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#121 Invader13

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Posted 12 July 2007 - 03:34 PM

Alexander Wolf; Great screens I just love those stances. Posted Image

Soul Slayer; Great screens! Posted Image

Rogue Sun; Great screens, it remind me of LOTR somehow, which is cool. Posted Image

Karandras; Nice; I just love chaos. Posted Image

Ryu Doppler; Great pictures, I Iike the second pictures, "You are no match for my skill". :)

Floydian; Nice, especially the one with the wine glass. :)

Edited by Invader13, 12 July 2007 - 03:36 PM.

#122 shadowj

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Posted 12 July 2007 - 04:52 PM

*blinks* I go away a few days and I miss....nudity!

I'm just going to bundle everything up into "great screens everyone ^^" (sorry 1:47am and new Harry Potter movie has left me pretty much dead at least numbed arse >_<)

Also Zombie, presence of blood, gore, drugs, violence, racism, sexism, torture and all those good things back in the medieval days are fine and dandy but as soon as the actions that give the reason of why we populate this earth and release "tension" and "stress" you think the game will get worse? I think I must have missed something back when I met that dark elf who asks about Necrophilla *shrugs* :P

Fact is, don't like it, don't use it. There are nudity warnings given and such and sadly half the Oblivion gaming population probably have no clue there are nude body replacers, let alone sex animations. Personally I don't mind them but I won't be using them purely for the fact that I would never get a good angle :rolleyes:

#123 Karandras

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Posted 13 July 2007 - 05:14 AM

Yay! its time for my first post using the new format :cheers:

Ryu Doppler: Okay I must know, how did you manadge to get this screen? I thought it was Impossible to freeze an item like that. Also this one is really nice as well. the clouds look quite realistic.

Floydian1: Your character and that dragon go perfectly together in this shot. Also do you have any idea when that house mod will be released? it seems to be full of a lot of really cool and custom stuff custom stuff (this picture for example)

Ryu Doppler(again): I have always really like the undead legion soldiers and elven warriors but it seems I run into them very rarely for some reason. this is a really great angle though the picture looks a bit blurred :(

Chiglet: I Must say she is quite unique, are they a dark elf/Argonian cross? (if that is the case it must have taken ALOT of ale... :whistling: )

Soul_Slayer(nudity warning): I wonder if that guy minded being shoved out of the bed so you could use it :) Also i'm fairly sure I don't wanna know an answer but how do you keep coming up with these angles?

Soul_Slayer(Nudity warning again)
: Well this I suspect is why there are no public nudity laws is cyrodil :)

Floydian1: Is thats a new character or an old one with different hair? I find it so hard to tell sometimes (I'm rotten with faces both IRL and Oblivion)

Xetirox: wow that has got to be the most evil looking Argonian I have ever seen. The poor goblin

Chiglet(again): Lol good captions on all of them. This has got to be my favorite though ("Aren't you a little short for a battlemage?") Oh and I spent several minutes looking at this picture trying to find your character before I figured out they weren't there :whistling:

Well that seems to have gone well, it only took me 30 min plus I was able to write more about each post :cheers: hope people post more pictures today so I have something to write about this afternoon :)

Oh and as always any suggestions are more than welcome

Edited by Karandras, 13 July 2007 - 05:40 AM.

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#124 Victoria


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Posted 13 July 2007 - 06:21 AM

Floydian1: Your character and that dragon go perfectly together in this shot. Also do you have any idea when that house mod will be released? it seems to be full of a lot of really cool and custom stuff custom stuff (this picture for example)

Floydian1: Is thats a new character or an old one with different hair? I find it so hard to tell sometimes (I'm rotten with faces both IRL and Oblivion)

You can test it now: http://canadianice.u...hp?topic=6688.0

That's fairy Sapphire with one of Slof's wigs and new wings from Alexander's updated wings mod.
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#125 Ryu Doppler

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Posted 13 July 2007 - 06:21 AM

Ryu Doppler: Okay I must know, how did you manadge to get this screen? I thought it was Impossible to freeze an item like that. Also this one is really nice as well. the clouds look quite realistic.

