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#1 igi


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Posted 05 May 2007 - 12:30 PM

This topic contains the readme files from the resurrected mods.
Note that contact/support information in the readme files may be out of date - support for these mods is now provided via this forum.


Adventurers in Papperland : latest version

Ajoc's Minimod
Authentic mischiefous Fairy Dragon
Blood of the Martyr
cbisson's Familiar Pack
Deeper Shadows of Amn
Difficult Brown Dragon
Domains of Dread
Druidic Sorcerer Kit
Freedom's Reign & Reign of Virtue
Heart of the Wood : latest version

King Dutka's Thief
Killing Wolf NPX
Mordan's Xmas Mod
Mortis minimod
PlanarSphere Mod
PlanarSphere Return
The Tortured Soul Quest
Unholy Gate Opening Ritual book : latest version

Edited by Gwendolyne, 12 June 2020 - 11:53 AM.

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#2 igi


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Posted 05 May 2007 - 12:30 PM

Ajoc's Minimod

// The weidu version you have here is compatible with or without TDD. Should be fine with any mod in typical weidu fashion.
// Report bugs to hlidskialf via PM at:
// http://www.teambg.net/forum/?opened=5
//Special Thanks to Lee Watts who did some base mod and weidu tweaks to improve the mod. v1.5



Thanks for downloading my add-on pack to "The Darkest Day", here's what you can expect:

+ New Quest
+ New Monsters
+ New Items
+ Brand New Areas
+ A couple of mini quests

I appreciate any constructive feedback (Not "You suck" or "You rule" type):



Pretty simple: Install the IAP by double clicking on it
(requires Infinity Engine Editor Standard (IEES) or Infinity Engine Editor Pro (IEEP))
Then load a TDD save game. If you want a hint as to where to start, scroll to the bottom.
You do *NOT* have to start a new game!


PO AND MINTO, obviously
LimE, for the free area graphics
People who gave me ideas on the TDD boards and emailed me.
Kai, for an item submission
TeamBG, for being the centre of it all
KenTeamBG, for starting it all
TheoTeamBG, for IETME
Oarsome, for being the best tester ever
Jaysyn, for several submissions
Death, for an item submission
Deano, for the adverts and interview
Grand-Pas, for starting this off with me
If you feel you should be here let me know!


OK, if you want to get straight into te action, go to the City Gates.
Go into the small inn.
Go upstairs.
Speak to the guy named Ademoth.
Good luck!

Edited by igi, 05 May 2007 - 12:37 PM.

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#3 igi


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Posted 05 May 2007 - 12:30 PM

Deeper Shadows of Amn

* *
* This is a weidu'd version of Kensai Ryu's under-distributed mod, "Deeper Shadows of Amn". *
*I have made some slight modifications to the original files. For some custom spells of KR's I've *
*modified the scripts to utilize the various -RES spell actions. (This mod was made pre-TOB.) *
*I have also added names to some of the creatures. KR didn't do this as the mod was made pre- *
*IAP tech and was a grueling task at the time to distribute. I've made on other change to 2 *
*reward items for the above reason as well as removing a unique item duplication from the *
*game. Enjoy! Bug reports to the Mod Resurrection forum at: *
* http://www.shsforums.net/ *
* -hlid. *
* *

v2.2 - Found the elusive Ghost Dragon dialog file. He shouldn't just sit there and stare at you anymore.
v2.1 - Added an assignation of the area script to the area in crypt king component. Some modded games will have this already, (Like mine did.) some won't. Added to ensure everyone's on an even keel.

/* This is KR's original readme text. Ignore any installation type inconsistancies. */

V2.0* Deeper Shadows of Amn. (some of Kensai Ryu's stuff in one package)

The following creatures and AI were created by Kensai Ryu, with snippets taken from
some other IEEAIS council members scripts:


Archlich battle to free Kangaxx

Improved Copper Coronet Script for Slaver Quest and Korax NPC

Improved Cyrpt King (and a bug fix for him)

Improved Kangaxx AI

Grothgar the Red dragon

Fighter/Illusionist with two familiars battle

The Ghost Shadow Dragon

The Curse of the Underground Shade Lord


Details about each enhancement:


Archlich battle to free Kangaxx.

If you visit the tomb of Kangaxx you will find a new guardian in the room above, the
Archlich. Hes a level 34/21 Cleric mage, and he has another lich with him and some
guards he's brought. Their purpose is to kill Kangaxx and get his ring (If you
already have the ring they do not know this , they think Kangaxx is still alive
and has it.) They will kill anyone whom they find snooping around his tomb. Its a
pretty tough fight so be prepared...(Actually its very tough)

Files Included:

AR0330.bcs (The area script to spawn the creatures), ARCHLICH.cre (The Archlich,
who uses priest and mage spells.), ARCHLICH.bcs, (The script for him.), KRLICH2.cre,
(The second lich that mostly attacks.), KRLICH.bcs (The script for the second lich),
KRDWARF, (One of the Archlich's guards.), KRDUALWF.cre (Another guard for the
Archlich.) KRFIGHT.cre (The last guard for the Archlich.), KRFIGHT.bcs. (The script
for the guards.) and Rat01.cre. (This is an interesting Idea Kensai Ryu came up
with for defeating spell turning, simply cast area of effect spells on a rat
created near the object with spell turning, that way spells like Abi-dal-zims will
affect those protected by spell turning.)

Location in game: In the room above Kangaxx's tomb in the Docks.


Improved Kangaxx AI.

This AI is actually much more than just AI. The basic Kangaxx AI had nothing to work
with, it was only 2 pages long. So I added a bunch of spells and gave him the option
to work around some common used tactics that kill him. Try it out! I figured since
hes a Demilich he should cast some interesting spell. (Note this is the oldest of
my files, made was I was still learning, but it improves the Kangaxx Battle much in
my opinion. Also Kangaxx takes the Improved mace of disruption if the party has it,
so Kangaxx will have a fighting chance instead of failing his save and dying in the
first round against that weapon.

Files Included:

DEMILICH.bcs Kangaxxs new AI in DemiLich form.

Location in game:

Same as normally found. Kangaxx's Tomb in the docks.


Grothgar the Red dragon.

This is a dragon I made to make the game a little more interesting. He has more Hp
than a normal dragon and uses some interesting spells. He is also smarter than a
normal dragon and much more. It is a fun fight in my opinion, better than the other
dragons in SOA no doubt about it .

To include in game just unzip all files to your bg2 soa/tob override directory. If
you want the custom loot he carries you will need the IEES or ISSP availiable from
Team Bg at www.teambg.com.

Files included:

Grothgar.cre (His creature file.), Grothgar.bcs (His script.), GrothGar.iap
(You only need to import the IAP if you want his custom loot.), DragClck.itm
(His dragon immunities.), AR1402.bcs. (the script to spawn him.), KRWYVERN.cre a
helper for him, KRWYVERN2.cre, second helper. KRWYVERN.bcs, the helpers' script.
SPWI445 (a custom dimsional door spell that allows the cre some time to heal).
SPELL.ids. The list of spells the game uses to allow scripts to use in game spells.

Location in game:

You can find him in the lair of one of the dragons in SOA after you have killed it,
(Shadow Dragon's lair) a little over a day later.

BTW hes immune to the ctrl y cheat also. : )

Now Updated with a much improved script, with less cheese and using Xyx Beholder's
priority targeting, and cast and attack.


Improved Copper Coronet Script for Slaver Quest and Npc Korax.

This is a real simple script I did that adds more guards to the CC guard crew, when
they go hostile for the slaver quest. Why you ask? I think its alot fun to solo
this quest and I found it too easy...

Files Included:

AR0406.bcs The area script, modified to create more guards. AR0404.bcs.
The area under the where CC I added some more guards and goblins, and where
Korax is spawned. HENDAK.bcs. Fixes a problem with too many guards causing
Hendak to not move to fight Lehtinan. So hendak is moved to the spot near Lehtinan
to avoid this, when his cell is opened.
GUARD4.cre. GUARD5.cre. GUARD6.cre. GUARD7.cre. More (custom) guards for the cc.
Korax.cre. The Ghoul himself. Korax.bcs. His script. InKill.bcs. Korax's script to
kill innocents. (hes evil remember?) Koraxnew.dlg. His small speech determining if
he joins the party or not. KoarxSP.SPL. His innate spell to call undead. KORAX_L.bmp
Korax's handsome picture. KORAX_S.bmp Another handsome picture of him.

Location in Game: Ar0406, The Copper Coronet Inn in the Slums. And underneath it.

*Note this file includes the bonus merchant for the CC as well. Thanks to Isham
for pointing out that mistake. Also fixed problem with guard dialogs. Some moving
of guards spawn location to cut down on them attacking Nalia (can you blame them?).


Improved Crypt King.

You remember the Cyrpt King dont you? Of course you do, hes very easy to beat and
he has some cool loot (good sword). This version fixes his script that is broken in
the game and also gives him a couple Skeleton minions, after all he is a king,
right? Also he locks the exit once you enter, so you cant leave till either you or
him die. He also calls for more backup every now and then.

