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DM: Nico's Dread Doomshard Bow

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#1 nicoroshi

  • Modder
  • 176 posts

Posted 06 May 2007 - 11:17 AM

Posted Image

File Name: Nico's Dread Doomshard Bow
File Submitter: nicoroshi
File Submitted: 6 May 2007
File Updated: 6 May 2007
File Category: Weapons/Armour

Readthis for 'Nico's Dread Doomshard Bow'

Reason for this mod:

I created the Doomshard bow a while back, and to this date it's still one of my favorites to use in game.

It was requested of me to please produce a modder's resource of the bow (working .nif with texture map) which I did with a more detailed texture map than the original.

I'm not sure if anyone has, but to my knowledge noone has released a re-texture of Doomshard.....until now.

What this mod does:

This mod adds one 'Dread Doomshard Bow', and 250 'Dreadweave Doom Arrows' to The end of Ondo Aylied ruins (If you know where the other Dreadweave items are then you will find this no problem).


Unzip the .rar to a folder you can find (like My Documents), open the extracted files, and drop the 'Data' folder into the Oblivion Directory (where the Oblivion.exe is located)

Remember to check 'Nicos Dread Doomshard Bow.esp' under data when you start up the game.


Remove the checkmark from the .esp.

If you would like to delete the files (not needed) they are all in folders marked "D for D Bow"or "Dreadweave arrows", and located under meshes,and textures.

Known Issues:

None that I know of as the items in this mod have unique ID's from my previous releases.

Important Note:

The arrows included with this mod are named "Dreadweave Doom Arrows" which is different than the arrows in "Nicos Dreadweave Bow, and Arrow" mod

so they will not stack in your inventory as they are different arrows (although they look the same).

Dreadweave arrows= base damage of 15

Dreadweave Doom Arrows=base damage of 18


In the files you unzipped is a folder marked "Hints". This contains pictures of the location of Ondo, and of the bow, and arrows location within Ondo.

Use these (or not) as you see fit.


Big thanks to Windy from ESF for finding the easy way to map bowmorphs.

Author's note:

I basically made this mod for my own character to use, but figured some of the fans of Dreadweave might like it also.


Click here to download this file