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Alternative BG2 NPC Portraits

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#81 Isilven



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Posted 10 July 2007 - 09:03 AM

A new approach on the hair highlights, fixed skin tone agaaaain and made eyes slightly bigger. After all this work on Yoshimo I would be so ready to make a romance for him. :D

He doesn't look like Yoshimo.

Delight, please go read one of the many many many Pinned or Stickied threads on "Helpful Criticism".

His hair DOES look silky! Ilmatar, you are teh genius! ^_^ I wanna romance him too now...



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#82 Ilmatar


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Posted 10 July 2007 - 09:06 AM

Delight - just like Isilven said, I would indeed be grateful if you told me *why* he doesn't look like Yoshimo, or what would make him look more like him. I do want you people to remember that these really are *alternative* portraits, and I want to take a new approach to these characters. There wouldn't be any mind in copying their original portraits.

Ilmatar's portraits for the Baldur's Gate series ¤ | ¤ | ¤ Ahem. Ilmatar =/= Ilmater. ¤ | ¤ | ¤ deviantART gallery
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#83 Jazhara7

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Posted 10 July 2007 - 01:54 PM

A new approach on the hair highlights, fixed skin tone agaaaain and made eyes slightly bigger. After all this work on Yoshimo I would be so ready to make a romance for him. :D

Oh gods, he's perfect! But, uh...I hate to say it, but he still looks like he has a rash on his ear. :blink:

Also, I'd still say that his lower lip is too shiny, though it is a little bit better on this screen. Seriously, it looks as if he has some kind of lacquer there. :ph34r:

Otherwise, I love it!

- :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

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#84 theacefes


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Posted 10 July 2007 - 07:19 PM

Looks good!
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#85 Deathsangel


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Posted 11 July 2007 - 05:32 AM

Okay this might this computer, but I have three very pinkish spots at his chin (him = latest Yoshimo picture), which is unnatural for any race. I think they ought to go.... or am I the only one seeing them...

Still modding the Mod for the Wicked... It is a big project you know... And I got sidetracked (several times) a bit... sorry.
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(1st march 2009) SHS women over me:
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Noctalys: you are adorable :P

~~ I love it, and I am humbled! Yay! ~~

#86 Ilmatar


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Posted 11 July 2007 - 05:55 AM

Okay this might this computer, but I have three very pinkish spots at his chin (him = latest Yoshimo picture), which is unnatural for any race. I think they ought to go.... or am I the only one seeing them...

Iiii do think that's just you, or your monitor. No pinkish spots here! :blink:

Ilmatar's portraits for the Baldur's Gate series ¤ | ¤ | ¤ Ahem. Ilmatar =/= Ilmater. ¤ | ¤ | ¤ deviantART gallery
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#87 berelinde



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Posted 11 July 2007 - 06:01 AM

That kind of thing varies from computer to computer, depending on the user's brightness/contrast settings, and also if they have adjusted the "hue/saturation," if their monitors are so equipped.

At work, everything looks incredibly dark, but at home, it looks normal.

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#88 Daulmakan


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Posted 11 July 2007 - 08:43 PM

Okay this might this computer, but I have three very pinkish spots at his chin (him = latest Yoshimo picture), which is unnatural for any race. I think they ought to go.... or am I the only one seeing them...

Iiii do think that's just you, or your monitor. No pinkish spots here! :blink:

I see them too. They don't show in his first pic, if it means anything.

Very nice work, although I believe he has far too much hair in comparison to his default portrait (he has long hair, but clear balding spots in his forehead).

Jaheira's expression is just awesome. Fits her perfectly.

item_pack.jpg   Drows.jpg


#89 Jazhara7

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Posted 12 July 2007 - 09:00 AM

I see the spots too, though they're not as glaringly obvious as the ones on the ear.

Though I guess they won't really be visible in the tiny portraits in-game. But maybe on the larger one in the profile? I don't know.

- :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

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#90 Ilmatar


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Posted 12 July 2007 - 09:15 AM

Well in the game the image format will be different. When all the portraits are done, I will resize them again and prolly do minor adjusting, then save them in the correct format and dump them in a big .rar file! So I'll take care that the final versions for the game do not have the dots.

Thanks for mentioning it!

Ilmatar's portraits for the Baldur's Gate series ¤ | ¤ | ¤ Ahem. Ilmatar =/= Ilmater. ¤ | ¤ | ¤ deviantART gallery
Grunting is a perfectly acceptable reaction to being struck with a blunt instrument. -berelinde
And, just out of curiosity, my dear, what *are* you wearing? :D - Tempest to me.

#91 -Domi_Ash-

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Posted 13 July 2007 - 01:08 PM

Interesting interpretations, for sure. Cernd so far is my favorite. I'll be with the group who would be interested in seeing a slick-haired version of Yoshimo. I guess, I'm just thinking of him as a smooth guy in every aspect.

