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Pictures of Oblivion Characters

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#61 Victoria


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Posted 06 May 2007 - 06:06 AM

I've only done little bits here and there the same way as you, open nifskope and point to another texture file. What's the link to the free texture site you mentioned?
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Thanks to Gizmodian for the wonderful sig!

#62 Rumpleteasza


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Posted 06 May 2007 - 06:07 AM

I'm sorry to be bringing up the cute baby picutes fatherly routine, but I just put Jade's face into Neeshka and her reactions to the little preliminary speech is SOOOOOOO cute! :wub: :wub: :wub:

Look at those little ears go! :lol: I think I've fallen in love all over again.... :wub:

That is ADORABLE :lol: I squealed out loud.
New avatar in honour of SeV/Jade, because everyone knows Jade brings all the (elves? Humans? Tabaxi? Let's just say girls, shall we?) to the yard.
Well... not quite so appropriate now I changed it. Sorry, Jadikins. <3 <3

The King and I
The Emperor and I

#63 Hector the Hooded

Hector the Hooded

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Posted 06 May 2007 - 06:07 AM

@ Everybody. Wow, just wow. Now, I belive I need to PM so folks to get some of those alternate Sorceress outfits, good day!

#64 jackmix69



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Posted 06 May 2007 - 06:08 AM

Got a question; why are you making more than one thread? This isn't going to get locked @ 200 posts. Make it more organized or something?

#65 JazzJR

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Posted 06 May 2007 - 06:10 AM

Its traditional to close it at 200 :D :cheers:

#66 jackmix69



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Posted 06 May 2007 - 06:11 AM

Its traditional to close it at 200 :D :cheers:

Oh okay, thanks for responding. Nice character by the way, the glowing eyes is a nice touch.

Looking at the whole thread before my next post, will comment on others


Nice! Thanks for the link :D


Cool shots :)


Thanks for the repost, love those gatekeeper shots

Edited by jackmix69, 06 May 2007 - 06:15 AM.

#67 Hector the Hooded

Hector the Hooded

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Posted 06 May 2007 - 06:15 AM

I agree. Close at 200 for old times sake!

OMGWTFBBQFTWLOLROLF! Just proving you can be off-topic! :ROFL:

Well, I talked to GF1 the good news is he is back! However, his employers insist he does more than what was originaly asked of him and on top of that his Oblivion Game isn't working.

He says he doesn't want to come over here just to post comments, but I say we all get together with torches and pitchforks and force him over here! *Lights Torch and grabs Axe*

Edited by Hector the Hooded, 06 May 2007 - 06:21 AM.

#68 lemonio

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Posted 06 May 2007 - 06:20 AM

I agree. Close at 200 for old times sake!

OMGWTFBBQFTWLOLROLF! Just proving you can be off-topic! :ROFL:

Well, I talked to GF1 the good news is he is back! However, his employers insist he does more than what was originaly asked of him and on top of that his Oblivion Game isn't working.

He says he doesn't want to come over here just to post comments, but I say we all get together with torches and pitchforks and force him over here! *Light Torch and grab Axe*

maybe more like hack computer, and lock screen on this thread until something is posted?
Attached File  Since_this_is_a_new_place_I_decided_to_make_a_quick_repost_of_all_of_my_good_screens.doc   36K   259 downloads

sorry. the links copied as text, so i uploaded a document. i am having strange posting problems all the time.
is it possible to copy links from microsoft word?

Edited by lemonio, 06 May 2007 - 06:28 AM.

Twenty-two astronauts were born in Ohio. What is it about your state that makes people want to flee the earth?
-Stephen Colbert

#69 Hector the Hooded

Hector the Hooded

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Posted 06 May 2007 - 06:22 AM

Err.. Lemonio, most of those don't have images...

#70 ghostruler

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Posted 06 May 2007 - 06:27 AM

I do hate to fill up this new thread with chater, but does some one want to fill me in on what happened over at the esf.

ps I wasn't lead here through that thread I was lead here by nico.
And I shall stand upon a sandbar in my bucket because I'm beyond that cool.

