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#1 Erephine


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Posted 05 June 2007 - 09:26 AM

... yes. I can't think of a title so I'm sorry for being silly.

I thought of breaking this up into individual threads, but it's not like there's going to be a lot of comments/etc. for broken and unfinished bits. That being said, please do have a look at some of the components in the following posts. They may not be finished, but I hope that some of you capable and lovely people will find them useful.

If someone wants to fix/finish/work with anything, I would be delighted! Don't worry about asking permission, heck you don't even have to credit me. I'm just happy if this wasn't for nothing after all. Some of the components are practically finished, and you do NOT need to be an artist/geek/anything to get them working in the game. If you can use NI, and are willing to experiment, you're probably safe.

I'm sorry it took me so long - over a month - but it wasn't easy, and it took me over a day to even get things together and organised and upload them here. I know, I know. But at least I'm here now and back with the goodies. And to be extra nice, I even got screenies myself. Not very good ones, but here you go.

Feel free to comment, and I'd be happy to answer any questions or anything provided I can. If someone should play around with this, and wants to post screenshots, you're absolutely welcome.

I guess I'll start with the smaller things and then move on to the good stuff. So... make sure you actually scroll down before going 'NAH' and moving on.

Edited by Erephine, 05 June 2007 - 09:28 AM.


#2 Erephine


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Posted 05 June 2007 - 09:38 AM

For the developers and modders out there

Download misc. dev files


- probably rather unintelligible explanations concerning the BG colour table
- avatar/file naming guidelines
- a BAM template to grab palettes from the game

- Photoshop files:
- various colour table templates and a dropper template, to test and edit
- a lot of other colour tables you will need to create convincing BAM paperdoll images
- Baldur's Gate standard colour tables

These are useful if you're thinking of editing avatar animations or anything related to paperdoll images. You can test your files in photoshop, experiment with different colour schemes, and avoid the pesky colour glitches that I have seen on a lot of other paperdoll graphics. (including earlier versions of 1pp)


#3 Miloch



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Posted 05 June 2007 - 09:45 AM

Cool stuff... I'll check it out. Thanks for sharing! :cheers:

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
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#4 Erephine


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Posted 05 June 2007 - 09:46 AM

Unfinished paperdoll work

Download unfinished paperdoll bits


- Halforc male fighter paperdolls

All four images are finished, and ready for converting. They only need to be pasted into BAMWorkshop (1) and positioned.

- Halforc male cleric paperdolls

Unarmoured and leather armour finished and ready for converting.

Chain mail and plate armour paperdolls included as PSD files. Not ready for converting. While the base image is finished, they will need to be cleaned up and made to fit the BG palette before they can be converted. This is a somewhat tricky job.

I have also included my halforc cleric 'base' image that all the paperdolls are based on.


#5 Erephine


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Posted 05 June 2007 - 09:50 AM

Unused item images

Download unused item images


- Inventory icons for three swords. (red, flaming, each being an 'upgrade' of the last)

These are the original inventory graphics I made for Chloe's swords. I was very happy with them, until I noticed I totally got the colours wrong. Sometimes I'm stupid. They look very similar to the (later) released version, but if you have a mod and need some inventory icons, here are some for you to use.


#6 Erephine


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Posted 05 June 2007 - 10:05 AM

Black Wyrm's Lair Herbs Add-In component upated images

Original website of the mod

Disclaimer: !! I have NOT asked for permission to do this. I will put it offline immediately if asked. This was done for my own enjoyment, and I am only sharing it here, because I feel this is a very interesting mod, and it deserves to be played. !!

Download BG2 Herbs images


Posted Image

Click here to see the original images.


Copy the BAM files to your override after installing the mod.


- Inventory icons for all the herbs
- Description drawings for all the herbs

- WIP content
Pretty much everything in my folder, I didn't really sort it. There is a PSD with various potion images I was working on for it, all unfinished of course. It also includes a lot of redundant files I intended to edit but never did.

The intention of this is to make the introduced items fit in more with the original game. Both the description and inventory images stood out and looked a bit out of place, and I have tried to fix this so I can enjoy playing without my mind going 'MOD CONTENT!'. The images are all drawn by hand by yours truly, and are created to exactly match the originals. I have not resorted to so called 'artistic freedom'.

