A little while ago, Wrye contacted me with the following:
Aside from working on Bash, I'm also semi-active at UESP. One of the things that I've been trying to beef up there recently is the recommendations page. That's mostly lists of recommended mods, but there's room for other stuff as well. (For example, I have a "Cool Videos" list page there.)
One of the things that I'd like to have added is a "100 Best Screenshots" (or something like that) page. And since you seem to be doing a lot of reviewing, seems like you're a natural candidate to make such a page. <edited the rest - it was quite long, actually>
I contacted gf1 about this, because really, shouldn't he? And he dropped me a quick note (he's still swamped with work, so hasn't made it here yet):
That idea of Wrye's is very cool - I think it would be great if you did it! Yeah, Wrye posted on the Screenshooter's Guides thread once, and I was really happy to see that too. Really great he asked you to do this.
Now, I have as everyone knows health issues that affect my energy. And work. And a *lot* of TV to watch.

Anyway - I'd like this to be a community thing! I'd like to hear tons of ideas, see what everyone thinks. Here's what I'm thinking so far:
It might be nice to (warning: irony ahead) list the mods used in each shot - just the main ones: for instance, a sword or armor set, the body mod used if any, Deadly Reflexes, Aic or AiM, etc. I am *NOT* thinking we'll go with the "100 Best" idea but instead just a "Cool Pics" thing - perhaps Pip's Outrageous Oblivion Pictures? No? Don't like the acronym?

What does everyone think? Yea? Nay? Other ideas? Rotten tomatoes?
edited to add a few more details: (and I'm sure I'll remember more I should say later, too.) Wrye is intending this to be an "authored" page like his Oblivion Videos page. So there'd be just a community representative doing this (currently li'l ol' me), and therefore more control over content/tone/etc. If I understand the whole thing, which I think is fairly unlikely.

EDITED again: I'm also intending to do links to photobucket/etc rather than host the images there. I figure that'll get us more piccies total, use up less of the UESP bandwith. Then part of the authorship duties will be deleting/updating links as people's pics move. Or could possibly set up a photobucket acct just for this - a free one - if people didn't mind the images going there.
Edited by kalia, 07 May 2007 - 01:33 PM.