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ARGH! My screenshots are disappearing!

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#1 Kimory


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Posted 17 May 2007 - 11:54 AM

I need help, once again, cause I suck at these kinds of things. I got Antialiasing on and blablabla... I took a few screenshots, and I did awesome screens of my girl killing the necros at Cadlew Chapel, so then I went to post them on Photobucket and opened the browse screen... All the screens I took before exiting are... GONE! :crying: How did this happen?

Edited by Kimory, 17 May 2007 - 12:36 PM.

"There is no genius without a touch of madness" Sheogorath
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#2 Hector the Hooded

Hector the Hooded

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Posted 17 May 2007 - 12:28 PM

Ok, first of all, you cannot take screenshot while running AA.

Well that is to say, you need a third party program (FRAPS) so download fraps, and then you can take screens.

#3 Kimory


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Posted 17 May 2007 - 12:35 PM

Oh... Ok... Thanks for the info.
"There is no genius without a touch of madness" Sheogorath
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#4 Hector the Hooded

Hector the Hooded

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Posted 17 May 2007 - 01:06 PM

If you get that it will probably work! Just activate fraps before Oblivion.

#5 SeV

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Posted 17 May 2007 - 05:34 PM

not only that but Oblivion overwrites your screenshots sometimes. I don't remember exactly how though..

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#6 RGM2

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Posted 31 May 2007 - 09:37 AM

Ok, first of all, you cannot take screenshot while running AA.

Actually you can, (without FRAPS). I'm not sure how you do it with Nvidia, but with ATI it is quite easy. You use ATI's catalyst control centre to override the games settings. When you do this the game's video options menu will still show that AA is off, but it will in fact be on.

not only that but Oblivion overwrites your screenshots sometimes. I don't remember exactly how though...

I've noticed this also. Very annoying. I'm not sure why, but I think I have it narrowed down to 2 possibilities. It is either when I change characters, or when I make changes to Oblivion's video settings that require a reload of the game.

#7 Hector the Hooded

Hector the Hooded

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Posted 31 May 2007 - 09:42 AM

Well, forgive me, but I don't use ATI, I use Nvidia :P!

#8 Luchaire

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Posted 31 May 2007 - 05:14 PM

not only that but Oblivion overwrites your screenshots sometimes. I don't remember exactly how though...

I've noticed this also. Very annoying. I'm not sure why, but I think I have it narrowed down to 2 possibilities. It is either when I change characters, or when I make changes to Oblivion's video settings that require a reload of the game.

The cause for this is simple: The game tracks what screenshot number it is on in the Oblivion.ini file. But if you CTD or crash-on-exit, the .ini file isn't saved, so the new index number isn't updated. So what happens is that the next time you take screenshots, it is reusing old numbers and overwriting old screenshots.

Simple solution: fix your system so it doesn't CTD/crash-on-exit, or use FRAPS. ;)

#9 Owen

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Posted 01 June 2007 - 12:54 AM

not only that but Oblivion overwrites your screenshots sometimes. I don't remember exactly how though...

I've noticed this also. Very annoying. I'm not sure why, but I think I have it narrowed down to 2 possibilities. It is either when I change characters, or when I make changes to Oblivion's video settings that require a reload of the game.

The cause for this is simple: The game tracks what screenshot number it is on in the Oblivion.ini file. But if you CTD or crash-on-exit, the .ini file isn't saved, so the new index number isn't updated. So what happens is that the next time you take screenshots, it is reusing old numbers and overwriting old screenshots.

Simple solution: fix your system so it doesn't CTD/crash-on-exit, or use FRAPS. ;)

I use Howie's Quick Screen Capture Tool v1.1


You can find it under Misc Software at the above website and best of all it's free. It captures anything onscreen by hitting print screen or another selectable key in your choice of picture file type, all stored in their own folder. Hope this helps.

Edited by Owen, 01 June 2007 - 12:55 AM.