Originally this was also intended to give all the mod's items unique graphics, but I never got to that part. I also meant to tweak some of the items, but again, I never actually got to that point.

-edit: Forgot to add, my inventory graphics do have shadows when picked up, even if they're not there on the screenshot. Sorry!

Edited by Erephine, 05 June 2007 - 10:06 AM.


#7 Erephine


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Posted 05 June 2007 - 10:18 AM

1ppv3 Helmets

Download 1ppv3 helmets


Posted Image


Copy all the BAM files to your override. Also copy the "halfling fix" files to your override.


- Helmet paperdoll images for all six avatar animations

It's not finished because:

1) I'm not happy with the overall quality and feel it needs more tweaking

2) Some minor positioning bugs persist

3) ALL the helmet .ITM files need to be edited to set the colours. I have not given the colour codes for the necessary 'locations' because I don't know them by heart, but you should be okay if you experiment. The locations are direct references to the game palette by the way, so if you found one you can go from there (i.e. if 37 is one colour, 36 will be the previous, etc.)

4) The helmets obviously would also need new inventory (and perhaps description) icons.

The idea behind this was to create paperdoll images for helmets that actually match the ingame avatars without looking too bad. As you can see on the screenshot I have used exactly the same shapes/colours as you will see in-game. I have used two example colour combinations, which I'm afraid aren't very good as they're intended for other testing purposes, but if you scroll down, you will find some more screenshots of them actually from the game itself.


#8 Erephine


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Posted 05 June 2007 - 10:44 AM

Paperdoll variation: Shields component

Download shield variation files


Ingame -

Posted Image

For modders -

Posted Image

Okay, this is going to be a long post. >.<

Basically, this gives you more variation with paperdoll shield images (while unfortunately using the same dull old avatar animations as always.).


Copy all the files in all the folders to your override.


-New shield looks you can set in NI to give your shields a more varied look in the inventory screen.

Here are some notes that might help:

The 'shield code' is the appearance you set in NI, for instance D1 - D4 in the original game. I used minor letters (c0, etc.) to show mine are modded content.


These are the original BG1 shields with two exceptions.

1) The colours are changed to better fit the BG2 avatar animations (which are a MESS. Let me tell you that. They couldn't agree on any consistent colouring scheme.)

2) They include extra decorations, i.e. have one more colour you can (and have to) set. These are OPTIONAL as in, you can set the colour to the same as the other, original colour and they will be invisible.

Hint: Use soft colour gradients for grey and blue parts of D3, D4. Finding a colour for the teal stripe on D3 that actually looks good might be difficult. If in doubt, set it to the same colour as the blue part.


Guess who's back? It's BG2's medium shield. Because I like one shield that has that appearance (Sentinel). This is redrawn from scratch.

Hint: Use softer colour gradients for the grey part. Preferrably strong (metallic) ones for teal.


Based on the Drow shields you find in the game, but also pretty useful for dragon scale shields and the like.

Hint: Don't use extremely metallic colours. These really look their best if you keep it moderate.


A somewhat odd design. Spiky?

Hint: Softer gradients for the grey part. Other than that, anything goes. Dark design on bright shield, bright design on dark shield, feel free to experiment.


Based on an unfinished PLT file supplied with BG2, this is the original large shield paperdoll image for the game. I have designed it to match the Fortress shield, although I guess it can be used for many large shields.

Hint: This one usually NEEDS a metallic colour for teal, or it looks screwy.


A wooden, star shaped sort of shield. The idea is stolen from Neverwinter Nights. I loved those light yet protective items. (and you have to, if you're a melee sorceress. >.<)

Hint: The pink part is the 'texture' of the wood, while teal is the base colour. Lots of combinations can look okay here. Try to keep the blue base a soft, darker colour.


Made for one purpose. As you can see in the screenshot above, if you set all the colours to silver, this will look like a mirror. It's supposed to be the missile deflection shield, but, so it has other uses as well, I added some designs you can use with it.

Hint: You can go for lots of different looks with this one. It doesn't have to be shiny, and if you use a dark and soft colour for grey, blue, and teal, and something bright metallic for pink - it will look just as well, with a very different appearance. Almost everything works with this one.


