Jade the Tabaxi by SeVeN
This is a savegame containing Jade, a Tabaxi I created for Oblivion.
To properly load the savegame, you MUST HAVE THE FOLLOWING MODS:
1. Beautiful People 2.5 by Midnight Voyager - http://www.tessource...ile.php?id=5175
2. Soya 4 Hair Pack 1.2 Compatible by Soya (1.2 patch update by w00t) - http://www.tessource...le.php?id=10054
3. Tabaxi Race (currently at 1.4) by Luchaire - http://www.tessource...ile.php?id=9870
NOTE: You MUST have Beautiful People 2.5 and Soya 1.2. Any other version might not work with the merged .esp I provided.
The "installation" is simple.
1. Download mods 1-3 listed above
2. Extract the Beautiful People and Soya 4 Hair FOLDERS ONLY (not the .esp's) into your /Oblivion/data directory.
3. Extract the Beautiful People.esp file from this zip into your /Oblivion/data directory.
4. Extract Save 1 - Jade - Imperial Prison, Level 1, Playing Time 00.00.30.ess save file from this zip to your C:\Documents and Settings\Ghost\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves folder.
5. Unzip the files from the Tabaxi Race 1.4 mod and extract them into your /Oblivion/data folder.
6. Check Tabaxi_race.esp (or whatever body .esp you chose) and Beautiful People.esp in the Oblivion Mod Manager (or Plugins option under the Oblivion CD menU)
FINAL NOTE: I used the Tabaxi_Race_Default.esp plugin, just to simply things when making this savegame. You can use any of the other Tabaxi body plugins, however. Just ignore the message that pops up regarding missing content.
Want to learn how to make Beautiful Characters? Check this out: http://www.shsforums...showtopic=26339
Big Thanks to:
- Luchaire for the wonderful Tabaxi Race
- Midnight Avenger for the Beautiful People mod
- Soya for the Soya 4 Hair pack
- Everybody at the PooC thread for their support. Visit us at: http://www.shsforums...p?showforum=446
- Spellhold Studios for the safe haven

Download Here
Edited by SeV, 06 May 2007 - 01:39 AM.