File Submitter: Kaelis Ebonrai
File Submitted: 15 May 2007
File Category: Houses
LadyLi's wonderful Shivering Isles House Mod!
A Loft near New-Sheoth located by a little lake with a wonderfull view of the Palace. Leave the City through the Gate of Bliss and turn right. On the other seeside, youŽll see the Entrance to the huge Loft. Nice surprise named Max included!
INSTALLATION Unpack .esp file contained in the archive into the Oblivion\Data folder and activate it prior to starting the game. This is the third Release Candidate Version - RC3! I welcome any feedback you might have. Note: If the mannequins aren't positioned like in the screenshot (included in this package), please simply pick them up and place them whereever you want them! Thanks go to: ° Reznod for the mannequins; ° Jakhar editing Reznod's mannequins ° Shawn Dorshack for the pestle idea ° Babarix for the Bone Plant script and 'Max' ° Dejunai/TESModdersDen for helping with a few cleaning probs ° Also sinHHHans, Ra'athim and Bretone for their help ° the members of the 'Ei der Zeit' forum for all their suggestions to complete this mod ° XMS for translating this readme and the Loft! A big Thanks to you all! Yours truly Lady Li
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