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Korreen's Quest

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#1 cyborgakadjmoose

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Posted 12 May 2007 - 07:13 PM

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"I know not for how long I remained in my vigil."

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"I knelt before Arkay in humility as his servant, and I submitted a plea for guidance."

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"I am his instrument of death,"

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"...a harbinger of doom and destruction."

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"I felt the presence of Arkay, and he motioned for me to head West."

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"These are dark times, where evil men corrupt and destroy all that was once good.
And that is why I exist. I am a bearer of death.
I carry death with me so that she may find the wicked in the darkest depths of their own corruption."

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"I am a Death Paladin!"

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"And so, I promptly left Arkay's chapel within Cheydinhal."

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"The scent of death was in the air, a smell I grew tired of long ago.
It was by this scent that I followed my path West."

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"I made my way West past the Imperial City, travelling under the moonlight to reach my unforseen destination with haste."

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"I rode until dawn, and that was when I sensed my destination. I arrived at a quaint priory on the outskirts of Chorrol.
Once there I spoke to the headmaster, who was once a former blade. He told me he was overwhelmed and in desperate need of help."

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"While frantically searching ancient texts for something unknown to me at the time, he told me of the Emperor's death and his last remaining heir."

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"Jauffre, who the headmaster identified himself as, asked me to find the Emperor's son, Martin.
His location was in the city of Kvatch, far to the Southwest. This confirmed to me Arkay's guidance.
Without another word I left Jauffre's presence..."

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"...and headed for the distant city of Kvatch."

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"Once I had arrived at the outskirts of Kvatch, a unusual sight greeted me.
Many of Kvatch's citizens stood huddled around tents and campfires at the base of the plateau."

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"I questioned one of the citizens to gain some sort of understanding of the situation.
She spoke frantically and said that the city was gone."

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"'How could an entire city disappear?,' I asked her.
She said that if I didn't believe her, I should go up the plateau and see for myself."

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"So I rode up the winding ramp towards Kvatch, only to suddenly notice the sky grow red, like a beast slowly opening its bloody maw."

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"I sensed the presence of demonic energy grow strong as I drew towards Kvatch.
And that was when I saw a sight I will never forget."

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"The city of Kvatch was gone; completely destroyed. I uttered Arkay's name out of sheer horror.
The presence of the demonic daedra was strong, and its source was the open mouth of an Oblivion Gate."

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"Wasting no time, I jumped from the saddle and was informed by the captain of the watch.
A brave man, but inexperenced in the way of daedra.
I assured him I would give him the assistance he needed.
Placing my mace, Senka, into my gauntleted hand, I ran towards the Gateway to Oblivion."

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"The Gate towered over me, like a hungry beast salivating at new prey."

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"There was no time for second thoughts. The destruction of this gate had to be done, and I was the one to do it.
I hefted Senka in my hand and charged into the shimmering mirror of the Gate,
the baleful energies surrounding me and transporting me to the realm of the daedric prince, Mehrunes Dagon."

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"I looked up to the grotesque tower that loomed before me, its single window like an eye that was ever watchful, watching every step I made.
I knew the tower was my objective.
'Arkay, grant me strength!,' I shouted.
Without the slightest hesitation I ran across the ashen plains, every thought focused on the tower."

Edited by cyborgakadjmoose, 14 May 2007 - 08:53 PM.

CYBORGAKADJMOOSE (Cyborg also known as DJMoose)

"I don't recall using teleportation, yet there I was....alone...naked."

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#2 cyborgakadjmoose

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Posted 15 May 2007 - 07:31 AM

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"Only one who has visited this deadric realm can truely describe it to you...the heat, the smell, the ground constantly shifting beneath your feet.
It is a most unpleasant place. Yet I must continue onward with the task set before me."

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"The denziens of this plane are truely absurd. My spells are easily able to dispatch them."

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"The energy that comes from this place is a constant pulse in my head. I must rid Kvatch of this evil. I can only hope that there are survivors."