Just one of those extreme random Havok moments. The sword fell in such a way that it just kept on spinning. So I seized the moment, just like when I took this during my trip into the underpall: Parlor Tricks

Ryu Doppler(again): I have always really like the undead legion soldiers and elven warriors but it seems I run into them very rarely for some reason. this is a really great angle though the picture looks a bit blurred :(

I remember the very first time I ever encountered Undead Elven Soldiers. I had just reached Sancre Tor, and this guy just runs out of nowhere with another and attacks me. My game got stuck in a crash problem there too until I figured out that a skeleton was trying to shoot glass arrows, and that the mesh wasn't being loaded into game. :wall:

To be honest, I hadn't seen them for awhile in my game too. But when I visited Rielle, I ran right into an Undead Elven army. Swordsmen, Archers, the lesser skeletons, and that Undead Legion soldier thrown in for good measure.

But I couldn't really help with the blurriness. The Undead Elf got a stab in. <_<
A moderate amount of evil is nature to all.
If one is to control their nature, then they
must accept both the light and the dark.

Doppler's Armory - I'll do something...eventually...

#126 Karandras

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Posted 13 July 2007 - 06:27 AM

But I couldn't really help with the blurriness. The Undead Elf got a stab in. <_<

Ah that would explain it, I hate it when that happens (except when I'm trying to get it like here)
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#127 kalia

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Posted 13 July 2007 - 07:59 AM

My gods, the screens just keep getting more & more amazing! Everyone's doing amazing work, and it's very nice to see some more chiglet screens! I may not be commenting but I look everyday (well, when I'm not at work), and I continue to be blown away. Er . . . perhaps with the recent theme, I should rephrase that . . . . :P And hey, where's the male masturbation animations? In-game, I mean . . . . ;)

And has anyone seen Xetirox? I'm beginning to feel a bit - well, I always say guilt is a useless emotion, but a bit - concerned. :P I didn't mean for SCOOP to take him away entirely!

#128 Hector the Hooded

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Posted 13 July 2007 - 08:08 AM

Well Kalia - it seems like you and Chiglet have a similar mind set ;).

As sad as it is, I doubt that male version will be coming (Don't even think about it!) anytime soon. The website full of the insanse and perverted individuals, AGM webiste + forum, which has been around for quite a while is closing. Aside from the regulars (and lurkers) over there, it comes as a great shock - the off-topicness and insanity they have rivals our own! That is where many adult type mods originated from (Etiher ideas, animations, resources - so on and so forth) and now it has closed. We'll just have to see were that community goes from here!

*cries* I'm...I've got a little something in my eye! :crying:

This is indeed a dark day for all of us left.

Edited by Hector the Hooded, 13 July 2007 - 08:10 AM.

#129 Karandras

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Posted 13 July 2007 - 08:27 AM

Eureka! At long last I think I have figured out where Floydian1 Takes their screenshots with the with the tiled floor texture!
http://www.tessource...ile.php?id=9800 Am I right?
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#130 Soul_Slayer

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Posted 13 July 2007 - 12:06 PM

@ Invader13: Thanks

Soul_Slayer(nudity warning): I wonder if that guy minded being shoved out of the bed so you could use it :) Also i'm fairly sure I don't wanna know an answer but how do you keep coming up with these angles?

Just use TFC, you can get any angle you want for your screenies. :cheers:

Soul_Slayer(Nudity warning again)
: Well this I suspect is why there are no public nudity laws is cyrodil :)

Yeah, I wish it were the same here.

Well Kalia - it seems like you and Chiglet have a similar mind set ;).

As sad as it is, I doubt that male version will be coming (Don't even think about it!) anytime soon. The website full of the insanse and perverted individuals, AGM webiste + forum, which has been around for quite a while is closing. Aside from the regulars (and lurkers) over there, it comes as a great shock - the off-topicness and insanity they have rivals our own! That is where many adult type mods originated from (Etiher ideas, animations, resources - so on and so forth) and now it has closed. We'll just have to see were that community goes from here!

*cries* I'm...I've got a little something in my eye! :crying:

This is indeed a dark day for all of us left.

Damn, that sux, I just recently started posting my adult shots there, only place I could post 'em as image tags instead of links.

Eureka! At long last I think I have figured out where Floydian1 Takes their screenshots with the with the tiled floor texture!
http://www.tessource...ile.php?id=9800 Am I right?


Edited by Soul_Slayer, 13 July 2007 - 02:02 PM.

#131 Karandras

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Posted 13 July 2007 - 05:53 PM

Well okay I guess this is the downside of this plan, on slow days I wont have much to write about (lets just hope this is the calm before the the storm)

Soul_Slayer: Good news your the only post so you get the full attention of this reply *snore* oh sorry... Moving on this picture reminds me of the sirens of God of war. Their outfits were sorta like that, almost covering it but not quite.

