Some screens and a short story.

"What? What's that out there?"
The patrol stopped as a figure covered in flames headed towards them."What IS that thing?!" The female soldier sounded terrified.
"Whatever it is, it's not getting any farther. Get ready!" The three soldiers dismounted and readied their weapons.
"Foolish mortals. They dare stand in my way?" The figure spoke with a distored, haunting voice as it reached for it's sword.The soldiers took uneasy steps towards it.
"You have sealed your fates by drawing your weapons at me", the figure said to the soldiers as it pointed a sword enveloped in dark flames towards them.
The soldiers nearly jumped back at the sound of it's voice.
"I don't know what you are, but you will not enter the Imperial City!", The captain of the soldiers said, trying to sound intimidating. But it was obvious he was afraid of this abomination.
At that moment another soldier, who had just finished her patrol, arrived from behind the figure and
tried to sneak up behind it.With lightning speed, the soldier rushed in.
"Guh!..uuhh...."The other soldiers stared in frightened amazement. With speed seemingly faster than lightning, the
fiend backstabbed the soldier before she could land a blow."Fools. These acts will only earn you death." The fiend walked towards the remaining three soldiers menacingly.
The three, despite their fear, rushed to engage it.
The two male soldiers charged, taking sveral swings. The figure just kept evading with unimaginable speed. They continued to attack,
only for the first to have his head swiped clean off after the figure evaded a powerful strike. It then sidestepped the other soldier
and cut him in half in the blink of an eye.
It then turned the the female soldier.
"Prepare yourself, for....oblivion."The remaining soldier screamed, and attempted to run away.
"Escape? No one escapes from me!"Before she could take another step,
the fiend impaled her from behind. The last soldier slumped to the ground.
The fiend looked at the city in the distance, and continued on it's way."Fools. They can not stop me."It looked up at the Tower. Soon it began hastening it's steps.
"They can not deny Vengance."-----------------------------------
To be continued.

Enter the Revenant! But why is it going to the IC? Who does it's vengance seek? And who was it before it's death? All will be answered in time.

Keep Posting!