Files Included: BHCrypt.bcs. (His fixed script, trust me aint much there to look
at!), AR0806.are. (The area he starts in, hex edited by Kensai Ryu to run an area
script.), AR0806.bcs (The script used to lock the exits till the crypt king meets
his own cyrpt floor.)

* Note in order for this to work you must not have visited his lair previously in
the game, if you have then too bad it wont work right because the area info is
saved on your savegame. If you have not been to his area in the current game, you
are good to go. *

Location in game: Same, crypt in graveyard.


Fighter/Illusionist with two familiars battle

This is something I did for the purpose of working on some AI for familiars. Its a
simple battle, not too hard Imo. The gnome fighter illusionist is looking for an
NPC, Valygar, and he will kill anyone in his way.

Files Included:

AR0326.bcs. Area Script to spawn the Mage and his 2 familiars. KRGNOME.cre The
Fighter/ Illusionist. KRGNOME.bcs His script. KRGNONE.Dlg. His small dialog.
KRFAM01.cre The first familiar, a generic mage Imp. KRFAM01.Bcs The 1st familiars
script. KRFAM02.cre. A Necromancer specialist mage Imp, uses mostly necro spells.

Location in Game: Somewhere in the docks. (The mage is looking for Valygar, hint,


The Ghost Shadow Dragon

This is a Shadow Dragon that is spectral. He has more hps and the same
special attacks as a shadow dragon, yet he uses a much improved script
for better priority targeting (based off Xyx'x Smart beholder targeting).
He has a magic item also, and lots of money, if you can kill him. Also
has a couple shadow followers that follow him around. He is a hard
fight so be prepared.

Files Included:

AR0418.bcs, Area script to spawn him and his followers. SHADEDRG.cre.
The ghost shadow dragon. SHADEDRG.bcs. His script. SHADEDRG.dlg. A word
or two from him. KRSHADOW.cre. His followers. KRSHADOW.bcs. The folowers script.

Location in Game: The room with the minotaur that dies when you enter
it, under the Copper Coronet. When player1 displays the text over
his head that he feels uneasy then the dragon and his followers will
spawn soon. (You should see that text as soon as all hostiles in room
are dead, and so is the minotaur, Note: you may need to definately come
back for this battle much later in the game!)


The Curse of the Underground Shade Lord

A new Shade Lord has moved in to the tombs where the Book of Casa was
once found. It has raised a curse, in some parts of town, for its
shadow minions to rise and attack any priests openly practing their
magic. (once the party is strong enough level and they cast priest
spells the shades will appear.) The Shade Lord sits well protected
behind a large number of his shadowy minions. Only his death will end
the Curse!

*Note: this script checks the level of player1, and if a priest spell
is cast by a pc.If you kill the shade lord before you become high enough
level, no shade monsters will spawn in the city, because the curse will
be lifted. (check is for at least level 13 on player 1 before monsters
are spawned, to avoid party being crushed.)*

Files Included:

KRSHDLD.bcs, His script, KRSHADLD.cre, The Shade lord,
KRSHAD.dlg, His opening statements, KRSHADM.cre, A shadow mage,
KRSHADM2.cre, Another Shadow Mage, KRSHADM3.cre, Another Shadow Mage,
KRSHADG.cre, A shade follower, KRSHADMI.cre, Another follower,
KRSHADMO.cre, Another follower, KRWERE.cre Another follower,
KRSHADF.cre, Another follower. AR0700.bcs, The area script to spawn
some creatures when priest spells are cast, and the curse is on,
AR0802.bcs, The area script to create all the actors, KRSHAD.itm, The
spectral immunities, and KRSHADC.cre, Another follower.

Location in Game:

Tombs under the city, 8 hours after you have been there and cleaned
out the undead mummies living there. If you have not been there
previously, you must first kill the mummies and then wait 8 hours
(game time, go sleep 1 time and you are good to go). If you have
been there previously, and the mummies are already dead, you must
first enter the area, then leave and wait 8 hours, before the cres
will spawn, since the new timer is not saved in your savegame. Rewards
include some magical items, and lots of money and a few good scrolls.

Note: This is also recommended for lvl 15+ parties, but you can try it
at any level, after you have cleared out the mummies. Not as hard as
some of the other stuff I have done, but still fun.


Other Files included: None*

* Version 1.031 (A)

Took out Dragon AI, as it is constantly being updated. Took out detectable spells for the
same reason. Took out Gminion, because I no longer include my Vampire AI.


All Files that are included:

AR0326.bcs, AR0330.bcs, AR0404.bcs, AR0406.bcs, AR0418.bcs, AR0806.are, AR0806.bcs,
AR1202.bcs, AR1402.bcs, ARCHLICH.bcs, ARCHLICH.cre, BHCrypt.bcs, Demilich.bcs,
Dragclck.itm, GrothG.dlg, GrothGar.bcs, GrothGar.cre, GrothGar.iap, GUARD4.cre,
GUARD5.cre, GUARD6.cre, GUARD7.cre, Hendak.bcs, Inkill.bcs, Korax.bcs, Korax.cre,
KRFAM01.cre, KRFAM02.bcs, KRFAM02.cre, KRFIGHT.bcs, KRFIGHT.cre, KRGNOME.bcs,
KRSHADOW.bcs, KRSHADOW.cre, KRWYVER2.cre, KRWYVERN.bcs, KRWYVERN.cre, Rat01.cre,
Readme for deeper shadows.doc, SHADEDRG.cre, SHADEDRG.dlg, AR0318.bcs, SPIN684.spl,
SPIN686.spl, SPPR698.spl, SPPR950.spl, Spell.ids, Stat.ids, KRSHDLD.bcs, KRSHADLD.cre,
KRSHADMO.cre, KRWERE.cre, KRSHADF.cre, AR0700.bcs, AR0802.bcs, KRSHAD.itm, KRSHADC.cre,

Please Note:

*This Zip does not affect the dialog.tlk file at all, unless
you install Grothgar's custom treasure (Grothgar.iap).*

*This zip contains 2 IDS files, Spell.ids and Stat.ids. If
you have any custom Ids files with those names, you will need to
either remove them from your override, or add your custom stuff to
mine in order for these to work.*

Any problems, comments, questions, etc, can be sent to Kensai Ryu at

Buges fixed from previuous verisons:

Numerous minor problems with the CC script, V1.028 had incomplete area
script so the shade lord quest was not correct, and monsters spawned
at wrong time.

Special thanks to Isham for bug reports and ideas : ) !!

Special thanks to TeamBG for making this possible!!!

And finally, special thanks to all the IEEAIS Council members!

Hope you enjoy. More coming soon!

-Kensai Ryu

Edited by igi, 05 May 2007 - 12:37 PM.

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#4 igi


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Posted 05 May 2007 - 12:31 PM

Freedom's Reign of Virtue

Pack Name: Freedom's Reign of Virtue MiniMOD
Creator Name: Deano
Creator E-mail: deano@servants.teambg.net
Creator Web URL: http://servants.teambg.net
WeiDU'd by: hlidskialf
Meddled with by: Idobek (idobek@yahoo.co.uk)
Translated By: Clan DLAN
Compatible Games:

[ ] Baldur's Gate
[ ] Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast

[x] Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
[x] Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal

[ ] Icewind Dale
[ ] Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter
[ ] Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter with Trials of the Luremaster

[ ] Planescape: Torment

Pack Contents/Description:

This pack contains the Freedom's Reign MiniMOD Anniversary Edition and the Reign
of Virtue MiniMOD. All patches and plugins are included, and some more besides. It
now comes in WeiDU format; it will add to the creatures and stores in your game,
but won't overwrite any of them!

Freedom's Reign:
- 2 New Stores
- 80+ Items: Located Throughout SoA

Reign of Virtue:
- 3 New Stores
- 5 New Encounters

- Deano
Mighty Man of Forum Might
Forum Administrator
And Insanity Embodied in a small frail shell.


This mod is now universally compatible. It is a WeiDU installed mod and as such
should be installed AFTER any mod that replaces the dialog.tlk file or uses the
TBG/IAP/SFX format.


I'll point out that I "recommend" you start a new game. It's not necessary, but
you may miss out on some of the encounters, items and stores I have already placed


Extract it from the zip file, into the folder where you installed Baldur's Gate II
(commonly c:\program files\black isle\baldurs gate II\). Then double-click on the
Setup-FRoV.exe file. It will give you the option to install Freedom's Reign and
Reign of Virtue as separate components. To uninstall, repeat the procedure and
follow the on-screen instructions. Enjoy!

Note: RoV is a ToB mod and can only be installed if you have ToB installed.


Version 0:
Original IAP Version
Version 1:
WeiDU'd by hlidskialf
Version 2:
Idobek Starts Meddling
* New filenames.
* Fixed bugs causing some items never to appear.
* Moved items placed on creatures and in stores around a bit - some of them
were in locations that didn't match their descriptions.
* Improved item descriptions, typo fixes throughout.
* Fixed item usability - kit wise.
* Fixed item usability - equiped item wise.
* AI script fixes for RoV encounters.
Version 3:
hlidskialf meddles even more.
* Fixed a few .tp2 errors of v2.
* Added Spanish translation.
* Fixed that damn Near Death Crossbow bug once and for all!
Version 4:
* Fixed a conflict error with the Big Picture Mod due to a weidu coding change.


