File Submitter: jackmix69
File Submitted: 7 May 2007
File Updated: 11 May 2007
File Category: Quests
The Vault of Order - Version 1.2
by: jackmix69
This mod makes beating the Main Quest of Shivering Isles more rewarding. I felt like Order was left out a lot item-wise (and interior wise) so I created this.
This mod adds a door in Sheogorath's Throne Room to the Vault of Order. To get the key to unlock the door, you must have beaten the Main Quest and be at least level 20. Pick up Sheogorath's Regelia on the throne if you haven't already, and equip it. You'll get a spell called "Give Key to Vault" cast it and you'll recieve the key. This spell gets removed when the regelia is unequipped, so you don't have to worry about having it waste space in your spellbook. Inside, you will find many rewards. Here are all the items inside the vault.
Perfect Order Dagger
Perfect Order Shortsword
Perfect Order Longsword
Perfect Order Claymore
Perfect Order War Axe
Perfect Order Battle Axe
Perfect Order Battlehammer
Perfect Order Warhammer
Perfect Order Mace
Empowered Crystal Staff - 150 Shock Damage
Crystal Staff of Ordered Shock - 25 Shock Damage, but knocks back the target
Cane of Sheogorath (Tainted) - Calls a Knight of Order to your targets location, and fights the target. Will not harm you unless the spell is reflected, and if he survives, will defend you. Lasts 60 seconds.
Perfect Order Crystal Hood
Perfect Order Crystal Robe - Enchanted
Armor ? Both light and heavy
Knight of Order Boots
Knight of Order Greaves
Knight of Order Cuirass & Gauntlets (had to do it like this, pauldrons take up hand slot)
Knight of Order Pauldrons
Knight of Order Shield
Face of Jyggalag
Crystalline Helm
Have fun with the mod!
Navigate to your Oblivion directory
Example: C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion
and copy the data folder from the .rar into that folder. When asked to overwrite, say yes.
Check off VaultofOrder.esp and play!
Delete the VaultofOrder.esp
Known Issues
1) The Tainted Cane works on corpses. This is intentional, as if you want a companion for a minute cast it and he'll protect you. Does not work on inanimate objects such as barrels.
2) The Knight of Order has no voice set. I can't really remedy this as Bethesda didn't make them a custom race.
3) Some meshes look weird with that texture applied. Not really a problem, but compared to the real order stuff it looks a bit unusual. ? Addressed in 1.2
4) If you're getting a weird sparkly colorful effect inside the vault, it's not caused by this mod. It's caused by certain video cards, to fix it go under Options > Video > Window Reflections - Off.
5) If all of the KOO armor isn't equipped, the armor will have obvious issues. I can't fix this, this armor by default is one entire suit with no first person.
I think that's all.
What's new in 1.1?
Added _gnd models to the KOO armor. The KOO helm's physics are a bit wonky but otherwise it works good. Also patched some ownership settings in the Vault.
What's new in 1.2?
Edited Obelisk texture and applied it to the weapons and some armor so that it looks like it matches, no more ?Out of place? looking weapons with your armor.
Added ? Face of Jyggalag; Crystalline Helm; Light Armor set of KOO armor; female mesh of the robe
Patched ? Ownership Issues
Final Notes
All the chests in the vault are set to the players ownership, so it should be safe to store stuff in. No idea about the cupboards though.
This mod requires Shivering Isles, for you to have beaten the SI MQ, have sheogorath's regelia, and be at least level 20.
I want to thank my friend Nicoroshi for helping me out with this, he taught me how to export\import .objs correctly and the correct tweaks needed in nifskope. He also taught me how to add that "shiny" effect, and how to fix that weird sparkly effect. Thanks Nico! Without your help, this mod wouldn't have been made!
Thanks go to Knux Econa as well for letting me use his awesome female order robe mesh!
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