Possible Pictures for SCOOP
Posted 21 May 2007 - 07:14 AM
Well... not quite so appropriate now I changed it. Sorry, Jadikins. <3 <3
The King and I
The Emperor and I
Posted 21 May 2007 - 07:22 AM
I agree. Show us your uber-cool awesome fo' shizzle screens!trollf... if you don't contribute some of those amazing shots of yours here then this will be a sham of a fax of a thread. A sham and a fax, I say.
Edited by Kimory, 21 May 2007 - 07:23 AM.
Xbox 360 and PC user
What am I working on now?
Remake of my Draconian Race, which was lost long ago...
Posted 21 May 2007 - 07:37 AM
Edited by trollf, 21 May 2007 - 07:43 AM.
TES4 HQ pictures | TES4 STUFF: Silent Stones Camp, Actors In Madness, Forecaster's Will, Farmers Strike Back! Paintings Galore! Canvas Galore! Actors In Charge, Unnatural Aura, Hunter's Performance Review and more - in OBLIVIONARIUM
Posted 21 May 2007 - 07:43 AM

Mods Used:
Marie Elena (Pilotable Ship)
Yes, bloom effect added.
Fly free butterfly

Mods Used:
Beautiful People 2.2
Biu's Adventuress Body
Actors In Charge
tai command and some luck
Edited by Floydian1, 21 May 2007 - 07:43 AM.

Click For My Screenshot Gallery
My Mods on TESNexus - deviantART
Thanks to Gizmodian for the wonderful sig!
Posted 21 May 2007 - 08:28 AM
But you've seen them all already
I have nothing new in my galleries. I'm working on my next few mods, not taking the shots ;]
Oh good, I was looking for a bookmark for all of them. You are absolutely astonishing. Those shots are wonderful.
Well... not quite so appropriate now I changed it. Sorry, Jadikins. <3 <3
The King and I
The Emperor and I
Posted 21 May 2007 - 10:25 AM

Mods Used:
Shirt: Exnem's Sorceress Outfit
Goggles: Dwemer Spectacle Mod
Custom Race Textures: Face by CapsAdmin, body by Kaelis Ebonrai.
Face model from Ren's Beauty Pack
Hair model converted to Oblivion by Kaelis Ebonrai, original by Kozaburo for poser.
Eye textures by Koldorn.
Photoshoped: No
The Watcher

Mods Used:
Custom Race Textures: Face by CapsAdmin, body by Kaelis Ebonrai, Tattoo by SeV
Face model from Ren's Beauty Pack
Hair model converted to Oblivion by Kaelis Ebonrai, original by Kozaburo for poser.
Eye textures by Koldorn.
Photoshoped: Yes
Edited by SeV, 21 May 2007 - 11:24 PM.
My avatar courtesy of my own little personal artist, Rumms
Posted 21 May 2007 - 11:00 AM
Stop posting shots of her! And take her off from your avatar! I have no time to stare at my screen the whole day ;p ;] ^_^
TES4 HQ pictures | TES4 STUFF: Silent Stones Camp, Actors In Madness, Forecaster's Will, Farmers Strike Back! Paintings Galore! Canvas Galore! Actors In Charge, Unnatural Aura, Hunter's Performance Review and more - in OBLIVIONARIUM
Posted 21 May 2007 - 11:46 AM

My avatar courtesy of my own little personal artist, Rumms
Posted 21 May 2007 - 11:58 AM
This isn't going to be like the time when posts were comprised of 75% turtle, is it?
Posted 21 May 2007 - 12:24 PM

Mods Used
Beautiful People 2.5
Visually Enchanted Soultrap
Capes and Cloaks (with custom texture)
Sauron's Armor Chest (with custom texture)
Yes, adjusted for Brightness and Contrast.
Within the Sigil Keep

Mods Used
Beautiful People 2.5
Visually Enchanted Soultrap
Capes and Cloaks (with custom texture)
Sauron's Armor Chest (with custom texture)
Yes, adjusted for Brightness and Contrast.
"I don't recall using teleportation, yet there I was....alone...naked."
My Deviantart
My Myspace
Cool place for character names: www.behindthename.com