Edited by igi, 05 May 2007 - 12:36 PM.

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#5 igi


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Posted 05 May 2007 - 12:31 PM

Difficult Brown Dragon

The Brown Dragon in the Druid Grove (Hard Difficulty)

After you have killed the evil Faldorn a new menace moves into the area,
the Brown Dragon. It must be defeated, but it is a tough fight! It has
some custom items I made that use in game descriptions, so I had no need
to modify dialog tlk. Both of the figurines found on the Brown Dragon
summon custom cres, that run their own scripts which makes them protect
player1 and move around some for more life like behavior.

Files Included: KRDRGBRN.cre, KRDRGBRN.bcs, Spell.ids, SPIN396.spl,
KRMISC01.itm, KRMISC02.itm, KRLIOSU.cre, KRAIRSU2.cre, KRSUMMON.bcs,
AR1900.bcs (modified to put the dragon there). DRAGRED3.itm

Location in Game: Druid Grove, in a Chapter after 2, when Faldorn is Dead.

*Note: This is this version is the Extremely Hard version of the Dragon,
It does insane damage on each hit and lots of damage with its breath weapon.
For those who are extremely high level and want a challenge.* I will release
another version of this Dragon, for normal parties, soon.

Any problems, comments, questions, etc, can be sent to Kensai Ryu at

Hope you enjoy. More coming soon!

-Kensai Ryu

v1.3 replaces the brown dragon's script with a better copy of the original made by Kensai Ryu.
Discussion at: http://www.shsforums...p?showforum=127

Edited by igi, 05 May 2007 - 12:36 PM.

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#6 igi


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Posted 05 May 2007 - 12:32 PM

King Dutka's Thief

*Unmodded SOA traps only! The script KD created checks for all SOA traps, since traps have to be ID'd by name, there won't be any TOB, or mod area traps in the script. Feel free to add to it!*

Thanks for your interest in my spell. This is my first publicly released spell and I'm very proud of it. This is a mage spell that summons a thief to disarm traps. The thief will not fight!
//I've placed the scrolls for this in Gorch's store. That's the bloke working the front desk of Maevar's guild.

Please contact me if there is a trap that is not removed or if you have any questions! Please let your thief try to disarm the trap for 15 seconds before giving up. He will usually disarm it within 3-6 seconds, but in rooms with multiple traps, it can take a while longer.

Author: KingDutka // I seriously doubt you'll be able to contact him, it's been a few years since anyone's seen him.
(Weidu'd and prefixed for safety by hlidskialf)
e-mail: KingDutka@aol.com
AIM: KingDutka
YIM: KingDutka
ICQ: 143872821

-If you want to discuss this mod then post me (hlid) at: http://www.shsforums.net/

v1.1 Changes:
Scrolls altered by request to function 1/day. The scrolls will still be destroyed if the spell is learned and copied to a spellbook.

Edited by igi, 05 May 2007 - 12:35 PM.

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#7 igi


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Posted 05 May 2007 - 12:32 PM

Mordan's Christmas Minimod

Mordan's Christmas Minimod v1.0 Weidu
Weidu'd and Improved by hlidskialf in a moment of cold-medicine-induced abnormalicy.

Okay, I found this old mod of Mordan's in the dusty recesses of my HD. It's been converted to weidu, bugfixed, and expanded to no longer need the CLUAConsole. (It's was a creation of a TeamBG Xmas mod contest similar to the Iron Modder ones of FWP fame.) So it IS silly. However, it is amusing and does deliver a usable item to the party in the end. It even includes a custom made area by Mordan.
To start: Go to the Mithrest Inn in the Promenade sometime after chapter 2. Then follow the clues.
Happy gaming and thanks to Mordan for allowing this mod to be resurrected for the masses.

Edited by igi, 05 May 2007 - 12:35 PM.

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#8 igi


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Posted 05 May 2007 - 12:32 PM


// Weidu version compiled by hlidskialf. Report bugs to hlidskialf at http://www.shsforums...p?showforum=127. I'll try to fix 'em. Note: Game balance issues are NOT bugs. Heh. Cheers.

Mod was made by Sigwald, who also helped alot with bugfixing TDD.

Main changes:

Arkvisti the Peddler. A wandering old elf that travels around Faerun, Arkvisti has many wares to offer to rich customers. His artefacts do not come cheap, but they are unique and worth the price!

Trademeet blacksmith is looking for rare components in order to forge the fabled Spear of the Phoenix and Mithril Defender.

Cromwell can forge a new item, Deathbringer.

Affected creatures:
Qilue, Drow Priestess
Glaicas, d'Arnise Commander
Maevar, Renegade Shadow Thief
Lea'Liyl, Demon of the Planar Sphere
Shade Lord, Temple Ruins
Adratha, rakkasha hunted by Djinns
Vithal, imprisoned mage in the Underdark

Affected quests:
Saving Raelis and Haer'dalis from Planar prison
Investigation of the Beholder Cult
Finding the Lanthorn
Lathander/Talos temple conflict
Rescuing the Svirfneblin child
Helping the Svirfneblin village
Saving Garren's child
Druid grove challenge
Helping Vithal in the Portals quest
Destroying the Slavers
Escaping the Asylum prison
Infiltrating Deirex's tower
End the Sagauhin village's conflict
Drow encounter in the Underdark

Affected stores:
Various Drow shopkeepers in the Underdark
Trademeet blacksmith
Caravan merchant in Trademeet
Fael the Umar hill bookseller
Galoomp in Waukeen Promenade
Brynnlaw equipment storekeeper

// Note: as of v2.1 the mod will ADD to the stores, not overwrite existing ones.
v2.5 contains several bits of altered/improved code as well as solving the Vithal-crash bug. (Mage imprisoned in the underdark.)

Edited by igi, 05 May 2007 - 12:42 PM.

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#9 igi


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Posted 05 May 2007 - 12:32 PM

Return to Planar sphere

Pack Name: return to Planar Sphere
Creator Name: M
Creator Email: email to M at TeamBG site
Creator Web URL:
Compatible Games:

[ ] Baldur's Gate
[ ] Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast

[ ] Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
[x] Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal

[ ] Icewind Dale
[ ] Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter
[ ] Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter with Trials of the Luremaster
[ ] Planescape: Torment

Pack Contents/Description:
Being a mage and getting your stronghold you are given you two new innate abilities:
one to teleport back into your Planar Sphere and
the second to return to the place where you came from (whole party of course).
If you have already the mage stronghold you get the spells immediatly
when you load a savegame, even if you are already in ToB.

If you are no mage you need Shadowkeeper to get the spells, or

Edited by igi, 05 May 2007 - 12:34 PM.

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#10 igi


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Posted 05 May 2007 - 12:33 PM

Planar sphere mini mod

// Weidu packaged by hlidskialf. This version includes the 2 released patches and one unreleased patch from inferno.
// It's likely still buggy, not to mention bugs created by converting. Report bugs to hlidskialf at: http://www.shsforums.net/

Planar sphere mini mod:
Requires TOB
Welcome to your planar sphere mini mod. The mini mod is quite large and will take
up around 8mb of space as well as filling out the overide directory.
The mod has small side quests and one large quest. The mini mod will start
when teos gives you the planar sphere.This however will require you to restart a game in soa, if you wish
to carry on with your current game you will have to cheat if you have completed the old
planar spaher quests simply create the creature psq01 with the cheat console, on the first level of the planar sphere
and you can start the mini mod.

New spells there are around 40 new wizard spells here are their descriptions:

Spell Name: Vorpal Bolt
Spell Desc: Vorpal Bolt:
Level: 5
Casting Time: 6
Range: Sight of Caster
Saving Throw: Neg

With this powerful spell the mage calls forth material from the ethereal plane of existence and shapes it into a spear of magical energy. At the culmination of the spell this magical bolt ripples forth from the mages hands and strikes one opponent of his choosing. The bolt is near infinitely sharp and cuts easily through flesh and bone as such when the bolt strikes a target there is a good chance that it will instantly slay the target and if it does not it is still capable of passing right through the targets body doing massive damage.
The vorpal bolt deals 6d8 points of piercing damage to the target. There is also a 25% chance that the bolt will instantly slay the target a save versus death is allowed.

