content). It isn't a "replacement" for BP in any sense. Nor is it designed with megamod content in mind (though in fact it a megamod uses original-game AI, SCS2 will affect it).

Currently I expect SCS2 to be about 90% compatible with BP, though. (The remaining 10% covers the new spells in BP (which SCS2 won't try to use) and some inevitable random problems when two fairly complex mods trying to do the same task interact in unexpected ways.)

#75 dragonian

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Posted 17 September 2007 - 06:09 AM

so are you saying that if some mod adds spells to mages or priests with SCS AI they won`t be using it?

#76 -Marvin-

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Posted 17 September 2007 - 07:24 AM

So what I understand is, that SCS 2 will not take BP's place.
The two mods are something different and for the BGT-BP Megamod the BP component is important.

So please, don't let the project die!!! :cheers:


#77 DavidWallace

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Posted 18 September 2007 - 01:45 AM

so are you saying that if some mod adds spells to mages or priests with SCS AI they won`t be using it?

SCS2 will use (pretty much) any spell that any vanilla BG2 mage/priest uses, even if that particular mage/priest didn't use it. (If you mod in Dragon's Breath and give it to a third-level wizard, SCS2 will use it.) But it won't use spells which didn't exist in vanilla BG2. (The way AI scripting works in Infinity Engine games needs a separate command for every spell. I don't know all the spells added to the game by all mods.)

#78 Hoppy


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Posted 18 September 2007 - 03:25 PM

SCS2 will use (pretty much) any spell that any vanilla BG2 mage/priest uses, even if that particular mage/priest didn't use it. (If you mod in Dragon's Breath and give it to a third-level wizard, SCS2 will use it.) But it won't use spells which didn't exist in vanilla BG2. (The way AI scripting works in Infinity Engine games needs a separate command for every spell. I don't know all the spells added to the game by all mods.)

Hey David,
Will SCS2 overwrite every AI script or will it stick to enhancing the scripts for vanilla BG2 creatures? So if mods from the mega mod category are installed, then those creatures will get the overridden scripts of SCS2? If SCS2 is installed after the vanilla games and BGT, what if the other big (quest) mods are installed after that? Will those mods be able to retain the original mod scripts with spells from that particular mod?
?May God defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies.? - Voltaire

"If you think that a size of the mod indicates an amount of bugs that it introduces and their severity you're totally wrong...
Try not to use next time a load of shitty "super-mega-improving-tweaking-revising" small mods that you have installed and try to meet Wulfgar once again."
- King Diamond

Posted Image The Definitive Guide to Trolls

"Finding food and a place to sleep is your own business. I imagine Paul the Cat should have some fun with you, too" - Potencius in The Darkest Day
"You have been warned, little bastard!" -Khelben to a young <CHARNAME>in Check the Bodies
There are those who will snivel, and offer nothing in return except criticism, meanwhile never lifting a finger to do other than to cut other peoples labor down simply for the fact that they lack the capability to put anything of their own together. -erebusant

#79 DavidWallace

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Posted 18 September 2007 - 03:32 PM

SCS2 will use (pretty much) any spell that any vanilla BG2 mage/priest uses, even if that particular mage/priest didn't use it. (If you mod in Dragon's Breath and give it to a third-level wizard, SCS2 will use it.) But it won't use spells which didn't exist in vanilla BG2. (The way AI scripting works in Infinity Engine games needs a separate command for every spell. I don't know all the spells added to the game by all mods.)

Hey David,
Will SCS2 overwrite every AI script or will it stick to enhancing the scripts for vanilla BG2 creatures? So if mods from the mega mod category are installed, then those creatures will get the overridden scripts of SCS2? If SCS2 is installed after the vanilla games and BGT, what if the other big (quest) mods are installed after that? Will those mods be able to retain the original mod scripts with spells from that particular mod?

Well, as a non-BP player, I'm very open to advice as to what's sensible here.

My default plan is that SCS2, if installed after BP, will overwrite all those scripts that BP renames from vanilla BG2 scripts.
For instance, BP replaces MAGE12D with BPMAG12D. So my intention was for SCS2 to replace, in turn, BPMAG12D with its standard mage script. Similarly BP replaces BEHOLD01 with BPBEHOLD, so I intended SCS2 to replace BPBEHOLD with its standard beholder script. That way the player has a choice: if they want BP beholder AI, don't install the "beholder" component of SCS2.

If something else is more sensible, though, I'm all ears...

#80 Azazello


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Posted 18 September 2007 - 04:39 PM

This is exactly what BP does, so very sensible.