Posted 21 May 2007 - 12:30 PM

Mods Used
Beautiful People 2.5
Visually Enchanted Soultrap
Capes and Cloaks (with custom texture)
Sauron's Armor Chest (with custom texture)
Yes, adjusted for Brightness and Contrast.
Alabaster Vaults

Mods Used
AranMathi House Mod
"I don't recall using teleportation, yet there I was....alone...naked."
My Deviantart
My Myspace
Cool place for character names: www.behindthename.com

Posted 21 May 2007 - 12:55 PM
May I ask you what you have done to her that she has such thin and 'sharp' eyebrows? O_^
Hector -
What turtle do you speak of? :]
As for the screenshots here...

Mods used: AiC, Ren's Hair and Samurai Armor.
Photoshopped? No.

Mods used: Qarl's Texture Pack 3, Natural Environments, and (you'll kill me probably for this ;p) unreleased version of AiC O_o transparency comes from no mod but game's bug
Photoshopped? No.
TES4 HQ pictures | TES4 STUFF: Silent Stones Camp, Actors In Madness, Forecaster's Will, Farmers Strike Back! Paintings Galore! Canvas Galore! Actors In Charge, Unnatural Aura, Hunter's Performance Review and more - in OBLIVIONARIUM
Posted 21 May 2007 - 02:27 PM

Posted 21 May 2007 - 02:47 PM

Mods Used:
Nights Of The Nine
Reqiuem Sword
On Parade

Mods Used:

Click For My Screenshot Gallery
My Mods on TESNexus - deviantART
Thanks to Gizmodian for the wonderful sig!
Posted 21 May 2007 - 07:02 PM
SeV -
May I ask you what you have done to her that she has such thin and 'sharp' eyebrows? O_^
As for the screenshots here...
something something something
unreleased version of AiC
something something

As for the eyebrows, just some good ol' fashioned facegening

My avatar courtesy of my own little personal artist, Rumms
Posted 21 May 2007 - 09:00 PM
What's the deal with horses standing on their hind hooves anyway?
Floydian: Cheater, you need to list the mods, not just type 'alot'. ;)
Posted 22 May 2007 - 02:42 AM
You are almost as cryptic as myself when I was talking about that 'unreleased' thing ^_^As for the eyebrows, just some good ol' fashioned facegening :)
The Raven Crown -
That horse... well... it's like a movie trick :] These are the two animations at the same time - attacking horse and horse patting animation performed by PC. Something like this:

Not possible to make in vanilla game.
Kaelis -
Thanks. I have not yet had any special wishes but if they ever would appear I'll let you know ;]
Edited by trollf, 22 May 2007 - 02:50 AM.
TES4 HQ pictures | TES4 STUFF: Silent Stones Camp, Actors In Madness, Forecaster's Will, Farmers Strike Back! Paintings Galore! Canvas Galore! Actors In Charge, Unnatural Aura, Hunter's Performance Review and more - in OBLIVIONARIUM
Posted 22 May 2007 - 06:17 AM

Mods used:
Horse armor DLC
pegasus bow and arrows (I made some changes)
armory of the silver dragon (I made some changes)
Light levels
I'll post some good ones when I get the time.
Posted 22 May 2007 - 12:47 PM

Mods used: Exnem Body, Black Luster armor and Weapons, kdcirclets, Facial Textures by Enayla, Improved Facital Textures, Ranger Equipment
Paintshop pro for the edges around the picture.

Mods used: Exnem Body, Black Luster armor and Weapons, kdcirclets, Facial Textures by Enayla, Improved Facital Textures, Ranger Equipment & Natural Enviroments
Paintshop pro for the edges around the picture.
-o0o- My Photobucket -o00-
Posted 22 May 2007 - 02:12 PM

Mods used: Enayla face textures and alpha version of Highrock Camp ;p
Photoshopped? No.
TES4 HQ pictures | TES4 STUFF: Silent Stones Camp, Actors In Madness, Forecaster's Will, Farmers Strike Back! Paintings Galore! Canvas Galore! Actors In Charge, Unnatural Aura, Hunter's Performance Review and more - in OBLIVIONARIUM