Now everyone, More pictures! I expect to see at least 5 new posts tomorrow morning when I looks (that gives you 11 hours :) )

Edit: forgot to mention there is a bit of nudity in the link, sorry

Edited by Karandras, 13 July 2007 - 06:47 PM.

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#132 Victoria


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Posted 13 July 2007 - 07:22 PM

Eureka! At long last I think I have figured out where Floydian1 Takes their screenshots with the with the tiled floor texture!
http://www.tessource...ile.php?id=9800 Am I right?

Yeah athough the question have been asked and answered before on one of these threads :)
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Thanks to Gizmodian for the wonderful sig!

#133 Karandras

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Posted 13 July 2007 - 08:06 PM

Well I know I have asked about it before I just missed the response :)
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#134 Chiglet

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Posted 13 July 2007 - 08:40 PM

@ Darziak - Great shots! I love the invisible horses.

@ Hector - Don't you just love sitting back and watching the baddies fight amongst themselves?

@ Shadow' - Very nice as always. I especially like the last two. Just wonderful

@ Axil - lol Cyrodil will never be the same.

@ Cosmic Banana - Welcome back! (yes, I know, I'm late)

@ Alexander - I'm really looking forward to the official release of your animations. Are your new wings out officially as well? I haven't seen them, but then my search abilities are sometime less than par. :)

@ Darziak - Ok, I snagged your group pic with names and enlarged it, but still have a dickens of a time matching faces with names. Easiest for me is No-name. So,...
unknown character - "Aren't these new gel-padded cushions great??"
Derikan - "Yeah. Think we should get one for No-Name?"
No-Name - "My butt hurts...."

@ Karandras - LOL Just where did you get that spell? Too funny! With "a" being the 2nd,4th and 8th positions, and the last 3 letters bing "ras",.... :)

@ Soul Slayer - Nice video. Who cares if it;s a little grainy. Damn good work

@ Rogue Sun - The shot of the archers with arrows mid flight is very cool. :)

@ Karandras (again) - I feel your pain. I finally got some really nice lightning shots. Apparenlty even my computer liked them vecause it ate them!! As for your story, so far I'm finding it an enjoyable read. If memory serves me right, you've really caught the essence and personality of Kehzra. Others on this forum should go read it too (hint, hint) :Poke: (I need to go read other's stories too) :whistling:

@ Ryu Doppler, 2 - - More excellent pictures and titles!

@ Soul Slayer, 2 - Party time!!

@ Cosmic Banana - Llama!! Are some of those pics of Machu Pichu?? If so, I am seriously jealous of you and am going to go sulk.

Chiglet :ph34r:

#135 Karandras

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Posted 13 July 2007 - 08:59 PM

interestingly enough that spell is in default oblivion :) I found it with the PSB console command )

Thank you for the support on the story as well. It is the primary thing keeping me going atm :)

Edited by Karandras, 13 July 2007 - 09:00 PM.

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#136 Chiglet

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Posted 13 July 2007 - 09:16 PM

Thanks for these comment :) i can't belive that i get some :crying: :blink:

Kitties always deserve comments. You'll have to look on the other forum to find mine. :)


Okay another Marathon post completed (2 hours, im getting better) and I think its high time I did a poll, Would you rather I continue doing these massive posts every few days or respond as pictures come out, thus giving quicker feedback and comments (not to mention you wouldn't have to dig through this type of massive post to find the comments related to you). Id like as many people to let me know as possible so I can at least try to make an informed decision.

I think if you can afford it time-wise, comments more often and in smaller doses will likely be appreciated more for the reasons you already mention. Also, more people will read them, and often can relate to them more readily, having just seen the pic.

To me, comments linked to the pic are the best and can be enjoyed by the greatest numbers. (I also sometimes have only had time to look at what you and a few other commenters like and link to, so this also serves that purpose too.)

But in the end, a very big thanks for you (and others) taking the time to comment however you do it!!! :clap:

If you can manage it, a daily post would be the best. I'd like to do that myself, but am sometimes just wanting to go to bed after I get home from work. I also agree with the links to the pic thing as it does get confusing when someone says "I liked that one pic, but the other one sucks" (using verbage I use on my own pics only). A link tells me just which pics need improvement.

just in my opinion, i dislike things like that sex mod stated a little earlier in oblivion.
some folk might enjoy that in their oblivion, which is perfectly fine. but i just honestly think these sex mods are changing the look of oblivion to something it shouldn't be. <_<

Killjoy :P

Adventurers gotta have fun too! Even if they are made of triangles!