#71 Hector the Hooded

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Posted 06 May 2007 - 06:38 AM

Don't worry ghostruler, tihs isn't ESF, you can chatter all you want!

It started with tegger. She came in and told us we were far to offtopic and we had to re-adjust to posting what mods we use, no more posting stories, and fewer comments.

She also told us that the reason she is insisting upon this is because she had got complaints from some whining bitches that we are too offtopic.

Then, other people came and and insisted that "Teg is right, don't do that! Do you want this thread to get locked?" Blah, blah, blah, whine, bitch, moan.

Nerves were struck, comments were made, some were taken back. S373N left, a few other left. Then Knux and I talked a bit over a board for screens without getting policed by moderators that find it fun to tell us to stop after thread #100, which, is basicily a kiss-off telling us ta' go.

Then, I started mass PM'ing those in the screenshot community to come over here, where it'll be more fun and we won't be policed and such.

I'm sure others PM'd as well, so its not me and Knux.

Then when tegger had realized what she had done, she started with "Sorry, sorry, sorry! You misunderstand, you don't need to post all of your mod list! Just 2-3 and you can post stories of course".

Bullshit. Changed your mind fast, didn't ya?

Thats basicily what happened.

Edited by Hector the Hooded, 06 May 2007 - 06:39 AM.

#72 ghostruler

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Posted 06 May 2007 - 06:48 AM

Don't worry ghostruler, tihs isn't ESF, you can chatter all you want!

It started with tegger. She came in and told us we were far to offtopic and we had to re-adjust to posting what mods we use, no more posting stories, and fewer comments.

She also told us that the reason she is insisting upon this is because she had got complaints from some whining bitches that we are too offtopic.

Then, other people came and and insisted that "Teg is right, don't do that! Do you want this thread to get locked?" Blah, blah, blah, whine, bitch, moan.

Nerves were struck, comments were made, some were taken back. S373N left, a few other left. Then Knux and I talked a bit over a board for screens without getting policed by moderators that find it fun to tell us to stop after thread #100, which, is basicily a kiss-off telling us ta' go.

Then, I started mass PM'ing those in the screenshot community to come over here, where it'll be more fun and we won't be policed and such.

I'm sure others PM'd as well, so its not me and Knux.

Then when tegger had realized what she had done, she started with "Sorry, sorry, sorry! You misunderstand, you don't need to post all of your mod list! Just 2-3 and you can post stories of course".

Bullshit. Changed your mind fast, didn't ya?

Thats basicily what happened.

ah ok makes sence, but we should give the mods a break, they do what they can even if it does seem like there a pain, any ways I'll be around both threads.
And I shall stand upon a sandbar in my bucket because I'm beyond that cool.

#73 jackmix69



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Posted 06 May 2007 - 06:49 AM

Yep, a shame. Funny how that thread now is dead. It's all for the best I guess, this board is much better, we can use IMG tags, no more clicking links, etc. :)

#74 PoPc0rN

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Posted 06 May 2007 - 06:50 AM

Im working a few Screens now. I have downloaded IFT (Improved Face(ual) Texture) and Natural Environment and Cat Suits. One problem with NE, I think I need to change the HRD and Bloom around and test both with both weathers to get the best result.

▐▐ 'Over A Year Without A Signature' - PoPc0rN 2006/2007▐▐

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#75 Soul_Slayer

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Posted 06 May 2007 - 06:59 AM

If you check the thread at the ESF, you will notice there still aren't any mod lists, the whole thing was just a load of shit.