Spell Name: Killimer's Power Nullification
Spell Desc: Killimer's Power Nullification:
Level: 7
Casting time: 11
Duration: 3 turns
Saving throw: Neg

Killimer was your average adventuring mage, he was not particularly powerful and spent his life in adventuring bands battling the undead and any manner of evil foe you care to name. After 4 years with the same band of adventurers he had become close to his companions in arms and they to him. One day the mage and his companions were beset by a group of powerful spell casters who had gained control of a local town and were dominating all the trading routes. Killimers companions were helpless against the combined attack of so many magic users two were destroyed by magical fire and a third was turned into a small amphibian. Killimer out of spells called out a desperate pray to mystra goddess of magic for aid. The lady hearing his call granted him this spell and its words blazed across his mind like fire, as he incanted it the magic in the area began to wax and wane, the opposing magi found it nigh immpossible to weave their spells giving killimers companions the oppurtunity they needed to hack the spell casters to pieces.
For the duration of the spell all magic is slowed and distorted and all spell casting speeds are increased by 5 for enemy mages, any enemy mages can save versus spells to avoid this effect but they do so at

Spell Name: Berriliums Brilliant Bouquet
Spell Desc: Berriliums Brilliant Bouquet
Level 5
Casting time:4
Berrilium was a street magician in the city of Water Deep. He possesed absolutely no magical ability and would preform slight of hand tricks to amuse the crowds. However he was a gambling man and also a very unlucky. One day his debtors, in the form of several very large muggers, came to collect. It is unknown exactly why Berrilium chose that moment to pull a bunch of paper flowers from his sleeve but it is belived that his fear in a last act of desperation enfused the paper flowers with magic turning them into blinding balls of magic light. The muggers were blinded by the brilliant light allowing berrilium the time he needed to escape.
This spell creates a brilliant bouquet of shining magical flowers that sprouts from the casters body.
All in area of effect must save versus spell at -2 or be blinded for 2 turns. Even if they resist this effect they are stuned for 2 rounds by the sheer beauty of the flowers.

Spell Name: Aura of Power
Spell Desc: Aura of Power
Level: 2
Range: Area
Duration: 12 hours
Casting Time: 20
Area of Effect: Current Area
Saving Throw: None

This spell is often employed by liches and powerful Evil Archmagi. It creates a sense of evil magic perforating the entire area making any creature within it feel they are being watched and making the hairs on the back of their necks stand up. While only really for dramatic effect it does have some small effect on beings.
All in area recieve a -1 penalty to their saves versus spells. There is a small chance that some beings may be totally terified by this spell and must save versus spell or run in horror but they do so with a save of +6.
The casting mage recieves +1 luck while the spell is in effect.
This spell will only work once on a creature.

Spell Name: Iridium Sphere
Spell Desc: Iridium Sphere
Level: 5
Range: 30 yards
Duration: special
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Special

As the mage completes the incantation of this spell a ball of what appears to be flowing quicksilver appears before them.
With a wave the mage can send this sphere flying towards one target. When the sphere hits it appears to be totally absorbed into the target. The sphere also affects any metal on the target magnetising it and making very attractive to other metals.
10-20 magical damage +3/3 levels.
The target must save versus spell at -2 or become magnatised.
If magnatised the target suffers -1 to dexterity a -2 to Ac and -8 to Ac versus missile weapons.

Spell Name: Keltons Kinetic Knives
Spell Desc: Keltons Kinetic Knives
Level: 4
Range: visual range.
Duration: 1 hour
Casting Time: 9 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

With this spell the mage brings into being shimmering blades of magical force. The blades whirl around and when they strike a enemy explode in a small burst of magic. The knives can be controlled individually by the mage and will remain for 1 hour before evaporating. Once they strike a opponent they vanish forever.
Each knife deals 5-10 magical damage. They act as +3 weapons and stun the target for a short period if a save is failed at +2.
The mage recieves one knife every five levels up to a maximum of 8 at 37th level. The knives are not harmed by physical or magical attacks but may be destroyed by a dispel magic spell.

Spell Name: Nightmare Syndrome
Spell Desc: Nightmare Syndrome
Level: 8
Range: 15 feet
Duration: 1/2 hour
Casting Time: 15 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

Darkness seems to suround the mage as he casts this spell and a chill creeps into the air. As the final words of the ritual are said a planar nexus opens to the Demi-Plane of Fear and calls forth a terrible being. The nightmare a wraith like creature that assumes the form of its victim worst fear and attacks causing many to flee in fear.
Calls forth a nightmare to serve the caster for half an hour.

Spell Name: Storm Force
Spell Desc: Storm Force
Level: 7
Range: Self
Duration: 2 turns
Casting Time: 10 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

With this spell the wizard calls forth the elements, a ball of twisting electrical clouds appears before him and at the culmination of the spell he unleases them into the heavens. Moments later a storm of incredible power begins, the sky turns dark and thunder rumbles everywhere , huge bolts of unnatural lightning stike down onto the casters enemies dealing massive damage.

Spell Name: Miasma
Spell Desc: Miasma
Level: 7
Range: 10 yards
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 30' radius
Saving Throw: None
When the final word of this spell is uttered the ground beneath the target bubbles and cracks and foul noxious vapours billow forth into a huge seething cloud. The gas of the cloud reeks of death and decay all within it are sicked and feel very weak. The vapours are also highly toxic and slowly poison anyone breathing them in. The vapours sting and burn the eyes as well making visibilty in the fog incredibly diffcult.
Each round everyone in the cloud will take 3d8 of poison damage with no save. While they remain in the cloud they are nauseated and slowed and each round they must save versus spell or be blinded for one round.

Spell Name: Wave of Obliteration
Spell Desc: Wave of Obliteration:
Level: 9
Range: 30ft
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 8
This is a amazing find and for the adventuring mage and one of extreme use. The wave of obliteration spell was last seen being used around 100 years ago. Two nobles of Tethry were fighting over their fathers castle as his will had left its ownership in debate. As so often is the case in contentious circumstances the two nobles were both powerful archmages both having been tutored by their father in the art. This spell was apparently a family heir lomb and a source of great jealousy from other magical households. Needless to say the two nobles desided that the only answer was for a duel. The results were unpleasant to say the least, afterwards it was deduced from the rubble that both magi had released this spell simultaneously, the effects indeed show the power of this spell. One half of the castle was discovered several years later in pond several miles away although the servants were never found....the mages were both buried in very small coffins.
When the mage completes his incantation of this spell he raises his hands and pushes his palms away from himself. From his hands a wall of pure uncontrolled magical energy bursts, The magic explodes forth taking every thing in its path with it. Any creature caught within this energy wave will take massive damage from the energies involved and must save versus spell or be literally obliterated by the sheer power of this spell.
All creatures in the path of the spell will take 10d5+20 points of magical damage with no save. They must then save versus spell at -2 or be vapourised by the spell

Spell Name: Sphere of Dissipation
Spell Desc: Sphere of Dissipation
Level 8
Casting Time: 9
Duration: 15 rounds
This immensly powerful spell is shrouded in mystery (proably because only 4 copies of it have ever been discovered). Its abilities are truely immpressive making it possibly the most powerful protective spell availble to the mage however no one knows where the spell originated from, although some sages believe it was created in the days of Myth Drannor. When the final word of the spell is spoken a globe of twisting magical energies springs up around the caster. The magical globe absorbs all energy that strikes it dissipating it into nothingness. The energy that can be absorbed can be either physical or magical in origin and is completly nullified by the sphere. The intensity of energy that the sphere can absorb relies soley on the ability of the mage who cast the spell and as the mage increases in power so does the spell.
At 16th level the spell protects from 1st to 3rd level spells and protects from non magical weapons.
At 18th level the sphere protects from 1st to 4th level spells and still protects from normal weapons but grants 25% resistance to all physical attacks.
At 20th level the sphere protects from 1st to 5th level spells and grants immunity to normal and +1 weapons
At 25th level the sphere protects from 1st to 6th level spells, gives immunity to normal and +1 weapons and gives 25% resistance to all physical attacks.
At 30th level the sphere protects from 1st to 7th level spells and gives immunity to normal, +1 and +2 weapons.
The sphere cannot be used in conjuction with other weapon immunity spells.

Spell Name: Shadricks Shattering Arrow
Spell Desc: Shadricks Shattering Arrow
Level 2
Casting Time:5/4
Range: 100ft
Many a powerful mage has looked down their nose at this spell when they were but magelings only to stare in terror as it flew towards them later in life. At very low levels this spell is quite frankly pathetic however as the mage advances so the power of the spell increases. The spell creates a magical arrow of solidified power that flies from the casters hand to strike his selected target.
At levels 1-10 the arrow does 1d 8 piercing damage with no save and 2 magic damage save versus spell.
At levels 10-20 the arrow does 2d6 of piercing damage and 2 damage from each element no saving throw.
At levels 20-35 the arrow does 2d8 of piercing damage no save it also does 10d4 +5 magic damage save versus spell for half. The target must also save versus death at -2 or be stunned for 2 rounds. The spells casting time is decreased by 1.
At levels 35 and above the arrow becomes a shining flash of magic. It inflicts 75 points of magical damage save versus spell for half. The target must also save versus death at +1 or be killed if they survive this they are automatically stunned for 3 rounds.

Spell Name: Black-Barbed Curse
Spell Desc: Black-Barbed Curse:
Level 4
The night hags were powerful nere godlike witches who roamed the planes many years ago. Although most of their exploits are unknown one night hag is documented particulary well. Ravel Puzzelwell possibly the the most powerful of the nighthags and famous enemy of the Lady of pain. It is believed that ravel some how tried to break the ladys link with the city of sigil her motives for this are unknown but none the less the ladys rage was great and ravel was flung into a demi-plane of existence, one of the ladies mazes. Ravel rotted in her planer cage for many years all the while her hatred and saddness formed around her in the shape of huge black barbed vines. When Ravel was somehow killed this spell found its way out into the planes. It calls forth the huge black barbed vines of ravels maze causing them to rip out of the ground raking and cutting at the casters enemies.
Range: 30
Casting Time:4
Damage: 4d 6 of piercing damage Save. versus spell
3d 6 of piercing damage with no save.

