File Submitter: nicoroshi
File Submitted: 6 May 2007
File Category: Weapons/Armour
Readme for The Bow of the Hunter by Nicoroshi v1.0
Reason for this mod:
I had this mesh that I did as a request (this is a remake of the first draft) that didn't turn out quite the way the requestie wanted it to be.
I couldn't see letting such a cool (IMO) design fall by the wayside, and be forgotten.
Also I love meshing bows, and needed the practice texturing so decided to finish it, and release it for all to enjoy.
What it Does:
This mod adds one bow of the hunter to the dismembered corpse of an unfortunate hunter in Mingo Cave just Southwest of the Shrine of Hircine.
Unzip the file, and drop the 'data' folder in your Oblivion directory (where the Oblivion.exe is located).
Start up the game, and checkmark 'The bow of the Hunter.esp' in your data directory.
Remove the checkmark by the bow of the hunter.esp.
If you'd like to remove the files as well (there are only three), and all should be easy to find as they are in folders marked "The Bow of the Hunter" under meshes, and textures.
Known conflicts:
None that I know of as this is a unique mesh, and texture that were not in the game to begin with or are part of another mod as of the date of this readme.
BIG thanks to Windy of ESF forums for figuring out the easy way to map the bowmorph.
Thanks also to Darmoth's niece for the idea of using horns on a bow (this is a remake of the first bow I built for her).
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