#76 kalia

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Posted 06 May 2007 - 07:04 AM

Hector: Short, bittersweet, and to the point. And just to add: Totally within the board-whose-name-shall-not-be-mentioned mod's right to stop the thread, to say it was in the wrong part of the forum, etc etc. I think it was handled badly - especially, as Hector points out, after 100+ threads, the last at least 30 or so that I was around for being *exactly* the same in tone/content/etc - but that's really part of why I'm not going back there. The moderation on that forum I've found to be spotty at best. (And I don't necessarily blame the moderators themselves - from what I've seen they're woefully short-staffed in the moderator department. And should have moderators assigned to specific forums. And make sure that they have moderators on that forum 24/7.) People are insulting & rude all the time, which I don't think is best way to nurture modders. The gazillion "Console Mods!" threads stay open far too long, on average, and a funny comment here or there in random threads gets a "Don't Spam" mod post. So for me the hubbub in the POOC thread was just the last straw. I still have some raw feelings, especially as Sev (our S373N) was upset, and noone hurts our Sev!! But in general I want to say: I'm not into bashing just for bashing's sake. I'm not angry, and I think this little new home of ours has very nicely started up on feelings of hope, not bitterness.

In the end (and I hope eventually even gf1 agrees), I really do think it was for the best. This thread *had* become more of a community than just a place to show off mods. Heck, that's why I put my energy into it - let's face it, showing off mods is fun, but not *that* fun for *that* long. This new board is very very shiny - folks are nice, welcoming, and seem to actually *want* us here. Plus, from what I can see, they encourage silliness. (The thread the mod linked to earlier - "Word Association" - I'd seen that yesterday. These are my kind of folk!) They'd still like nude pics linked to instead of posted directly in thread, but nude pics *can be* linked to. A swear word here or there isn't gonna treated like the end of the world -- because this is a private forum, not a public face for a company that needs to advertise to preteens' parents.

Also good is that we have mod-hosting right here, and a whole little corner of obliviousness (pun - get it?). Plus, this forum's default color layout is much easier on the eyes.

And, better emoticons. :wub:


OK, not even close to awake yet & that was a lot of text. :zzz:

#77 lemonio

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Posted 06 May 2007 - 07:04 AM

i used to look into oblivion general, until it rotted away and became a breeding ground for complainers, so i spent time in oblivion mods, but i have most of my mods already, and without pictures of oblivion characters i guess i don't need the mods section either.
i guess i don't need the bethesda forums anymore, until tes5 is announced. then i am back to acquiring and smuggling pre-release pictures, scans, videos and information about the game to the elderscrolls forums.

Edited by lemonio, 06 May 2007 - 07:08 AM.

Twenty-two astronauts were born in Ohio. What is it about your state that makes people want to flee the earth?
-Stephen Colbert

#78 Victoria


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Posted 06 May 2007 - 07:06 AM

It's a shame what happened over at esf, it's a great thread to showcase mods and I felt anyway it was a benefit/asset to the forum. But I guess some people just like stirring trouble and the moderator rather made a hash of it. Ah well their loss, many people here take great care and effort to produce such good screens and stories and I'm very proud to contribute my meagre efforts. Anyway more screens, girls spending a day in the country....

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Click For My Screenshot Gallery
My Mods on TESNexus - deviantART
Thanks to Gizmodian for the wonderful sig!

#79 Hector the Hooded

Hector the Hooded

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Posted 06 May 2007 - 07:14 AM

Floyd - Your screen are NOT meager. I'm very tempted to build a player owned country house at that wheat field! I don't know if I should, but it would certainly add to the atmosphere!

Kalia - I agree with that, but you pretty much said what I said :ROFL:. However, unlike you, I am mad. The moderators gave in to a bunch of whining, complaining group of people. Not good, I fear for the future of ESF.

Edited by Hector the Hooded, 06 May 2007 - 07:21 AM.

#80 Karandras

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Posted 06 May 2007 - 07:28 AM

Okay I this morning i only have a few screens so far but i guess thats better than boring everyone to death with 20+ screens all at ones *ahem*(see two posts ago by me..) anyway these were taken in Moss rock cave and some Alyid ruin i forget the name of nearby.

sometimes wish bandits would put up more of a fight
Not even their leaders are any good...she committed suicide before I got to her
Nothing like sliding out of bed

The shot below is now my new favorite shot that I have taken :) (hence its the first one I have used the img tag on)
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The only problem with it is the neck, it sorta looks like my head is hanging on by a thread :wacko:

Edited by Karandras, 06 May 2007 - 07:30 AM.

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Thank you Sinharvest for the signature