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Elder Scrolls/Thief doodles

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#21 Kaelis Ebonrai

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Posted 10 May 2007 - 01:43 PM

from the link, I assume it was... "Judas Priest - Electric Eye" =)

#22 Rumpleteasza


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Posted 10 May 2007 - 01:52 PM

from the link, I assume it was... "Judas Priest - Electric Eye" =)

Ahaha, I hadn't thought of that. Nice one.
New avatar in honour of SeV/Jade, because everyone knows Jade brings all the (elves? Humans? Tabaxi? Let's just say girls, shall we?) to the yard.
Well... not quite so appropriate now I changed it. Sorry, Jadikins. <3 <3

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#23 vilkacis


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Posted 10 May 2007 - 02:55 PM

from the link, I assume it was... "Judas Priest - Electric Eye" =)

Nah, the URL is just there to mess with your head, it's actually "Oops, I did it again"...

...well, or not. You are quite correct, actually.

#24 Rumpleteasza


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Posted 19 February 2008 - 03:47 PM

I hope no-one minds me resurrecting this thread, but I've done some more work on a couple of things I initially posted and I thought people might be interested. I finally picked up my Morgiah WIP again and managed to get her dress coloured in:

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I've got myself into a bit of a mess now, though - I had originally intended it to be rather stylised, hence the simple lines for the hair, but I've ended up making the shading very detailed which makes the hair look out of place. I'm not sure how to rectify that; could anyone give me any advice? The best I can come up with is feathering a few more strands in afterwards to break up the block of colour.

Also, a few months ago I did a sketch of SeV's Oblivion character, Jade, to thank him for helping me out with his game. I'm sure he won't mind me posting it here, but please may I request it isn't distributed elsewhere.

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The original colours didn't scan very well - her fur turned out quite a light peachy orange - so it's been messed about with in photoshop.

Last, I don't know whether it's kosher to post non-game related art here (let me know if it isn't!), but here are a couple of cards I made recently - one for my uncle's wedding, and a birthday present for a close friend. As you can see I'm in a big art nouveau phase :D

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The poem on Léria's picture is a verse by William Blake. It's one of my favourites. It reads:

To see the world in a grain of sand,
And heaven in a wild flower;
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour.

New avatar in honour of SeV/Jade, because everyone knows Jade brings all the (elves? Humans? Tabaxi? Let's just say girls, shall we?) to the yard.
Well... not quite so appropriate now I changed it. Sorry, Jadikins. <3 <3

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#25 RedTyga

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Posted 19 February 2008 - 03:55 PM


How the hell did I miss this thread?

Your work is awesomesauce! And yeah, I dig the art nouveau style, ME WANTS MOAR!

#26 Rumpleteasza


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Posted 19 February 2008 - 04:20 PM


How the hell did I miss this thread?

Your work is awesomesauce! And yeah, I dig the art nouveau style, ME WANTS MOAR!

Heh, thanks so much! I don't think I'll be giving up the nouveau any time soon, so hopefully I'll have more for you before long! I just love the style. So chic.
New avatar in honour of SeV/Jade, because everyone knows Jade brings all the (elves? Humans? Tabaxi? Let's just say girls, shall we?) to the yard.
Well... not quite so appropriate now I changed it. Sorry, Jadikins. <3 <3

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#27 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 19 February 2008 - 11:22 PM

:unsure: :Tasty: :blush:

I hope no-one minds me resurrecting this thread...
I don't know whether it's kosher to post non-game related art here...

No, no, nop!..
At least I think it is ok to post what ever you come up with, as it's still made by you. Rules...

Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.

#28 Kaeloree


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Posted 19 February 2008 - 11:28 PM

Original art is fine, too. :)

Those are beautiful illustrations, Rumpleteasza - I'm a big fan of art noveau as well. I particularly like the first drawing; the contrast of the fabric and her skin looks great :D


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Posted 20 February 2008 - 01:11 AM

Always good to see some Thief art. 8)

Nice work. :new_thumbs:

#30 SpAE


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Posted 20 February 2008 - 01:44 AM

Yay noveau! I like your blockier use of colours and shapes.

Re: Morgiah - Love the blockiness of the hair and the form in general, actually. You could also blend the jewels and make her skin blockier (blockblockblockblock that word is getting a lot of use here) and leave her dress as the single most detailed thing there. Now that you've got it scanned, you could mess around with it just a little digitally to experiment with what you want to do with the real media version. Good luck anyway!

#31 Rumpleteasza


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Posted 24 February 2008 - 09:05 AM

Thanks so much for your comments and criticism, everyone, it is much appreciated! SpAE, I've taken your advice on board and I'm going to do some more experiements on that WIP soon.

As original art is allowed, then I have a couple more things to post :) A lot of these were done several years ago now, but I'm kind of fond of them. A poet who was hoping to get a manuscript together to send off to the publishers asked me to do some illustrations for her - the main theme was fairies, and I got pretty excited for a while, until she moved to Cornwall and declined to leave a forwarding address :D Think she was trying to tell me something? Anyway, I got a few sketches out of it.

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Coloured version:

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A very, very old picture of a wizard copied from a fantasy sketching book:

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A lineart exercise, also copied from a manga book about five years ago:

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Old anime stuff:

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Satine from Moulin Rouge (mainly a white-on-black exercise, it's actually on the back of a black envelope :D)

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Bit of a mish-mash, I know! I'm working on a sketch of Hector the Hooded's character at the moment. Good job I've got some time off work.

Edited by Rumpleteasza, 24 February 2008 - 09:07 AM.

New avatar in honour of SeV/Jade, because everyone knows Jade brings all the (elves? Humans? Tabaxi? Let's just say girls, shall we?) to the yard.
Well... not quite so appropriate now I changed it. Sorry, Jadikins. <3 <3

The King and I
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