Spell Name: Unthinkable Logic
Spell Desc: Unthinkable Logic:
Level 6
Range: 50
Casting time: 6
This mathematical spell calls forth material from the plane of Mechanus a demi-plane of Primus. This spell enfuses space around the caster with the utter logic of the plane of Mechanus. The spell reveals to all non primus beings for a brief instant the Intrinsically logical nature of reality most beings are totally unable to cope with this revelation and they are thrown into confusion and chaos as their brains try to comprehend what they have seen Creatures with particularly unevolved brains may even be instantly slain by this spell as their brains are destroyed in the attempt to understand.
Save versus spell at -3 or be confused and blinded for 1 turn.
Target will loose 2 points of intelligence and wisdom for 6 hours with no save.
Save versus spell at -2 50% chance that the
target will miscast magic for 1 turn.

Spell Name: Triple Fireball Blast
Spell Desc: Triple Fireball Blast(Evocation)
Level: 7
Range: Visual range of caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 30-foot radius x3
Saving Throw: 1/2

A fireball is an explosive burst of flame, which detonates with a low roar and delivers damage proportional to the level of the wizard who cast it - 1d6 points of damage for each level of experience of the spellcaster (up to a maximum of 10d6). The wizard points his finger and speaks the range (distance and height) at which the fireball is to burst. A streak flashes from the pointing digit and, unless it impacts upon a material body or solid barrier prior to attaining the prescribed range, blossoms into the fireball (an early impact results in an early detonation). Creatures failing their saving throws each suffer full damage from the blast. Those who roll successful saving throws manage to dodge, fall flat, or roll aside, each receiving half. This is a more powerful version of the fireball spell, when the final word of the invocation is uttered three roaring balls of flame fly forth to strike 3 respective targets.

Spell Name: Infernal Combustion Enigma
Spell Desc: Infernal Combustion Enigma
Level: 7
Range: Visual range of caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 30-foot radius

The Infernal Combustion Enigma is a truely devastating spell although where it gets is power remains a enigma. When cast a sphere of magical fire explodes forth from the mages hand and rushes towards his desired target. When the ball of magic strikes the target it explodes. When it explodes a huge wall of magical flame erupts around the target, the very air is turned into searing flames and almost nothing is capable of withstanding the intensity of the resulting heat. Mages should be careful when using this spell as it can desimate both party and oppostion.
The wall of flame does 10d5 of fire damage to all within the area of effect. It then deals a further 10d2 of magic damage although this can be negated if the target saves versus spell at -1.

Spell Name: Soul Cage
Spell Desc: Soul Cage
Level: 8
Casting Time: 1 turn

A terrible spell to call upon indeed, this spell is considered so horrible that many magical societies have out lawed it ( the research into this spell is believed to be one reason the red wizards of thay split from the haluraans). When completed the soul of the target is surrounded by a cage of crackling energy that slowly shrinks pulling the soul of the victim into another plane where it is destroyed ( prehaps an anti-matter plane, or the negative energy plane). The death is exceeding horrible as the soul is literally torn free from the body, destroying both body and soul in the process. The victim is allowed a save a -4 to avoid having their soul destroyed even if they save versus the spell they still take
10-20 damage and will be nauseated for a short time.

Spell Name: Karsus's Crimson Falmes
Spell Desc: Karsus's Crimson Falmes
Range: Visual Range
Duration: 4 rounds
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: One Creature
Saving Throw: None

Karsus prehaps the most powerful of archmages to come to power in ancient nethril, and one of the most foolish for he attempted to sieze godhood through his magic and failed being punished with an eternity of torment. Karsus's spells are renowned for their power and this is no exception, being one of his most potent death magics.
When cast the target is surrounded by a aura of magical crimson falmes that literally burn the life of the target away. The falmes last for 4 rounds and each round the target must save at -1 or be instantly killed ( each round a diiferent save is used death,spell,breath etc). Even if the target resists the death magic they are overcome with fear at being surrounded with the flames and will run in fear till the falmes extinguish. While a target is surrounded by the flames their regeneration (if any) will cease and they will be immune to all healing magics.

Spell Name: Create Minion
Spell Desc: Create Minion:
Level 9
Casting time: 3 rounds
Range: Visual sight of caster

Normally to conjure monsters or undead on a permanent basis requires much preparation and many rituals, this spell however being as powerful as it is allows the mage to summon forth a minion permanently in one easy spell. The spell allows the caster to choose which type of monster to summon even undead can be summoned, there is no limit to the number of creatures that can be summond so a patient mage can easily go about creating a army.

Spell Name: Nagaths Polarised Pyrotechnics
Spell Desc: Nagaths Planar Pyrotechnics
Level: 9
Range: Visual range of caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 3 rounds
Area of Effect: Huge!
Saving Throw: 1/2

This is the final spell of the arch lich Nagath. He spent many hundreds of years journeying the multiverse, on his final trip it is believed that he crossed paths with an over god (much like lord Ao) on the astral plane, needless to say the proud archlich challenged the over god. The arch lich could not have won but as the god banished him to a plane of eternal fire the archlich screamed forth this terrible spell. The god was unharmed but a shock wave of tectonic violence ran through the astral plane killing many of its inhabitants. When invoked this spell conjuers material from upward of 10 different planes spewing forth a maelstrom of incredible volence. The main power of this spell lies in that it draws its energy from its targets and the more beings the greater the power of the spell and the greater its area of effect. For each being the area of effect 2d10 of damage is done with no save and 1d10 damage is done although this can be avoided with a save vs spells at -2. So fantastic is the is the sheer power of the spell that all in side the area of effect (if they survive) will be confused for the next 5 rounds.

Spell Name: Thunder Bolt
Spell Desc: Thunder Bolt (Evocation)
Level: 8
Range: 150 yards
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: none

In some circles of Archmages it is considered rather pathetic to cast a lightning bolt like a weak little mage. So the thunder bolt was developed. while looking to all intensive purposes like a lightning bolt it is however charged a great deal more and capable of doing vast amounts of damage to anything it stikes. Like the lightning bolt the thunder bolt can rebound hence its mass destructive capabilites may also affect the party but there is no doubt an archmage with this spell can level nearly anything that opposes him.
The thunder bolt shoots forth and deals 10d8 electrical damage to the target although a save can be made versus spell at -2 to only receive 3/4 of the damage. So power is the Thunder bolt that it is also capable of blowing a enemy off their feet and knocking them unconcious.

Spell Name: Power Word, Burn
Spell Desc: Power Word,Burn
Level: 9
Range: Visual sight of caster
Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

Prehaps the most unpleasant or prehaps the most satisfying word of power is the power word of burning. Apparently created by a pyromanical mage in the planar city of sigil called ignus. When uttered the mage points his finger at the target, it is that targets unlucky day for this spell is immensly powerful. As the spell takes hold reality around the target ripples and changes opening a direct portal to the elemental plane of fire. So powerful is this spell that for a instant the target really is on the elemental plane of fire and unless they are resistant to fire or from the elemental of fire there is a good chance they will be vapourised into a cloud of ash by the heat this spell creates.
Target will instantly take 40 points of fire damage with no save. They must then make a save versus death at
-2 or be vapourised instantly by the heat from the elemental plane of fire.

Spell Name: Abyssal Fury
Spell Desc: Abyssal Fury
Range: 50 feet
Duration: Instant
Speed: 9
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: see below

When compared to the Tanar'ri, at least the Baatezu are more civilized. There is, perhaps, nothing more horrific than the unbounded fury of Abyss. By use of this spell, the ground shall split open and the victim dragged into the Tanar'rian Madness. Welcome to Hell.

This spell opens a planar portal beneath a specified victim and drags them down into the Abyss. The portal remains open even after the victim is swallowed in. The only sound bystanders hear is the incessant screaming of the victim as he/she is torn apart by the ruthless Tanar'ri. After what seems like only a few seconds (which is more than an eternity for the victim in the Abyss), the victim (or what's left of him) gets spat back out of the portal.
(1) If the victim makes a successful saving throw, he will get spat out of the portal in 'one piece,' but while the victim sensed nothing at first, after a split-second, all the Wrath of the Tanar'ri will surface. The victim will suffer 10d8 pts. of damage as he suffers multiple 'delayed' attacks and slashes from all angles.
(2) If the victim fails the saving throw, it is instant death. All that is left are body parts.

Spell Name: Ajundurar's Ice Shard
Spell Desc: Ajundurar's Ice Shard
Level: 4
Range: Visual range of caster
Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

Ajundurar's Ice Shard, a extremely useful spell often employed by powerful mages due to its comparitively short casting time. When the mage completes the incantation his hand bursts briefly into cold blue light and then a magical shard of freezing ice flies toward the target, inflicting cold damage upon them.
The shard of ice inflicts 4d6 of cold damage on the target with no save plus 1d6 of cold damage where a save versus spells is allowed.