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"I have faced daedra far more powerful than mere scamps;"

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"...yet these impish creatures come and fight me!"

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"There, the tower is within my grasp! I must make my way to the top and remove the sigil stone."

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"Dremora, the footsoldiers of Mehrunes Dagon. They are no match for me."

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"By Arkay I cannot fail!"

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"As I ascended to the top level of the tower, the presence of demonic energy grew nearly too much to bear.
The energy cloaked my sight before me in darkness.
After wading through countless daedra, I finally made it to the keep at the top of the tower.
I removed the enflamed sigil stone from its place..."

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"...and with a bright flash of light I found myself once again ouside Kvatch. I raised Senka above my head in victory as the sun rose once again on Kvatch, filling myself and others with a slim feeling of hope."

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"I discussed my experience with the captain, and he was more than eager to retake the city - if there was any city left to save."

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"As one we assaulted the city gate."

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"We fought of a horde of daedra who occupied the city's grounds. They were no match for our righteous fury."

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"After the dust settled, we made our way for the desecrated chapel.
The hope simply drained from my face when I saw such a holy place in ruin."

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"When I entered the ruined chapel, I was surprised to find that the citizen's of Kvatch had put up a noble resistance!
Arkay be praised! He has much more faith in other mortals than I do."

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"I submitted a plea of forgiveness to Arkay for such unbelief in his sovereignty."

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"I sensed Lord Arkay's acceptance of my supplication, and he inclined me to search for the Emperor's heir."

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"Surveying the survivors, the guards pointed me to the last remaining priest, named Martin."

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"I spoke with Martin. He was like no priest I know. He was utterly shaken in his faith.
I too understood the test of faith under such circumstances."

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"It was then that I revealed the truth of Martin's destiny.
When I revealed he was Uriel Septim's son, he openly denied it.
He stated his father was but a simple farmer.
But once again I confirmed that he was the Dragonbourne Heir.
He did not believe me until I told him the motivation for this terrible attack."

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"'Martin Septim,' I said, looking him sternly in the eye, 'The daedra came here for you. You are the only remaining threat to the total conquest of this world! You are Uriel Septim's Son!' Even then he still doubted me."

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"I left Martin to consider his destiny while I assisted the city watch in rescuing the count. We assaulted the castle in haste."

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"We waded through the dark, flame-lit corridors of the castle..."

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"...banishing any daedra to be found and calling out to the Count. If only I had known the sight that awaited me."

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"There, the guards and I found the Count, lying sprawled on the ground in a pool of his own blood. I checked for any trace of a pulse, and there was only emptiness. His body was a lifeless husk. The daedra took his very soul."

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"I returned to the entrance of the castle with the Count's signet ring and pondered the events that had transpired these over the past 24 hours."

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"A righteous anger rose within me as I replayed the days events in my mind."

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"I rose to my feet and vowed loudly before Arkay and all who were present that I would end this scourge on the people of this land!"

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"I heard Arkay's voice, and he said he would help me in this quest every step of the way. I thanked him for his guidence."

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"As the sun set on Kvatch once more, I escorted the priest Martin from Kvatch, now assured of his destiny. He turned and took one last look on his home, the city that was destroyed because of him."

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"I took hold of his robe and tugged, bringing him out of his trance."

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"'Come Martin, there is nothing more for you here. Your destiny awaits,' I said, placing my hand on his shoulder. Martin nodded grimly and then slowly turned to follow me, his head hung low. As we walked down the plateau, I looked back at Martin. Something glimmered in the moonlight on his face. A single tear rolled down his cheek."

Edited by cyborgakadjmoose, 19 May 2007 - 11:51 AM.

CYBORGAKADJMOOSE (Cyborg also known as DJMoose)

"I don't recall using teleportation, yet there I was....alone...naked."

