I've got a bug at the end of the first bard's quest.
When I select any choice of the three lessons the master bard can teach me, he teaches me nothing. I mean, I've got the @105 journal entry, the cutscene (like others quests' lessons) but after, the master bard says @100, which matches with a no-bard speaker, and that's all : he gives no skill, no journal entry and doesn't want to talk to me anymore.
For example (the player is in red):
@21 = ~Noble <LADYLORD>! 'Tis good to speak once more with you. However, you must excuse me, as I will be performing shortly and I have yet to procure any instrumentation. Have you been able to find a Harp of Myth Drannor for me?~
@23 = ~Yes, good Master Bard, I have found a Harp of Myth Drannor. Here, I will give it to you if you teach me something.~
@27 = ~Wonderful news, <GABBER>! Truly, I am very pleased by your generosity. With this Harp of Myth Drannor, I can become as great as the most famous bards of Faerūn's history and of our own era.~
@28 = ~You have done a great service for me, <GABBER>, and I want to show you how much I appreciate what you do. I promised to teach you something if you helped me out, and I will honor my word. I will teach you one of three things, but I leave the choice of lesson up to you.~
@29 = ~It would be my pleasure and honor to instruct yet another aspiring bard, one whom I know will be famous throughout the Realms some day. Tell me, <GABBER>, would you be more interested in knowing how to memorize a greater number of spells than a bard of your skill normally can, how to evade your enemies, or, since you have the ability to set some traps, would you like to learn how to set a new kind of traps for your enemies, by spreading Caltrops upon the ground to trip up and harm your enemies?~
3 possible answers from the PC:
@30 = ~I'd like to know how to memorize an additional spell per level.~
@31 = ~I would think evasion would be a useful skill to know. Can you teach me that?~
@32 = ~Learning how to spread caltrops about sounds like it would be a real useful thing in my line of work.~
* If you choose to answer @30:
@30 = ~I'd like to know how to memorize an additional spell per level.~
@33 = ~I have taught many students who are magically inclined in ways of improving their minds, specifically, how to increase their mental capacity. I am sure with your bardic training, I can teach you the same.~ (cutscene)
After the cutscene, the master bard says :
@34 = ~You will make a find bard, <GABBER>. Indeed, you area already well-versed in the life of a minstrel, but with the additional spells you may now memorize, you can become a well known illusionist or trickster.~
-> the journal entry @106 is added:
@106 = ~Academy of Bardic Studies
The Master Bard I met in the Five Flagon's playhouse has taught me how to memorize more spells than most other bards.~ (END)
But instead, we've got:
@21 = ~Noble <LADYLORD>! 'Tis good to speak once more with you. However, you must excuse me, as I will be performing shortly and I have yet to procure any instrumentation. Have you been able to find a Harp of Myth Drannor for me?~
@23 = ~Yes, good Master Bard, I have found a Harp of Myth Drannor. Here, I will give it to you if you teach me something.~
@27 = ~Wonderful news, <GABBER>! Truly, I am very pleased by your generosity. With this Harp of Myth Drannor, I can become as great as the most famous bards of Faerūn's history and of our own era.~
@28 = ~You have done a great service for me, <GABBER>, and I want to show you how much I appreciate what you do. I promised to teach you something if you helped me out, and I will honor my word. I will teach you one of three things, but I leave the choice of lesson up to you.~
@29 = ~It would be my pleasure and honor to instruct yet another aspiring bard, one whom I know will be famous throughout the Realms some day. Tell me, <GABBER>, would you be more interested in knowing how to memorize a greater number of spells than a bard of your skill normally can, how to evade your enemies, or, since you have the ability to set some traps, would you like to learn how to set a new kind of traps for your enemies, by spreading Caltrops upon the ground to trip up and harm your enemies?~
3 possible answers from the PC:
@30 = ~I'd like to know how to memorize an additional spell per level.~
@31 = ~I would think evasion would be a useful skill to know. Can you teach me that?~
@32 = ~Learning how to spread caltrops about sounds like it would be a real useful thing in my line of work.~
* If you choose to answer @30:
@30 = ~I'd like to know how to memorize an additional spell per level.~
@33 = ~I have taught many students who are magically inclined in ways of improving their minds, specifically, how to increase their mental capacity. I am sure with your bardic training, I can teach you the same.~ (cutscene)
After the cutscene, the master bard says :
@100 = ~Welcome to the Five Flagons Playhouse, my good <MANWOMAN>. Are you here to see a show? I may be performing soon, so if you want to come back when the show is about to start, I am certain you will be entertained.~ (END)
All dialogs are in CB510BRD.d file:
SAY @29
SAY @33
IF ~~ THEN DO ~ClearAllActions()
StartCutScene("CBBARDM3")~ EXIT
IF ~Global("CbMasterBardWantsHarp","GLOBAL",3)
Class(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),BARD)~ THEN BEGIN 16
SAY @34
IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("CbMasterBardWantsHarp","GLOBAL",4)
AddJournalEntry(@106,INFO)~ EXIT
SAY @35
IF ~~ THEN DO ~ClearAllActions()
StartCutScene("CBBARDED")~ EXIT
IF ~Global("CbMasterBardWantsHarp","GLOBAL",3)
Class(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),BARD)~ THEN BEGIN 18
SAY @36
IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("CbMasterBardWantsHarp","GLOBAL",4)
AddJournalEntry(@107,INFO)~ EXIT
SAY @37
IF ~~ THEN DO ~ClearAllActions()
StartCutScene("CBBARDCT")~ EXIT
IF ~Global("CbMasterBardWantsHarp","GLOBAL",3)
Class(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),BARD)~ THEN BEGIN 20
SAY @38
IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("CbMasterBardWantsHarp","GLOBAL",4)
AddJournalEntry(@108,INFO)~ EXIT
I've tested the three choices and it's the same. Here is a save just before (you must choose HaerDalis to talk) :
000000049_bug_bard.rar 930.16K
427 downloadsEdit : I found in wsetup.tra a string which could be a skill teached by the master bard (because it's near the other bard's skill:"Drop Caltrops".
@253 = ~Exaltation~
I wonder if it's not the "evasion" he teaches - let's see the journal entry @107 -, and so maybe there's a mistake with this.
Edited by Graoumf, 24 May 2008 - 05:12 PM.