I only wish there were more romance options for them though...

A romance option would be nice. Zombie216, if you do modding, maybe you could work on this? Something that would give the player the ability to have a romance with an NPC or companion, sans the "horizontal Mambo" type stuff. It's definitely something that's missing.

Alot of you guys never played the originals - but Oblivion in comparison to the older games of this series, is quite prudish! Some them by default even had nudity!

Battlespire!!!! My character was always a naked Nord Barbarian. If he didn't die in the first 5 minutes of gameplay, he did when the game crashed 5 minutes later. But boy was it fun!

Chiglet: I Must say she is quite unique, are they a dark elf/Argonian cross? (if that is the case it must have taken ALOT of ale... :whistling: )
Chiglet(again): Lol good captions on all of them. This has got to be my favorite though ("Aren't you a little short for a battlemage?") Oh and I spent several minutes looking at this picture trying to find your character before I figured out they weren't there :whistling:

Thank you!
(1) - Aurra is actually full Dremora. :) She's one of the ones I was experimenting with to get the tattoo pattern onto females. Didn't work for her, but it did for another, so I decided to try some other looks on her. Right now, her head is Dremoran, and the rest of her (including ears) are Argonian. Which gives her that "unique" look. :) As my husband put it, "She looks like Herman Munster had a too close relationship with a lizard"
(2)LOL Chaos, destuction, confusion. My work here is done. ;)

Well Kalia - it seems like you and Chiglet have a similar mind set ;).

As sad as it is, I doubt that male version will be coming (Don't even think about it!) anytime soon. The website full of the insanse and perverted individuals, AGM webiste + forum, which has been around for quite a while is closing. Aside from the regulars (and lurkers) over there, it comes as a great shock - the off-topicness and insanity they have rivals our own! That is where many adult type mods originated from (Etiher ideas, animations, resources - so on and so forth) and now it has closed. We'll just have to see were that community goes from here!

*cries* I'm...I've got a little something in my eye! :crying:

This is indeed a dark day for all of us left.

Awww Hector, pleeeaaase??? (hey, even though it won't work, a girl's gotta try) I have never even heard of that site/forum. Went searching the web last Summer and Fall to see what more adult mods might be out there, and found a total of 1. Maybe they will find another place to set up with their mods. Who knows, we can hope though

Now everyone, More pictures! I expect to see at least 5 new posts tomorrow morning when I looks (that gives you 11 hours :) )

Your wish is our.....suggestion. :) PSB, huh? I'll try that. thanks :)


#137 Xetirox


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Posted 14 July 2007 - 12:57 AM

And has anyone seen Xetirox? I'm beginning to feel a bit - well, I always say guilt is a useless emotion, but a bit - concerned. :P I didn't mean for SCOOP to take him away entirely!

You put on my neck the Brand of Sacrifi...er, I mean the Authorship of SCOOP, damning me to an eternity of sifting through screenshots in order to complete your evil plan to out-comment me, and then regret it? Grrrrrr! Well, in any case, I'm back, for the time being, and ready to comment. I'm quite surprised, this thread seemed to move slower than the previous ones. Oh well, without further ado...

Chiglet: Ah, with those Dremora dudes, least some of the ladies here now have something to oggle, especially after everything Soul Slayer just posted :ROFL:.

Karandras: Thanks for your comment, looks like I succeeded in making a super-evil Argonian (and finally found a reason to post shots of him). Too bad that a new mod came out that drastically alters Argonian facial structures, so I'll have to see how he looks with that. As for you... ugh, hate it when shots get overwritten, it's especially problematic when your game gets crash-prone. Oh well, good luck replacing them. The ass-kicking shot is cool in any case, and the diving one was really slick. As for your story, it's interesting, but seems to be hampered down by a lot of grammatical errors. The smoking chaos in this shot totally rocks, and I like how relaxed she looks on the roof amongst it all. What a despicable lass. :devil:

Floydian1: Excellent display of spell effects, I especially like the dragon here, his cold colors stand out well against the hotter ones of the background. This one has some good anticipation, though it would have been better if this one came after it, as it provides a cool follow-up. And this is a really beautiful portrait, very interesting way of displaying it in Oblivion.