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#3 cyborgakadjmoose

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Posted 18 May 2007 - 10:08 AM

Comments would be appreciated!
CYBORGAKADJMOOSE (Cyborg also known as DJMoose)

"I don't recall using teleportation, yet there I was....alone...naked."

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#4 DS Divine

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Posted 18 May 2007 - 05:32 PM

So this is Your Tamriel Champion?

I liked this one story :) (...such a colorfull comment.. <_< Im not very good reviewer )

This is actually a Good Death Knight in black armor (Sorry, gimme some time to accept term "Death Paladin")
Its very unique character Cydje and I would love to hear more!
My own Tamriel Champ is a typical Knight-In-Shining-Armor Knight-In-Shining-Armor[/url] (though with more complex personality, than one would think of such knight)

Just one thing..is this male or female? And whats its name?

Edited by DS Divine, 18 May 2007 - 05:35 PM.

#5 Hector the Hooded

Hector the Hooded

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Posted 18 May 2007 - 05:37 PM

@ DS - Its pretty obvious she is female :lol; and her name is Korreen.

#6 DS Divine

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Posted 18 May 2007 - 05:55 PM

Hector the Hooded, on May 18 2007, 05:37 PM, said:

@ DS - Its pretty obvious she is female :lol; and her name is Korreen.

Though so :D

#7 VanQa

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Posted 18 May 2007 - 09:44 PM

Its wonderfull to read and see your tale :) and she definately looks female enough to me to not question whether she is male or female.

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-o0o- My Photobucket -o00-

#8 cyborgakadjmoose

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Posted 19 May 2007 - 11:53 AM

Thanks for the comments! I should be posting the next segment of her quest soon!
CYBORGAKADJMOOSE (Cyborg also known as DJMoose)

"I don't recall using teleportation, yet there I was....alone...naked."

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#9 cyborgakadjmoose

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Posted 21 May 2007 - 06:53 PM

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"I rode all night with Martin in tow behind me. Mounted atop his chestnut stallion, he did not utter a single word the entire journey.

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"We arrived at the ancient Blades fortress built high in the Jerralls in the early hours of the morning. Martin was then hailed as the new emperor."

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"Martin was exhausted and took a well deserved rest, while I visited the forge and honed my skills at the smithy."

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"I had barely a day of rest before I was once again on the trail of the mysterious Mythic Dawn cult. I searched everywhere for information, even in the sewers underneath the Imperial City!"

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"It was there, under the Imperial City, that I found the information we all were seeking. I found a small group of Mythic Dawn cultists and slew them, taking any information and documents that were in their possession.

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"The information I had obtained led me to the Mythic Dawn's cult shrine."

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"I searched the caverns for any of the cultists..."

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"...and any of their leaders, who would perhaps possess valuable information. Any who resisted met their end at my hand."

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"I quietly snuck into a very large chamber and observed the proceedings below."

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"Below me on the platform was a man who identified himself as Mankar Cameron, the man who had written the Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes."

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"Without warning I charged at the cultists below and slew them without mercy. Unfortunately, the cowardly Mankar Cameron escaped through a portal and dissappeared."

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"I returned to Cloud Ruler Temple and informed Martin of all I had learned."

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"He processed the information and then informed me of my next task. I listened intently as he explained to me how to aquire a Daedric Artifact from the various shrines scattered around Cyrodiil."

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"The Daedric Gods are fickle and capricious. As much as I dislike dealing with them, it must be done."

Edited by cyborgakadjmoose, 22 May 2007 - 06:30 AM.

CYBORGAKADJMOOSE (Cyborg also known as DJMoose)

"I don't recall using teleportation, yet there I was....alone...naked."

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#10 cyborgakadjmoose

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Posted 21 May 2007 - 09:36 PM

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"I left Cloud Ruler Temple the following morning to set out on my quest to retrieve a Daedric Artifact."

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"A light snow fell around me as I departed, making the world appear unusually serene, unlike the turmoil it was actually in."

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"I travelled all night through the sprawling countryside to reach the shrine of Azura."

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"During my journey I came across a seemingly deserted castle high in the peaks of the Jerralls."

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"The castle was devoid of life, and only inhabited by the remains of long-dead occupants. Surely this castle was cursed. I vowed that I would return again and solve this mystery. But there is currently no time to spare.

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"I arrived at Azura's shrine and humbly accepted the task she put before me."

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"Azura's task led me across the far reaches of the mountains. I was to relieve a group of Azura's followers from a curse afflicted on them long ago."

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"I entered the abandoned mine and "relieved" Azura's followers of their suffering."

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"After Azura rewarded me with her artifact, I traveled to the shrine of Vaermina, the Daedric Goddess of Nightmares.

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"The task she gave me led me to an ancient ruin...

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"...nearby the Imperial City.

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"I entered the ancient ruin to find a possession of Vaermina that a mage had stolen."

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"I quickly noticed that this place was far from normal."

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"There were many sights that defied all logic."

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"And they were all caused by sleeping mage, who was caught in his own nightmare."

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"After returning to the the daedric shrine and receving her artifact, I travelled back to Bruma, only to see an Oblivion gate right outside the city. I rallied the guards together."

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"We then slowly advanced toward the Oblivion gate."

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"In a flash of energy, we entered the chaotic world Oblivion."

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"The tall black tower with the sigil stone in its keep towered over us, daring us to climb its steps and plunge through its darkness."

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"The Bruma guard was inexperienced in this type of warfare, and they followed my lead."

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"We encountered countless daedra and many more Dremora..."

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"But we vanquished them."

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"Any Dremora who faced me alone was soon lying in the dirt."

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"At last, we made it to the base of the tower."

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"My spells we no match for the Dremora footsoldiers."

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"Evil energy radiated from the column of fire."

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"Captain Burd was the only remaining member of the Bruma guard left alive, but he had proven himself as a hardy warrior who would follow me to the very end."

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"The captain and I made our way through the darkened halls of the tower..."

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"...killing any daedric fiends that got in our way."

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"As we neared the top of the tower, the dark power grew fierce and the heat was almost unbearable."

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"We engaged the guardians of the sigil keep in a desperate battle for supremacy."

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"With Senka in my hand and Burd and my side, I knew we could not fail."

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"At long last, I finally stood before the sigil stone that was anchoring this Oblivion gate realm in place."

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"I approached the blazing sigil stone, the orange flames shimmering with baleful energy.

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"I stretched out my hand to grab the sigil stone..."

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"...and as soon as the obsidian orb was held firm within my gaunleted hand, the world around me suddenly shone with white light."

Comments would be appreciated!

Edited by cyborgakadjmoose, 22 May 2007 - 06:31 AM.

CYBORGAKADJMOOSE (Cyborg also known as DJMoose)

"I don't recall using teleportation, yet there I was....alone...naked."

My Deviantart

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Cool place for character names: www.behindthename.com

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#11 DS Divine

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Posted 27 May 2007 - 08:36 AM

Duh, I came too late..
The screenshots are gone :(

EDIT: HAH! what am I talking about! They here! great screenies. (Im downloading mods right now, so connection is little slow right now)

EDIT2: Well done Cydje :new_thumbs: Love Korreen.

Edited by DS Divine, 27 May 2007 - 08:57 AM.

#12 cyborgakadjmoose

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Posted 07 September 2007 - 09:44 AM

The long overdue next segment to Korreen's story. Comments are welcome!

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After the destruction of the Bruma gate, I travelled by night toward my home.

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I allowed myself the luxury of some badly needed R&R time.
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But soon afterwards I was once again on my way to Cloud Ruler Temple.

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I reported to Martin the success of my mission. Martin looked up at me from his studies, but he hesitated in saying anything. With regret written across his face, he spoke.

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"I have another mission for you...one more dangerous than ever before. I can understand if you wish to refuse this mission, but...I need you to recover an artifact from the ruins of Sancre Tor.
Without hesitation I accepted the task Martin laid before me.