Spell Name: Melt
Spell Desc: Melt
Level: 7
Range: Visual sight of caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: Target Creature
Saving Throw: Save versus polymorph at -1.

This spell alters the make up of the target creatures body. The molecules the creaturte is composed of begin to deform and slide over each other. The target begins to deform and distort, in other words they melt into a sticky puddle of slime on the floor.
However the target is not killed even in this gelatinous state they still have some control although due to the fact that they are a puddle of slime their ability to attack is greatly decreased.

Spell Name: Recemons Wonderful Rejuvination
Spell Desc: Recemons Wonderful Rejuvination
Level: 8
Range: 20 feet
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 5
One Creature
Saving Throw: None

As much as mages hate to admit it priests have their uses and their is no denying their power especially in the art of healing. This spell however allows wizards to hold their own. It creates powerful magic that will completely heal a target and remove all ill effects. As such it is a incredibly useful spell to a adventuring wizard.

Spell Name: Azuths Rune of Utter Negativity
Spell Desc: Azuths Rune of Utter Negativity
Level: 9
Range: Visual sight of caster
Duration: 30 rounds
Casting Time: 15
Area of Effect: Target creature
Saving Throw: None

Azuth the lord of spells, once a powerful mortal archmage until he assended unto godhood. Shortly before he became a god it is believed he forged this spell, prehaps his crowning acheivement even more so then imortality. however soon after his acension this spell was destroyed or apparently destroyed by mystra for its power was to be feared even by the gods. This spell takes a mage a great deal of time of cast however when it is finally unleased nothing may withstand it. For a single instant it surrounds the target with total nothingness , this nothingness drains magic from the target severely weakening them, it is prehaps the only way a mage can battle a god for only a spell such as this can make a god vunerable to a mages magic.
This spell wipes away magical resistances when cast all of the targets resistances will be lowered by 100% all physical and magical protections surronding the caster will also be removed as well as the targets immunity to magic. Any creature may be killed after being affected by this spell.

Spell Name: Requiem of Elysium
Spell Desc: Requiem of Elysium
Level: 9
Range: 100
Casting Time: 10
Area of Effect: Visual Range of Caster
Saving Throw: Neg

The mage raises their hands to the heavens and creates a portal of the upper planes of elysium. The righteous enery of the archons, greater deva and solars, the inhabitants of this plane, rush forth in a tidal wave of magical energy. The fires of elysium clense evil and destroy darkness, this is a powerful spell.
50-90 Fire and magic damage.
All in area of affect must save versus spell at -4 or be blinded and deafened for 1 turn.
Creatures of Darkness such as undead and shadows must save versus death at -2 or be instantly destroyed.

Spell Name: Tyndals Spacial Compressor
Spell Desc: Tyndals Spacial Compressor:
Level 2:
Casting Time: 1

To cast this spell the mage simply snaps their fingers. A audible in rush of air occurs and the mage vanishes. In actuality the mage has teleported away. However the mage has no control over where they teleport and may well be teleported in front of a yet more powerful enemy. A useful Cantrip none the less.
Random Teleport

Spell Name: Tyndals Temporal Compressor
Spell Desc: Tyndals Temporal Compressor:
Level 7
Duration: 1 Turn
Casting time: 8

A effective intra-combat spell for the adventuring mage. When cast reality is seen to warp and twist around the caster and he visibly fades out of existence. In actuality the caster is displaced slightly from the normal stream of time.
The effect of this temporal displacement is to make the mage harder to affect from normal reality. Weapons seem not to be able to connect with the mage and any none magical weapon is incapale of affecting the mage. Because the mage no longer exists in the normal flow of events while under the effects of this spell no aging can take place, also speed altering spells and spells that imprision or maze are useless against the mage. From the mages view the world appears to be moving exceedingly slowly but to others the mage moves extremely quickly becoming a deadly foe.
Immunity to non-magical weapons.
40% resistance to all forms of physical attack.
+2 to all saving throws
+2 Armour class
Immunity to speed altering, imprisonment and maze spells.

Spell Name: Eviseration
Spell Desc: Eviseration
Level: 8
Range: 50 yards
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: One target
Saving Throw: Special

When cast this powerful spell allows the wizard to reach out and remove part of or all of an internal organ from a living being.
One of the following organs will be affected although the wizard cannot control which one. The target will always save versus spell at -2. Even if one these does not occur the target will take between 20-50 damage from the effect of the spell.
The organs that are affect are as follows.
The heart: the target will be instantly slain
The liver: The target will reiceive 50 points of poison damage.
The brain: The target will be permanently feebleminded and unable to cast spells.
The stomach: The target will reiceive 45 points of acid damage.
The eye: The target will be permanently blinded.
The lungs: The target will collapse into unconsiousness for a time and then be slowed.

32Spell Name: Melectar's Spell Regeneration
Spell Desc: Melectar's Spell Regeneration
Level: 8
Casting Time: 15
Range: Caster
Duration: 5 turns
Saving Throw: NA

A particular mage who long frequented the waterdeep region of the realms was a keen fan of magical dueling. In this dangerous sport magical items were bet and two mages would duel till one submitted, the winner taking the items. The mages name was Belfarst, he created a winning stratagee where by he would estimate his opponents ability and then count the number of spells they had cast so that he always had spells when his opponent was out. This method of dueling however failed him when he encountered Melectar.
Melectar had long researched what powers allowed a mage to memorise spells. This enchantment was his result, it allowed him to rememorise spells after he had cast them. Although the casting was very difficult Melectar managed to cast it before the duel. Belfarst was horrified to discover that when he still had only a few magic missile spells left, Melectar was till tossing chain lightning. Melectar won, acidentally killing Belfarst with a disintergrate spell. This spell is his legacy to magic though its uses strech far beyond dueling.
This spell rememorises one wizard spell of 6th level or lower every turn for the duration of spell. Due to the energies involved there is a small chance that the spell will cause 5d10 damage upon casting, the spell regeneration will still occur though.

Spell Name: Summon Helmed Horror
Spell Desc: Summon Helmed Horror:
Casting Time: 4
Range: Caster
Duration: 2 hours

The mage Degrodel was one of the more unpleasant charcters you met on your journies in Baldurs gate. He apparently was obsessed with the items of Balduran the great explorer. He believed that Dradeel Baldurans personal mage had hidden parts of the secret of a great spell in each of Balduran's items. Unfortunatley you killed him before he could complete his research. This spell was one his favourites allowing him to summon 1-3 helmed horrors to his service. The horrors will serve the caster without question for 2 hours and then vanish.

Spell Name: Blood to Acid
Spell Desc: Blood to Acid
Level: 6
Range: 0
Duration: 20 rounds
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: The Caster
Saving Throw: None

When cast the mages blood bubbles and warps turning into a highly concentrated acid. Strangely enough this has no adverse effect on the caster. It does however prove a powerful deterant to attack. When a successful attack is made the casters blood sprays onto the attacker. The blood now being highly acidic burns and scars the attacker eating into their flesh. While also hurting the attackers the acid in the blood burns away all poisons that might effect the caster.
Every attack made against the caster does 2d8+3 acid damage to the attacker.
Immunity to Poison
100% resistance to acid.

Spell Name: Dance Macabre
Spell Desc: Dance Macabre
Level: 9
Casting Time: 8
Range: Visual Range
Saving Throw: Neg

This spell is generally accompanied by a wave of evil laughter. Apparently this spell was created by a fairy godmother (who as everyone knows are generally pretty strange people) gone mad. The kitchen maid had of course just married the prince. The fairy godmother was casting a spell to allow them to dance in mid air surrounded by music and magical lights. However during the casting, for absolutely no apparent reason the fairy godmother went completely and utterly insane. The spell reflected this sudden change of mental state and the bodies of the maid and prince withered into decayed corpses dancing for all eternity (funelly enough no one really seemed to mind since the marriage was only so the king could fufil a clause in a will allowing him to collect a vast inheritance). Never the less despite the stressful circumstances the court mage managed to copy down the spell as the fairy godmother screamed it. Luckily he had the forsight to copy it onto a fire proof scroll. This was luckily because several seconds later the fairy godmother turned herself into a small purple atomic pumpkin. Several years later when the castle ruins had ceased to glow mauve, an adventuring mage found the scroll and the spell has propigated from that time forth.
This spell causes the targets body to decay into rotting corpse that spasams and jerks as it dances to some obscene infernal music. The target can save versus death at -3 otherwise it will dance forever or until slain. Even if they resist the effect of spell they are still cursed with bad luck for 6 hours.

Spell Name: Mordenkainen's Forceful Hammer
Spell Desc: Mordenkainen's Forceful Hammer (Evocation)
Level: 8
Range: 0
Duration: 30 rounds
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

This powerful spell causes space to fold and distort forming into the shape of a large magical hammer. The hammer glistens with power and is magically animated. The hammer is totally under control of the caster and will obey every command given to it. The hammer acts as a +5 weapon and does 2d4 +5 of crushing damage with each hit +3 magic damage. With each hit there is also a small chance that the target will be stunned and knocked unconscious.

