Soul_Slayer (Slayer_of_the_Shadows on Bethesda forums)
This is a release of my character Jasmine, a Mystic High Elf
She's at level 2 in the save, because I was still working on her face until then.
Required Mods:
Ren's Beauty Pack available here: http://www.tessource...ile.php?id=4431
NEC Mystic High Elf available here: http://www.tessource...ile.php?id=4622
If you need a face transferring tutorial, you can find one here: http://www.shsforums...showtopic=26340

This is my first release, so I hope I got it right, if not, please let me know.
Download here
Edited by Soul_Slayer, 20 June 2007 - 05:34 AM.