Very nice pictures everyone, I have alot of trouble keeping up with all of them there is so many

(only working on page 10 atm, to much of a back-log to comment on

Floydian 1: I guess all little fairies aren't cute little things that just float around all day, some go on killing sprees it seems
Zombie216: Wow those look awesome, I really like the first one
Treetop Smoker: Is that soul caliber and soul edge in your first two pictures? Oh and how did you manadge to get that effect on the ground in picture 3? it looks amazing
JazzJR: Have you ever heard the word overkill?

I feel sorry for that guy in the first pic
CapsAdmin: Very nice picture there, it goes very well with your golden saint one, would you mind if i made a wallpaper mixing the 2 together?
Chimera: Thats a really nice looking character, I like how you did the blurring effect in the second one
Flucidity: How do you keep coming up with those amazing looking tattoos? Very nicely done
Cosmic-Banana: Wonderful lighting in those pics, all that blood really goes well with the picture

Woohoo! another marathon post completed, good night everyone, see you tomorrow!
Edited by Karandras, 02 June 2007 - 07:51 PM.