None of the extra shields overwrite any other animations or anything. The intention is to use all of those in one game.

It's not finished because:

1) I'm not happy with the overall quality and REALLY feel it needs more tweaking (this sounds familiar)

2) Someone will have to edit all the shield .ITM files and set the colours properly. They never were, even for the originals, kind of okay with BG1's colour scheme but totally off for BG2's. I did supply the locations this time <3

3) You will actually have to set items to USE the extra appearances.

4) Those items need inventory icons.

As explained above this is intended to give the items a more unique and varied look. This is all I can think of right now, but I'm sure I forgot something.

-edit: Oh, yes. Because of the less than perfect quality, you will have to be careful to test and look for colour settings that will actually look good - you can see some of the screenies don't. This was an issue with the original shields as well, but I wanted to make them look okay for any (no matter how extreme) colour settings you might use. You'll have to experiment with the colours you'd like, until you get a combination that works. (added the 'hints')

Edited by Erephine, 05 June 2007 - 04:38 PM.


#9 Erephine


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Posted 05 June 2007 - 11:38 AM

Last but never least...

... a favourite.

I will post the screenshots first.

Posted Image

And believe me, this looks SO much better animated. (I love Chloe with those swords :wub: )

Flaming swords for Baldur's Gate II

Download, download, and distribute!


- Complete and flawless custom avatar animation for the FS animation series in the size categories L, M and N.

The category missing is for S sized creatures. This means it will show up for all characters other than:

female halflings
female dwarves
male dwarves

(obvious why it's not finished.)

To install, simply copy the files to your override. I realise it's not perfect, but hey... I'm not perfect. And this was the best I could do with my limited means. (i.e. simply photoshop action kind of stuff, etc.)

If you want to fully enjoy it, SOME of the flame sword .ITM files will have to be tweaked, since they have no constant lighting (COLOR GLOW PULSE, without a solid glow) and this will look odd as the flame turns 'dark' in between the flashes at night.

... I'm not going to waste a lot of words. Just let me say you have no idea how much work this was. How much. I hope you can enjoy that work so it was worth all the pain.


Edited by Erephine, 05 June 2007 - 11:39 AM.


#10 Kulyok

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Posted 05 June 2007 - 11:58 AM

Speechless... beautiful...
(I must say, you got me on the herbs - I thought it was done extremely well, I could have never guessed it was a mod).

I'll ask, because the Xan fans(including self, link in my signature) won't forgive me if I don't: is it possible to get the same flaming animation(like Chloe in the screenshots has), only with blue color, somehow? Because Xan's moonblade... it would be wonderful beyond belief to have it.

#11 Erephine


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Posted 05 June 2007 - 03:55 PM

Kulyok, on Jun 5 2007, 09:58 PM, said:

Speechless... beautiful...
(I must say, you got me on the herbs - I thought it was done extremely well, I could have never guessed it was a mod).

I'll ask, because the Xan fans(including self, link in my signature) won't forgive me if I don't: is it possible to get the same flaming animation(like Chloe in the screenshots has), only with blue color, somehow? Because Xan's moonblade... it would be wonderful beyond belief to have it.

All it does is replace your FS avatar animation set (i.e. appearance of the sword says 'FS' in NI) with one that is not an exact copy of S1 (long sword) as it used to be, but an actual 'Flame Tongue'.

You can set it any colour you'd like. It's fully functional and actually uses the right 'location' colours, not like the BG1 animation which strangely used the hilt colour for its flame. :)

It won't cause any problems at all, only if one of the above named (missing) gender/race combinations equips one, it will look like it always did.

(Heh... not sure this made sense.)

Edited by Erephine, 06 June 2007 - 02:32 AM.


#12 Chevalier


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Posted 05 June 2007 - 04:38 PM

OMG!!!! :Tasty:

This is better than anything Bioware ever did!!!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:

Thank you for ALL your hard Work!!! :Bow: :new_thumbs: :wub:

I Ride for the King!

a.k.a. Chev

#13 Azazello


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Posted 05 June 2007 - 06:41 PM

Erephine, on Jun 5 2007, 03:38 PM, said:

... I'm not going to waste a lot of words. Just let me say you have no idea how much work this was. How much. I hope you can enjoy that work so it was worth all the pain.

