Hey everyone! I finally figured out what was causing that "patchwork pussycat" khajiit! Get this... it was a loading order issue. I can't believe it didn't occur to me to switch the load orders of roberts and beautiful people.

Ah well, at least my khajiit look... ya know, normal. Well, as normal as a 6 foot bipedal cat-man can look.
EDIT: Also, I apparently edited the wrong mod, initially... D'OH! Oh well, now I've got a working load order AND non-screwy khajiit... HUZZAH!
Anyway, I've had to restart my quasi-paladin AGAIN, because... er, well, my recent installation of several mods caused him to acquire an appearance tone not unlike that of Michael Jackson. Fortunately, I'd only played him for an hour, since I only used him to mess around with clothes and armour. I've been contemplating making a female ranger (or something along those lines.), since, well... I've got exnem now and a bunch of exnem-ized clothes/armour.
Anyway, time for some comments!
@highpressure: Nice screenies... I especially like the second third and fifth ones!
@Zombie216: I still like the ears.
@Treetop Smoker: Good screenshots... the one where she's in the blocking pose is my favorite out of the initial three. I also like that the shot where she's wearing that... mythic dawn-ish armour. And finally, the screenshot where your character is fighting the goblin is very dramatic!
@Floydian: Great as always. The screenshot where she's fighting Umbra (or an Umbra look-alike) is pretty cool. Also, Rufio's expression in one of the later screenshot is pretty humorous.
@Fyrefae: Nice screenshots... the third one "apotheosis" is my favorite, due to the pose, which is my favorite "sheogorath cane" pose. The screenshot where Baurus and your Tabaxi character praying over Uriel's body is very touching.
@JazzJR: That's an interesting feline fellow... I've seen such a mod (or one similar, anyway) somewhere before, but I can't recall where.
@Cosmic-Banana: Nice tattoo textures!
@Soul Slayer: I
almost feel sorry for that bandit in the last screenshot. Keyword: almost.
@Shadow': That's the first blue-haired character I've seen in a LONG time. And, as a guy who likes blue-hair, I approve. The assassin fight screenshots, especially the one's with the little flashes of light during parries are very well done. Also, I see you're using Kadaj's sword from... er, one of the FF7 weapon mods that is floating about out there.
@Spike4072: One can definitely tell they're the same person, except for one being older, of course. Nice job!
Hrm, and... well, I'm off to think of a decent custom class for my ranger chick.
I'm thinking...
Race(in order of preference): Wood Elf, Dark Elf/Mystic Elf, or Redguard.
Sign(in order of preference): Thief, The Lord (for Dark Elf or Mystic Elf... I use OOO, so it's a fairly nice sign, IMO), Warrior, the Ritual.
Class Name: Ranger
Specialization: Combat (Secondary Specialization: Stealth... SS is a S.P.A.M. feature) (I might switch them around...)
Preferred Attributed: Endurance (I almost ALWAYS take endurance) and Agility (maybe speed, depending on which race I choose)
Majors: Blunt (Axes only... she'll be a woodswoman, so I figure she'll have chopped wood at some point.)
Light Armour (for several ranger-friendly L.A. mods I have.)
Alchemy (self-sufficiency)
Armorer (see alchemy)
Sneak (For stalking prey)
Marksman (Durr)
Block or Athletics (Whichever... both would basically be filler)
Keep in mind that the leveling mod I use (S.P.A.M.) gives me set multipliers based upon my specialization, secondary specialization (S.P.A.M.-only), and preferred attributes... so I really don't have to be quite as careful making a class as I do with the normal system.
Edited by Daiyoukai Ramza, 27 May 2007 - 12:39 AM.