Spell Name: Otiluke's Bouncy Bubbles
Spell Desc: Otiluke's Bouncy Bubbles
Level: 7
Range: Visual Range
Duration: 2 Rounds
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 3 target creatures
Saving Throw: Neg.

This spell allows the caster to create 3 bubbles of magical force around any 3 creatures they wish to protect. The bubbles are rubbery and semi-solid. Weapons striking the bubbles are slowed and hence can only do minimal damage. Non- Magical weapons are totally unable to penatrate the bubble. Only one bubble may be cast on a creature any more then this and the spell becomes ineffective.
+3 to Armour Class
+40% resistance to all physical damage.
+90% to all missile damage.
Immunity to non-magical weapons

Spell Name: Otiluke's Intangible Filter
Spell Desc: Otiluke's Intangible Filter
Level: 3
Range: 0
Duration: 3 Rounds
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: Neg.

One of Otiluke's most specialised protection spells. This spell surrounds the caster with a magical aura that filters out all gaseous toxins that the spell deems harmful to the caster. While within the aura all spells that create poisonous clouds will have no effect on the caster. This spell protects from but is not limited to.
Stinking cloud, Cloudkill, Death fog, Incendary Cloud and Miasma. This spell will not work on the plane of limbo and unfortunately does not protect from breath weapons such as dragons breath, or polyhydra breath.

Spell Name: Tereledra's Pocket Army
Spell Desc: Tereledra's Pocket Army
Level: 8
Casting Time : 12
Range: Caster
Saving Throw: Neg.

Tereledra was a powerful archmage who resided on the plane of dust, a plane that sucks the life out of its inhabitants. Tereledra had long travelled the planes and had built up many enemies especially in the anarchist faction of sigil. After being attacked by a group of anarchist wild mages he decided to give it all up, change his name and vanish.
For many years he journeyed the inner planes free of his old foes. He joined with a well respected group of mercenaries and travelled with them long, eventually he confieded in them his old and secret identity, feeling he could trust them. Little had he bargined on the size of the anarcists reward for his head. The mercenary group turned on him. They underestimated his power and Tereledra in a fit of rage slew them all consigning their souls to a pocket plane to serve him for all eternity. This spell their only gateway to the rest of the planes. It is believed that Tereledra was later slain when one of the wraith company was resurected by a simpathetic priest, the freed wraith killed Tereledra in a single stroke. This spell will call forth 5 to 10 wraiths of Tereledra's old mercenary group. The wraiths will serve the caster for 2 hours before returning to their pocket plane. The wraiths are fighters of between 7th and 10th level carrying +1 equipment. The wraiths will serve the caster without question but cannot communicate with anything else. The wraiths will also serve Tereledra before any other so they are incapable of fighting him or in any way inconviniencing him.

Known bugs:
When talking to teos withthe artefact player 1 must initiate dialogue
issuses with harper quest if it's not finished before the PS mod main quest triggers.

Note: the final boss is sussposed to be very tough if you cant beat him its no big deal.

THanks to Teambg for all their great editors
All these games are copyright of Bioware and Interplay etc.
Mini mod made by Inferno

v1.7 Updated code and a FIXED encounter with the "mage". (FINALLY! I hated finding/fixing this bug. -hlid.)
v1.8 Included a bugfix I'd forgotten to include with v1.7. You should be able to complete the mod unhindered now.
v1.9 Includes some minor bugfixes discovered after fixing the quest-breakers in the last version.
v2.0 includes the massive text update by: Jack Archer thedonkeyman@gmail.com
This version has rewritten game dialogues added by Planar Sphere into better English. The meaning is still the same, and nothing else has been changed. Also, items and spells have had their text updated. There's also a small fix to one of the items, and a couple of NPCs have portraits I'd say who, but it would be a bit of a spoler. All the main people get one, and the end person gets a new one.

My thanks to Jack for doing this painful, yet often desired fix for the mod!

v2.1 died stillborn, and to prevent confusion is omitted.
v2.2 Spanish translation added. Thanks much for the folks at ClanREO! Small bugfixes and script changes.

Edited by igi, 05 May 2007 - 12:34 PM.

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#11 igi


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Posted 05 May 2007 - 12:33 PM

Druidic Sorcerer / Mystic Theurge Kit

***************Druidic Sorcerer / Mystic Theurge Kit Instructions (version 1.9)***************

Changes from pervious versions:

No significant gameplay changes. Versions 1.0 and 1.1 had serious bugs that prevented proper use of the kit. 1.2a is, in actuality,
a much closer approximation to a true 1.0.

Even better, v1.4 or better uses the new ADD_PROJECTILE action to be universally compatible with all ProjectL.IDS files. (Often
modded by many a mod.)

Version v1.5 makes the painful script overwrites which hose all the NPC scripts as an optional component. I recommend you
don't install that component. Unless Tatmaster comes back and asks it to be removed. (Remember, I just packaged the kit, I
didn't write it!)

v1.6 removes some leftover files that reduces the package size by a few mb. Additionally, the new function of weidu that
restores a SetString action to it's original state upon uninstalling, is utilized. Thus the "restore" component is no longer needed.

v1.7 Has an auto-check for TDD kits filling up the druid selection screen. The DSKit will now "make room" for itself before
installing. Compatible with all incarnations of TDD including the various BP mods.

v1.8 Fixes the Tornado spell bug.

v1.9 A couple changes. First, I've bypassed the useless scripting component I recommended nobody use. It's still there for the die-hard purists, it just won't ask you to install it without altering the .tp2. In compensation, I've added a component that alters all Druid-use items to be usable by sorcerers. Since the game can't specify between DS and plain Sorcs, you'll either have to use your own discretion when Sorcerer NPCs are along, or enjoy the munchkin aspect.

hlidskialf of TeamBG has very generously packaged my kit in the much more MOD-friendly WEIDU format, so here are
updated installation instructions.

This modification requires Throne of Bhall. I highly recommend installing the latest patch, in addition to implementing the
dialogue and game fixes found at Baldurdash: http://www.baldurdash.org/. Of course, do this before you install the kit.

To install, copy the files that were extracted into the "TOB_Druidic_Sorcerer_Kit_Weidu_v1.2" directory into your BG2
directory. Then, execute the file, "Setup-DruidicSorcererKit.exe."

I originally intended to extend the Sorcerer's maximum XP to 8,250,000, but that idea was scrapped because it would interfere
with the many people out there that already have the XP Cap remover installed. Having an XP cap of 8,250,000 allows the
Druidic Sorcerer to obtain all 15 HLAs, rather than just 14. If you are ambitious enough and plan on obtaining enough
experience to reach level 32 (almost 10,000,000!) and don't have the XP cap installed, then just copy the file, "XPCAP.2da",
into your override directory.

**Important Notes**

This version of the kit should support new character creation in TOB.

Character creation with the Druidic Sorcerer extends beyond the initial menu screens. When starting a new character, you will
notice that, upon waking in Irenicus' dungeon, your character will be at level 0. At this point, you should simply level up and
continue to choose your weapon proficiencies and spells. Once that has been done, character creation is truly finished.

**About the Kit**

I highly recommend that you read through the file, "Druidic_Sorcerer_Kit_Description.doc", as it will give you a complete
understanding of all the changes introduced in this kit. Really, please give it a good look. It has colorful pictures.

The kit is designed to offer a uniquely powerful magic-user player class. It combines certain abilities of the druid and the sorcerer
and hopefully produces an interesting outcome. It is not intended to be the equivalent of other classes. The Druidic Sorcerer is
undeniably the most powerful class that youspellholdstudios.netspellholdstudios.net can play, but you will have to work for that power. I did my best to give this kit
an interesting play experience while preventing it from becoming ridiculously powerful. In later versions, it is likely that I will
continue to tweak it for balance.

**Kit notes**

This kit is selectable under the Druid tab on character creation, and you must be a human or a half-elf to select it.

Within the game engine itself, it is actually a modification of the sorcerer. The original sorcerer class itself is completely intact
and functions exactly the same. The only difference is the class description, which reflects that of the kit. Otherwise, it is
identical to the original (remember, you can always choose at any time to keep the original Sorcerer kit description, thanks to
Hlid's WEIDU'ing.)

All Sorcerers will also see the new high-level ability chart when reaching the appropriate level, but they will only be able to select
their normal abilities. Eat that, regular sorcerer!

In order to give the kit new weapon permissions, it was necessary to change the way weapon permissions worked for a number
of mage classes. As a result, some mages may be able to equip items that they normally shouldn't, but those items will be
dropped almost immediately, thereby restricting use to the appropriate classes in a slightly different fashion.

Sorcerer and mage spell learning tables were also changed a little to better reflect the rules and provide for logical level
advancement. Mages now may cast 5 level 9 spells upon reaching level 25. Sorcerers may learn 5 level 9 spells upon reaching
level 31.

The kit will allow the player to obtain a mage stronghold, but not a druid stronghold. In the future, I may become ambitious
and design a completely new stronghold for the Druidic Sorcerer, but for now the mage stronghold will have to do.