#92 Vizeteufel

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Posted 19 July 2007 - 10:51 AM

You know, there's something about the Jaheira picture I still don't like. Her golden circlet. I doesn't look equally thick. The parts going over her shoulders seem to be thinner than the rest. I also find it's position rather strange, hanging over her collarbones and all that. Doesn't look right, like a strange mix of a chain and a neckring :P
In this picture (by the same marvelous artist ^_^) http://www.deviantar...ation/53533685/ it looks much better, like an actual (and pretty) neckring :)

Your opinions?

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#93 Ilmatar


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Posted 19 July 2007 - 10:53 AM

Well, I hate to break it to you, but I made it on purpose so that the part on the front would be thicker than the part going around her neck. :D You think I should change it? My dreams of becoming a jewellery designer aren't going too well it seems! :lol: ;)

Ilmatar's portraits for the Baldur's Gate series ¤ | ¤ | ¤ Ahem. Ilmatar =/= Ilmater. ¤ | ¤ | ¤ deviantART gallery
Grunting is a perfectly acceptable reaction to being struck with a blunt instrument. -berelinde
And, just out of curiosity, my dear, what *are* you wearing? :D - Tempest to me.

#94 Ilmatar


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Posted 31 July 2007 - 03:43 AM

Yes, I'm still working on these! :D Here is a very unfinished Imoen, just to show that she's going to be... something like this. I wanted her to look happier than in her original portrait. I'm thinking if I should include the scar or not.

EDIT: I think I should crop it a bit to bring the face closer and bigger...

Edited by Ilmatar, 31 July 2007 - 03:44 AM.

Ilmatar's portraits for the Baldur's Gate series ¤ | ¤ | ¤ Ahem. Ilmatar =/= Ilmater. ¤ | ¤ | ¤ deviantART gallery
Grunting is a perfectly acceptable reaction to being struck with a blunt instrument. -berelinde
And, just out of curiosity, my dear, what *are* you wearing? :D - Tempest to me.

#95 Dirt_Squirrel

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Posted 31 July 2007 - 05:42 AM

Heehee, it looks like Immy has put on a few *extra* pounds!! :D
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#96 Ilmatar


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Posted 31 July 2007 - 05:45 AM

Really? :blink: Could you be more precise, and if it is a bad thing or not?

Oh and Dirt Squirrel: I deleted the double post. :)

Edited by Ilmatar, 31 July 2007 - 05:46 AM.

Ilmatar's portraits for the Baldur's Gate series ¤ | ¤ | ¤ Ahem. Ilmatar =/= Ilmater. ¤ | ¤ | ¤ deviantART gallery
Grunting is a perfectly acceptable reaction to being struck with a blunt instrument. -berelinde
And, just out of curiosity, my dear, what *are* you wearing? :D - Tempest to me.

#97 Ilmatar


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Posted 31 July 2007 - 06:02 AM

Also been working on Viconia for a LONG time. Her face has been really problematic, and I think I've got the proportions right now. Somehow I still feel like throwing this to the trash bin.... Maybe she'll look better when I get her hair and clothes done, and added some highlights.


Ilmatar's portraits for the Baldur's Gate series ¤ | ¤ | ¤ Ahem. Ilmatar =/= Ilmater. ¤ | ¤ | ¤ deviantART gallery
Grunting is a perfectly acceptable reaction to being struck with a blunt instrument. -berelinde
And, just out of curiosity, my dear, what *are* you wearing? :D - Tempest to me.

#98 EvaineDian

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Posted 31 July 2007 - 06:21 AM

Really? :blink: Could you be more precise, and if it is a bad thing or not?

I think it's because of the shading on the neck. The fact that the shading looks like horizontal rings gives me the impression that she has a double chin. I think the part from the middle to the right could do with some more finer shading. But you said that she's not finished, anyway!

I really love her face! She looks so friendly and nice, but I can very well imagine that she's also mischievous.
She looks a bit cross-eyed, though, I think it's her left eye which is a little off. Personally, I would also change her haircolour to a deeper pink, but that's just my preference. The shading of her hair is really good already!

Zooming in sounds good to me. Otherwise you might not see any details in the 38x60 resolution.

#99 EvaineDian

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Posted 31 July 2007 - 06:27 AM

Also been working on Viconia for a LONG time. Her face has been really problematic, and I think I've got the proportions right now. Somehow I still feel like throwing this to the trash bin.... Maybe she'll look better when I get her hair and clothes done, and added some highlights.

Her eye is very pretty.
The problem I have with your Viconia is that you don't see much of her. I think it would have been better to do a frontal portrait, not a profile. I would like to see who I romance. :)

#100 berelinde



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Posted 31 July 2007 - 06:47 AM

I like Viconia. Maybe a little added red color on the lips, though.

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