Erephine, you must be one of the most self-effacing modders in the whole BG universe.

I don't have any idea, but I remember reading various posts, over the years, saying "IT CAN NEVER BE DONE!!!011!"

So I bow to your hard work. :Bow:

Foot rubs for Erephine alone!

"I gladly simp for jastey" -- Aza
"You ever notice that "What the hell?!" is the answer to just about everything?"

"Girls are like phones, they like to be held and talked too, but if you press the wrong button, you will be disconnected!" DJ Nikodemus
Community Contributions
* Level 1 NPCs * gMinion: expanded TP2 for MegaInstalls * PSM (PSQM): expanded scripts for Melanthium * Shar Nadal (DSotSC-BGT) revision * non-detectable Cloak of Non-Detection ?? * Weimer's-Tactics: revised TP2 for MegaInstalls * a directory of Mega-Installation Guides *


#14 cmorgan

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Posted 05 June 2007 - 06:56 PM

This is beyond words. Beyond good. This is completely and utterly awesome - I do not want to even *think* of the hundreds of hours of time it took to get this accomplished. I wish I was independently wealthy, and could reward your time spent appropriately, but I can't - so I will download and use all of it, recommend it to anyone who will listen, and generally say thank you, thank you, thank you
K Y O U E R E P H I N E !!!!!!!! :D

#15 Erephine


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Posted 05 June 2007 - 08:54 PM

Aww... thanks for the praise :blush:

To be honest I feel a little like Obsidian, releasing all those unfinished, disconnected and incomplete bits that might look good if they were finished. And then leave it to the community to actually do it. >.<


Azazello, on Jun 6 2007, 04:41 AM, said:

I don't have any idea, but I remember reading various posts, over the years, saying "IT CAN NEVER BE DONE!!!011!"

As someone who has done 'it' let me say:


Safer for everyone's sanity if we leave it at that. :blink:

-edit: Now, someone mentioned foot rubs.... *giggles*

Edited by Erephine, 05 June 2007 - 08:57 PM.


#16 Kulyok

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Posted 05 June 2007 - 10:55 PM

Erephine, on Jun 6 2007, 03:55 AM, said:

Kulyok, on Jun 5 2007, 09:58 PM, said:

Speechless... beautiful...
(I must say, you got me on the herbs - I thought it was done extremely well, I could have never guessed it was a mod).

I'll ask, because the Xan fans(including self, link in my signature) won't forgive me if I don't: is it possible to get the same flaming animation(like Chloe in the screenshots has), only with blue color, somehow? Because Xan's moonblade... it would be wonderful beyond belief to have it.

All it does is replace your FS avatar animation set (i.e. appearance of the sword says 'FS' in NI) with one that is not an exact copy of S1 (long sword) as it used to be, but an actual 'Flame Tongue'.

You can set it any colour you'd like. It's fully functional and actually uses the right 'location' colours, not like the BG1 animation which strangely used the hilt colour for its flame. :)

It won't cause any problems at all, only if one of the above named (missing) gender/race combinations equips one, it will look like it always did.

(I hope this made sense.)

Well, it might not at the moment, but I'll come home, open the NI, get the BAM workshop, read the tutorials, and hopefully I'll be able to get it right(or I'll just start asknig around), because I really want to. With full credit and links to you, when it does get done. :)

I hope the folks from the Herbs Add-In will use your graphics sooner or later, too - they are amazing.

#17 Erephine


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Posted 06 June 2007 - 02:19 AM

Kulyok, on Jun 6 2007, 08:55 AM, said:

Well, it might not at the moment, but I'll come home, open the NI, get the BAM workshop, read the tutorials, and hopefully I'll be able to get it right(or I'll just start asknig around), because I really want to. With full credit and links to you, when it does get done. :)

I hope the folks from the Herbs Add-In will use your graphics sooner or later, too - they are amazing.

BAMWorkshop is not necessary.

... if I remember Xan's blade from BG1 correctly - and assuming it's the same file - I think it might work without your doing anything. You only have to copy the files to your override.