The most powerful high-level spells (named Quintessence Magic) are not for slower computers. I designed the spells,
particularly the offensive spells, to have a level of visual spleandor to match their descriptions. Even on my computer, the first
casting (before all elements have been loaded into memory), is not a completely smooth experience (but it is not bad at all.)
To give you an idea of the complexity involved, one of the spells, Fiery Cataclysm, is actually a combined interaction between
19 spells files, not including any of the projectile or animation files that it uses. As far as I can tell, no spell in TOB/BGII used
more than 2 linked spells files, and those that used 2 did so for non-visual reasons. It is possible that the spells, Torrential
Cacophony or Fiery Cataclysm, may crash your game. I have tested the spells pretty extensively, but I can not account for all
scenarios in the game. I do not anticipate any problems, however.

For those that might want to level up the character quickly in order to check out the new HLAs, keep in mind that the
advancement system that I created works best when one advances a single level at a time. In order to get the most powerful
abilities, you will have to "advance" more than once (don't max out your xp immediately when your are cheating.)

**Final words**

This kit is the summation of countless hours of toil. I have worked on it long enough to probably play through BG2 (or at least
good portion of it), which is an extremely long time for a single kit. It all started out as a simple idea that ballooned into a
project that involved 700+ individual files that I had to modify or create myself. This is my first big IE editing project and it will
probably be my last, but it has been a great journey along the way. I often think that this is way too much time to spend on
such a thing, but I am pretty proud of the results of my labour and I hope that you will find the kit an entertaining diversion.

Special thanks again to hlidskialf for translating my kit into a format that is truly sharable with the rest of the IE community.
For the near future at least, we'll continue to work on improving this kit to make it bug free and uniformly excellent.


Constant Gaw

Help forum at: http://forums.forgot...p?showforum=127

Edited by igi, 05 May 2007 - 12:33 PM.

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#12 igi


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Posted 05 May 2007 - 12:48 PM

Heart of the Wood

Heart of the Wood" (for BGII -Throne of Bhaal)
Contents: This magical stick can summon some powerful forest monsters and creatures (with some new ones from the monsters compedium) to aid your druid in combat, although the overall HD of the summoned creatures is limited to 13. This item can be acquired from Kyland Lind (Druid Grove). You must kill him first for it of course.
Warning: Kyland Ling is going to use the branch against your party!
Note: Only druids can use it!
Have fun using it, I had some making it!

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#13 igi


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Posted 05 May 2007 - 12:48 PM

Domains of Dread

"Domains of Dread".
Here is the brief note: in Adventure's Mart speak to the Utterly Insane Person, he will tell you a riddle, the answer will lead you to a pack of really tough battles. Those who survive will get the reward.

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#14 igi


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Posted 05 May 2007 - 12:48 PM

Killing Wolf NPC

"Killing Wolf NPC"
This is a new NPC as well as a store. He will join your party if you are a certain level or higher. He also has his own store. You cannot access his store items if he is in your party. There is a way to incorporate that function but I removed it as it doesn't seem realistic to be able to access his store while out in the middle of nowhere. His original spot is upstairs in the Five Flagons Inn(ar0511). If you do use him in your party and then drop him, he will go the the Five Flagons. When using his store, you will notice that most of the items are not identified. That is because they are from another game called Fallout. If you know what they are, then purchase them, if not, have fun discovering what they are!

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#15 igi


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Posted 05 May 2007 - 12:49 PM

cbisson's Familiar Pack

For the past four or five months I have tried so hard to make a new spell which can summon stronger, more powerful familiars that do not actually override the installed ones. I have tried using effects, spells, scripts, everything that I could think of. And none of it worked. I can't even figure out how the real spell (SPWI123) works, never mind what it does. Perhaps some day I will have a breakthrough.
I think the problem- well, not problem but lack of use of, the Find Familiar spell is that the familiars are too valuable to have out in the open. Well, one fireball and they could die. That's a pain in the butt if you lose constitution and don't want to use the ultimate spell Time Redo (reload your save :-)) So I really think that the Familiars should be more powerful than they are because of the fact that Familiars cannot actually increase in level so once you get one, you are stuck with this weak, easily killed rabbit or cat. So stuff him in the pack and forget about him. Well, that's not particularly useful.
Until I or someone else figures out how the darn spell works, I'm publishing these. They are only overrides, so there isn't much to the pack. I really wish I could figure out how the spell Find Familiar works, because if I could, I have big plans for it. Until then, suffer with these!
By the way, I really like the Spotted Lion familiar. I don't think I put him in my pack more than two or three times during the entire game, and he was USEFUL to the party, which is one reason for actually summoning a familiar. So if you want to use any of these regardless of your alignment, just rename your choice to all the other creature files though you should know that the dialogs that familiars use ARE dependant on your alignment so unless you change the dialog, you could run into problems releasing the familiar from your pack.

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#16 igi


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Posted 05 May 2007 - 12:49 PM

The Tortured Soul Quest

Little mode adding one adventure. In Athkatla graveyard in one of the crypts player will meet a stranger. Next will depend totally on you...

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#17 igi


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Posted 05 May 2007 - 12:50 PM


This little mod was created couple of years ago as a joke. Author - Charles Bisson.
You can meet and talk to a legendary four - "The Beatles". Famous musicians by the will of fate found themselves on Faerun.
It's just an unusual meeting and couple of dialogs, no new stuff, spells or quests.
Translated to weidu by Badgert from www.aerie-ru.info (iklest@narod.ru), works with any other weidu modes.

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#18 igi


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Posted 05 May 2007 - 12:50 PM

Unholy Gate Opening Ritual Book (for BGII - Throne of Bhaal)

Contents: This is a demon summoning ritual book, which is in possession of the master wizard Tolgerias (Planar sphere/Slums). You can summon several types of demons (nabassu/glabrezu/cornugon/pit fiend/balor) with the manual, the choice is random.
Warning: For the challenge I made Tolgerias somewhat harder to kill!
Note: This item can't be used by good aligned characters.
Have fun using it, I had some making it!

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#19 igi


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Posted 05 May 2007 - 12:50 PM

Authentic mischiefous Fairy Dragon

Authentic mischiefous Fairy Dragon
Pack Contents/Description:

Useful and more authentic Fairy Dragon familiar
No longer an item that grants 12HP - this familiar is your 7th party member...


As a 24 HP fairy dragon, the familiar is supposed to be a "Great Wyrm"
with 96% magic resistance. The original SOA familiar had 100% electric
and 150% fire Resistance, but 0% MR, this was corrected to 0% fire and
electric resistance and 96 % MR.

The Fairy Dragon has now mage and priest spells,
(chosen for mischief potential) as well as thiefing abilities

Mage Spells: Grease, Spook, Glitterdust, Dire Charm, Dimension Door,
Teleport Field

Priest Spells: Entangle, Magic Stone, Silence, Summon Insects
Animal Summoning, Pixie Dust

Thiefing: Move silently 100%
Hide in Shadows 150%
Open Locks 30%
Pick Pockets 55%
Find Traps 70%
Set Traps 100%
Detect illusions 50%

Innate Abilities:

Turn Invisibility (infinite)

A Fairy Dragon kann turn invisible at will. Instantly and as often as it likes.

Fairy Dragon Breath. (5 per day)

Save vs. Breath Weapons, or the euphoria gas breath will make the
target unable to attack and wandering around confused for 7,5 in-game minutes

Mischief (5 per day)

Beware the pranks of the mischievous Fairy Dragon!
The dragon may chose one of five practical jokes:

Prank : Scare the target (50% propability to drop weapon)

Throw Foul Egg : The victim goes berserk for a short time, suspecting
the nearest bystander to be the egg-thrower.

Ventriloguism : Everyone around the target will run away scared,
effectively destroying any formation.

Itching Powder : Makes spellcasting impossible and makes it hard to
concentrate on physical attacking

Lay Tripwire : Enemies fall over the tripwire-trap and drop their weapons.

Search Berries. (1 per day)

In outdoor areas, the Fairy Dragon may search for berries and other
small fruit, which it stacks (somehow, somewhere) in its inventory.

Eating the fruit (via "Use Item" button) has special effects:

Find Prob. Inv. Max Eating effect

Grapes 40% 1 Haste
Strawberrys 10% 1 Rememorize all Spells
Guril Berries 5% 1 Regeneration (1HP/3 Sec. for 30 Turns!)
Blue Berries 100% / 55% 2 Heal 10 HP

The Fairy Dragon may stack two blue berries; if it has actually none
the probability to find one is 100%. After that, there's only a 55% chance
to find another. When the dragon has already two blue berries, it's just too
lazy to search for another, or maybe eats one of them while searching.

The same applies for the other fruit. If the Fairy Dragon has already
one of them it won't get another.


The changes only apply if you haven't cast the "find familiar" spell yet.
Of course, you'll need a chaotic-good magic user to get a fairy dragon familiar.

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#20 igi


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Posted 05 May 2007 - 12:51 PM

Blood Of The Martyr

This small mod adds in the play Priestly Candle of Knowledge, by means of which Priests and Paladins will be able to hear new incantation - a Blood of the Martyr.
Candle will be on sale in several temple shops.
Modes is made on the base old non-WeiDU mode. Regrettably, initial variant available beside me, does not be kept information on the author. If anyone knows true author this mode, report me please

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