Wow!!! Great screenies, guys!!!

I've got a couple of the battle with the last three Reavers in the Illfarn dungeon from my last run-through as a Sorcerer I will try to dig up.. Spells galore bouncing off those ancient stone walls!
Scantily-clad still looks better than either barkskin or stoneskin, imo. Stoneskin, in particular, makes the characters look like mini-golems.
And, slightly OT, but sex in fantasy games ....
NWN1 and FABLE:TLC and ARCANUM SPOILERS AHEAD...NWN1 has a well-established brothel in its storyline. There are even a handful of sidequests that deal with a couple of the 'employees.'
In F:TLC, you can actually become the owner of the Darkwood Brothel, and obtaining entrance to the resident Demon Door requires that you prove your 'stud-liness' by racking up 20 sexual encounters with the girls there. If you wish, you can later let your conscience get the better of you, and rather than stopping by for a quickie and picking up the 'rent' (after you buy it, that is, because as owner you don't have to pay for your girls' services, and the establishment generates income for you), you can turn the place into a refuge for 'fallen women.'
In Arcanum, you can stop by the local brothel and buy the services of any number of lovelies.. Even two at a time.. And, if you don't have the gold at the moment and don't want to spend the night alone, the Madam offers a discounted sheep for your sexual pleasure.. Yep.. You heard me.. A real, live, CG, four-legged, furry, baa-baa SHEEP. It's really the funniest thing in the entire game..
I suppose that the various game devs figured that "all work and no play makes your Adventuring Party a pretty dull group."