As you know, the move over here to SHS was a bumpy one, but I think it was good for all parties involved. The ESF got their thread "back", and we're here with a great new group of people, an open board and all the freedom in the world. With freedom comes responsibility, and so I'd like to take some time to address a few issues that have been plaguing us, maybe before we moved over here. I'm sure we're all grown-ups here, and if we aren't we know how to act like it, and I'd really like to encourage a community atmosphere where we as a group can come to decisions we all agree upon, instead of relying on a moderator to hold our hands and make all the decisions for us. Lets set a benchmark with this thread by displaying poise and demeanor as we talk about these issues. If anybody has any other issues they feel like they should bring up, feel free to do so.
1. The first issue I'd like to address is the rate of postings. I know, I probably sound like Tegger right now, but hear me out: I've noticed that a lot of people are amazed by the rate that these threads are moving in. A lot of it has to do with the comments/general chatting we're doing in the threads, along with the shots. One option that we didn't have before that we have now is the ability to post any thread we want to. So I was thinking, and of course it would be if everybody's in agreement, we could do like the 100th PooC thread and make two threads: one for comments/general chatting on screenshots, and the other for screenshots/stories. Now this wouldn't be a nazi "you off-topic! no soup for you!" thing, but I think a lot of people's works are being looked over because the thread is moving at such a fast rate. I'd love to hear feedback on this.
2. The second issue is perhaps a little bit tougher to deal with, but I'd like to get it out in the open right now so there's no doubts. Unfortunately, we've discussed this over and over and I think some people will never accept it, and so we'll always be battling the stigma but I'm giving it another try. There is no "inside" and "outside" group. I really hadn't even heard the term until a few weeks ago when Mirrors messaged me about it. We (and I mean every last person that has ever posted in the thread) are a group of friends. For some reason, people feel alienated and excluded from us. I don't really understand why they feel that way, but it's more than one person, and I would like to squash this right now because we want to promote SHS as a place where anyone and everyone should feel welcome. The last thing I want to do is scare off new people from participating or joining in because they feel there's an "in crowd"
I'm sure all of us at some point in our lives have felt alienated, left out, singled-out. We know how much that feeling sucks. The last thing I want to do is make someone else feel like that. I know some of you like Kalia, and Shadow', and GF1 (oh how we miss your presence GF) have tried to take time out of their day to make sure and comment on everybody's pictures. That's extra-special coming from Kalia, bless her heart, I feel honored, and grateful she uses the energy she's allotted on us

I think a good example of what can come from just mustering up the courage to open your mouth and participate is Popcorn. He wanted to post, we welcomed him. He had questions and problems with importing faces, we tried to accommodate him. Now he's taking great shots, and joining in on the rest of the discussion like we all love to do.
So the question here is, what can we as a group do to obliterate this notion that there's an "inside" click? Of course there is only so much we can do, 99% of it is just people speaking up and participating. Like my dad always used to say, closed mouthes don't get fed. Regardless, I'm hoping we can come up with some sort of gameplan here to include everybody in the fun. Lets discuss this, and get it out of the way so we can move on with our postings.
Thanks for reading.