Soul Slayer: Uh, looks like you and Sable have been...busy lately. The new animations are quite...interesting as well. Actually, that somersault dance was pretty cool. And the arrow-riddled corpse was really funny, and I like how it's slumped over the chest. Don't tell me she died protecting it. :devil:

Hector the Hooded: The number of fighting enemies is really amazing! Was it bogging down your system real bad though?

Ryu Doppler: Got some more great views as usual! Especially the stormy sky, and Skyrim one. Very gloomy. The action shots are neat too, especially the view through the door, and the face-to-face one. This cloudy sky is quite a view.

Rogue Sun: Awesome sequence of pics! Like the elves' formations and how uniformed they all are. And how'd you get all the arrows on screen. Are they photoshopped? And this is a truly majestic shot!

Alexander Wolf
: Even if he's not using a katana, those are still some convincing Samurai pics. The duel behind the screen is stylish, just the kind of thing you expect to see in a Samurai flick. I like this guy too, a lot of his poses (don't tell me there's another new pose mod) have a laid-back feeling to them. Nice atmosphere here.

Darziak: Nice ensemble of characters here (especially the horse, the horse kicks ass). The traveling group pics are neat as well, what a wildly varied troop of characters. I like how that little guy (just...who and what is he anyway) is at point as well, it's a nice touch.

Cosmic-Banana: Samael looks really cool, kinda' like a goth barbarian. Night Meditation is really pretty too, has a beautiful nigt sky, and has a peaceful atmosphere.

Spike 4072: I like this chick, though I have a real weakness for dark angel type characters.

oldmanpoo: Wicked cool group shot! Great variety of unique-looking characters, and the sword up front (with that unnerving eye) is the cherry on top and sets the whole thing up!

VanQa: That's a lovely Auroran. The sleeping pic is great, especially how she's using her gauntlets as a makeshift pillow. Adds some character to the shot.

JazzJR: Always enjoy your Khajiit screens, especially these pirate pics. This shot is fun, the ships in the foreground and one in the background seem to give an impression of a fleet.

Flucidity: Now those are some neat-lookin' arrows! This one's my favorite. And this is one ****ing detailed tattoo! Awesome job!

Edited by Xetirox, 14 July 2007 - 12:58 AM.

"Even if I forcibly replace everything I've lost, they won't go back to normal."
-Guts, episode 287

The Threads of Causality have been tied! This topic is branded for sacrifice!

#138 Karandras

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Posted 14 July 2007 - 03:29 AM

Thanks for the comments. I think I have figured out a solution to the gramatical error though it will delay my stories by around a day. My Mother happens to be a professional proofreader and she should be able to help with it. Only problem is she is extremly againtst all adult content regardless of where it is so im going to have to write up the long story parts, get them proofread, then wight up the more adult parts and just try even harder to correct the problems in those
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#139 Darziak



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Posted 14 July 2007 - 04:48 AM

@ Darziak - Great shots! I love the invisible horses.
@ Darziak - Ok, I snagged your group pic with names and enlarged it, but still have a dickens of a time matching faces with names. Easiest for me is No-name. So,...
unknown character - "Aren't these new gel-padded cushions great??"
Derikan - "Yeah. Think we should get one for No-Name?"
No-Name - "My butt hurts...."

Thanks, these one of a kind are only availble at your ghostly merchants.
That's a good one. :lol:
Seems changing Darjin's hair and clothes makes him a completely different person.

Darziak: Nice ensemble of characters here (especially the horse, the horse kicks ass). The traveling group pics are neat as well, what a wildly varied troop of characters. I like how that little guy (just...who and what is he anyway) is at point as well, it's a nice touch.

No-Name's horse is alienslof's nightmare horse textures and the armour it wears is a steel retex (Derikans horse is a elven retex) I found on tesource.
The little guy Darzigo is a moogle, (it breaks lore but who cares ;)) look for mogmod at the beth forums if your interested. :P

#140 Hector the Hooded

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Posted 14 July 2007 - 07:26 AM

@ Xetirox - Nope! No FPS hit at all, its quite efficient (Streamline helps)!

@Chiglet - They were more or less Morrowind orienated, however the Oblivion Adult Mods were increasing (Slaves, Sex Slaves, Prostitutes, Lovers mod) and i'm *fairly* sure they are relocating, I'll search :). :ph34r: