File Submitter: MystykStar
File Submitted: 9 May 2007
File Updated: 23 Jun 2007
File Category: Models/Textures
A purple retexture of Exnem's Amazon Amor. The only requirements for this is Exnem's Female Eyecandy body mod. It's available in both nude and underwear versions. Either is fine.
To use simply put DM_Purple Armor.esp and the Meshes and Textures folders in your Oblivion Data directory. If asked to overwrite do so. The following folders will be added...
as well as the DM_Purple Armor.esp
The armor is the same as Elven, and uses the same ground models and icons. The accessories (bits across the shoulders) use the amulet slot. Some NPC's have a problem with that, but the companions I use with Companion Share & Recruit don't seem to mind and will happily wear everything I give them

The greaves and skirt have been merged and work just fine.
Being totally unoriginal the armor is found on the floor of the testing hall, to the right of the doorway as you enter. I haven't got around to putting it in the world as it was for my own use, and only recently was requested to upload it.
To get to the testing hall, open the console with the tilde key (which is to the left of the number 1) and type "coc testinghall" without the quotes. To exit find the green glowing door that says Hawkhaven. Once outside there open your map and teleport anywhere to leave.
Big thanks to Exnem for his fantastic work!
If there are any problems or questions feel free to email me as I don't come here very often. Find me on TESF for a faster response.
PS: A shop that sells all my retexes will be available shortly.
Click here to download this file
Edited by MystykStar, 22 June 2007 - 10:25 PM.