I like the theme/storyline, but your shots were a bit too dark for me to see very well. Also, intense action shots I think look better close up.Hrm, back to the younger version of my character. These next few screenshots detail a sort of 'inner' battle he had in a dream.
I had a few more screenshots, but apparently Oblivion hates me and decided to overwrite them.
And yes, Oblivion does this overwriting of screenshots quite often in my experience. When I spend a while setting up a shot, I copy it elsewhere to avoid this very frustrating bug. It happens often after a crash to desktop. Other people use Fraps which avoids this issue.
<The Incredible Snip>
Yeah, they were a bit too dark... I'll definitely make any similar shots I take in the future MUCH brighter. And, well, I definitely could have made them closer-up. Unfortunately, that thought didn't occur to me because I was tired and... kind of irked. I got turned down for a fairly well-paying job, so I am in quite a sour mood and will likely remain in such a mood for a number of days. On a final note, I totally could have had the EEEEVIIIIL version of my character in some, like... more threatening armour than dwarven. Like Daedric, Eternal Dragon Armour, Dreadweave, or something not so golden and shiny! Yeesh, I'm tempted to re-do those shots. But, that'll have to wait, as I do not feel like playing Oblivion right now. Anyway, ciao.