Unfortunately I don't have any Infinity Engine games, or even NI on this laptop, or I could show you everything step-by-step with screenshots. I guess I'm awful at explaining things but basically this is all you have to verify/do:

1- put the files in your override
2- make sure Xan's moonblade looks like a flaming sword on his paperdoll (that means it's using the FS set)
3- make sure your blade's flame is a blue of your choice

If it looks right on your paperdoll, I don't see why it shouldn't, in-game.

The item should have a (blue) color_glow_solid effect for the blade as well, so it will still burn brightly at night.

Anyway, I hope this helps.

Edited by Erephine, 06 June 2007 - 02:34 AM.


#18 Kulyok

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Posted 06 June 2007 - 09:55 AM


... if I remember Xan's blade from BG1 correctly - and assuming it's the same file - I think it might work without your doing anything. You only have to copy the files to your override.

Yes! Oh my, it is really a sight - yes! Yes, yes and yes, and it all glows blue.

I was going to release a next version of Xan soon - I'll include "BG1-like flaming sword animation" as a component there, with all due thanks and more - so that the players will be able to enjoy it at last. This is truly great news, and "thank you, thank you very much" just isn't enough. :)



(Installation section:)
As well, you will have an option to install a BG1-like flaming sword animation
for Xan's moonblade, courtesy of Erephine, the author of One Pixel Productions.

(Credits section:)
Moonblade's "BG1-esque" animation: Erephine, the author of One Pixel Productions.

Will this be all right with you?

Edited by Kulyok, 06 June 2007 - 10:06 AM.

#19 Miloch



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Posted 06 June 2007 - 12:49 PM

Kulyok, on Jun 6 2007, 01:55 PM, said:

I was going to release a next version of Xan soon - I'll include "BG1-like flaming sword animation" as a component there, with all due thanks and more - so that the players will be able to enjoy it at last.

I find this extremely ironic, given this recent comment:

Kulyok, on May 27 2007, 10:56 PM, said:

Just a note: for newbies like me, who only want some more dialogue(and do not want to mess up with frames and stuff), I'll be happy not to install any custom avatars and animations, if at all possible - I do not install "Moinesse's Avatars" for this very reason(i.e. compatibility, replacing existing animations, at times it shows that the quality does not match the original game, possible bugs).

I should also mention that the quality of Moinesse's animations is quite high, just like Erephine's. If it comes down to personal preference (you like one author's work but not the other's), that's fine - but that's certainly not clear from your comment, which implies you're opposed to any custom animations.

Anyway, this really is great content, Erephine. I had the same observation about the "Herbs." Although a good mod, some of the BAMs are sub-optimal and appear to run over the edges. I know I'll be installing this "unofficial" add-on, even if it gets deleted (though hopefully the author will consider incorporating it).

Do you mind if I ask which tools you use to do this work, particularly the animation sequences like the flaming swords? Do you hand edit them pixel by pixel in a paint program or did you use something more sophisticated?

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
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"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#20 Erephine


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Posted 06 June 2007 - 02:32 PM

Let's not start a fight here, okay?

I'll keep my own opinion out of this, but I don't think it's ironic, actually I can see one main difference here.

The flaming sword component doesn't *replace* anything. It just wasn't there in your original game. You can still have your longsword look like a longsword. And it was supposed to be like that with the original game as well, if the developers hadn't been lazy and simply copied the longsword animation over. It was there in BG1.

Consistency of course might still be an issue, it being unfinished and all.


Do you mind if I ask which tools you use to do this work, particularly the animation sequences like the flaming swords? Do you hand edit them pixel by pixel in a paint program or did you use something more sophisticated?

As for the animation sequences, there is some incoherent rambling in my May 1st update thread on how I did it.



(Installation section:)
As well, you will have an option to install a BG1-like flaming sword animation
for Xan's moonblade, courtesy of Erephine, the author of One Pixel Productions.

(Credits section:)
Moonblade's "BG1-esque" animation: Erephine, the author of One Pixel Productions.

Will this be all right with you?

*points to the first post in this thread*

I would point out, though, that this is not exclusive to Xan's moonblade, but that all flaming swords will use it. And as I said, I know of at least one sword that will have to be tweaked to set a solid colour glow.
