SCOOP will eventually be a gallery featuring 100 cool Oblivion screenshots each month, chosen by the SCOOP author (currently me) and linked to from the UESP Oblivion Mods Recommendation Page. The purpose of this thread is to gather together those special screenshots posted during the month to make it easier to pull the screenshots for the next SCOOP. Clearly, there'll be more than 100 possible shots each month; this ideally will be a monthly thread, closed down after the SCOOP pics are chosen, with a new thread started for the next month. I encourage those whose pics weren't chosen one month to repost for the following month! Or, post your newest favorite shot! Remember - this is not a competition! It's a way to garner attention for *all* our talented artists!
Possible Rules . . . er, I mean - Actual Rules for the Possible Page
1 - Posting in this thread constitutes authorization for your picture to be either attached to/hosted at the SCOOP gallery or img-tagged from the original hosting site, at the SCOOP author's discretion. Therefore, please only post if you are the original "author" of the screenshot - do not post someone else's screenshots, no matter how cool they are. Do feel free to pester others to put their screenshots here (at your own risk of their annoyance

2 - Please limit it to one or two screenshots per post. Just easier to go through that way. Links are fine, though img-tagged or thumbnailed shots will be easier to track if people post comments here as well. Which leads to . . .
3 - Comments are welcome in this thread, with the general screenshot thread comments rules applying regarding civil & respectful behavior. But let's try to not go too off-topic here, please - as wading through hundreds of pages of silliness would be amusing, but would rather defeat the original purpose of the thread.

IMPORTANT - Information requested along with posted screenshot - Please also post a list of *applicable* mods, as explained by greatfool1 :
Please also post if the shot was photo-edited or not. For this, a simple Yes, No or Only for Brightness and Contract will do just fine, but if you want to post more details about *how* you photo-edited the shot, that's welcome. There's no guarantees on what of that information would make it onto SCOOP due to space limitations. For an example of a perfect submission post, see Xetirox's post.I assume there will also be captions allowed with the shot, along with a list of the main mods. I would also assume in the Character category, the Beauty mods would be listed for sure, but this kind of listing would not be necessary in the Action category, for instance. In Action, the armor and weapon would be listed. In Romance, the size of the ... oh nevermind.
That's it! Get to posting!
This is the very first, test-run kind of thread, so comments/suggestions on how this Possibles Page is set up are welcome. If you have comments on SCOOP itself, please post them in the UESP Pictures Page thread.
If you see an awesome screenshot - *especially* if it's on another board - please encourage the "author" to post it here! Eventually we'll have SCOOP up & running & advertising this all will be much easier. In the meantime, I appreciate all efforts to get the word out about this possibles thread!
Edited by kalia, 19 May 2007 - 06:45 AM.