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And so I departed the ancient Blades Stronghold...

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...and journeyed to the cursed ruins of Sancre Tor.

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As I opened the reinforced doors to the stronghold, the stench of death and decay wafted out into the cold night air.

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Holding my mace Senka at the ready, I explored the dead halls of the ruins, only the sounds of the flickering torches and the clink of my armor echoing through the halls.

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The sheer silence around me was disturbing. It was not long until I heard the grinding of long dead bones and saw my undead enemies.

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An undead Blade! Powerful sorcery was at work. I defended against the armored skeleton, who was just as skilled as he was in life.

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There was little I could do to help the cursed blade. All I could do was to obliterate his mortal remains to allow his spirit to rest.

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The spirit of the Blade spoke to me, and told a sad tale how he and his comrades were enslaved by the Litch King. He then asked if I would free his brethren from the curse laid upon them.
I agreed, and then the spirit vanished.

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So I continued exploring the ruins of Sancre Tor, listening to the silence.

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I saw many things...many things that are best left undisturbed.

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I vanquished the remaining cursed Blades, allowing their spirits to rest.

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I then came to the innermost chamber of the ruins. There I found the four blade spirits. They opened a series of magical barriers and then bid me fairwell.

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Finally, I found the artifact I have been searching for!

Comments welcome! The next part will be up soon!
CYBORGAKADJMOOSE (Cyborg also known as DJMoose)

"I don't recall using teleportation, yet there I was....alone...naked."

My Deviantart

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Cool place for character names: www.behindthename.com

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#13 cyborgakadjmoose

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Posted 24 September 2007 - 01:51 PM

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My journey led me to an ancient elven ruin; uninhabited by the living for centuries.

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But the scent of death was ripe in this ancient city. Truely, something terrible must have happened here.

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As I made my way through the ruin, it was as one would expect of a dead city: cold and lifeless. But still, there was something...unnerving about this place...

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I felt as if I was constantly being watched. As if an unseen presence peered out from the walls, watching my every move.

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On my way to the interior antechamber, I encountered numerous undead. I dispatched them with ease.

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As I continued to press inward, I felt a growing presence; a powerful pulse. Perhaps it was the cause of the inhabitants disappearance?

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The pulsating power grew nearly unbearable when I entered the final chamber.

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And that was when I saw it. My objective, the large crystal I was to acquire for Martin. But this powerful presence...

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It felt as if the presence I had felt was actually emanating from the crystal...the presence of a thousand souls. As I stood mere feet from the crystal, I heard a thousand voices, all of them dissuading me from approaching.

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I strode up to the crystal, reaching for it with a gauntleted hand. The strange glow around the crystal attempted to push away my hand, but I would not be overcome by mere sorcery.

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I removed the crystal from its place, my mace Senka trembling in my hand with thirst for souls. I inspected the glowing shard of crystal.
"Just one more piece of the puzzle..." I thought to myself.
CYBORGAKADJMOOSE (Cyborg also known as DJMoose)

"I don't recall using teleportation, yet there I was....alone...naked."

My Deviantart

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Cool place for character names: www.behindthename.com

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#14 Karandras

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Posted 24 September 2007 - 03:30 PM

Wonderful story :clap:

I get a feeling she might want to turn around though :)
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Thank you Sinharvest for the signature

#15 cyborgakadjmoose

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Posted 24 September 2007 - 09:31 PM

Karandras, on Sep 24 2007, 06:30 PM, said:

Wonderful story :clap:

I get a feeling she might want to turn around though :)


Yeah...if only my screens from that fight with the Lich showed up...they never took for some reason...
CYBORGAKADJMOOSE (Cyborg also known as DJMoose)

"I don't recall using teleportation, yet there I was....alone...naked."

My Deviantart

My Myspace

Cool place for character names: www.behindthename.com

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