The following information might or might not be useful: A lot of it is stuff that can be found in the Wrye Bash readme, but I figured it is better to condense it here. Expect instructions on how to merge mods and how to ween your savegames out of generic races.esp soon
If you just want to transfer over a face from a save game to another save game and BOTH SAVE GAMES ARE USING THE SAME BEAUTY MODS then:
1. Download Wrye Bash here
2. Make sure you read the readme, I believe you need to download Python software, I'd link it but I'm trying to encourage people to RTFRM first and THEN ask questions

3. Open it up, click on the SAVES tab at the top of the screen
4. Click on the the GAME YOU WANT TO TRANSFER THE FACE TO (not the other way around), right-click, select IMPORT, FACE then choosse the savegame you want to import FROM.
5. Hit OK and you're done.
Now recently I wanted to merge the Tabaxi_BAB.esp file that came with the Tabaxi race into Beautiful People.esp, but I wanted to still play my savegames. If I disable the file I was using, Tabaxi_BAB.esp, and then enable Beautiful People.esp, the game is going to crash, simply because the savegame is still looking for Tabaxi_BAB.esp, but it can't find it. So what I did was I took the .esp file that I merged with TES 4 Plugin utility (if anybody wants a step-by-step on how to merge beauty mods so you can use Soya's Hair on Tabaxis for example, I'll post that too) and did the following:
1. Place the .esp you want the game to start using in the /data folder (in my case, it was my merged beautiful people.esp with merged tabaxi_bab.esp)
2. Open up Wrye Bash
3. Click on the Saves tab again
4. On the right-hand side, you'll see a box that "file". It should list the mods that the savegame that you selected depends on.
5. Scroll down in that box until you find the mod that you want to replace. In my case, I was replacing Tabaxi_bab.esp with Beautiful People.esp.
6. Right-click on the .esp in the box, and then click on "change to"
7. Find the .esp that you want to change to (in my case it was beautiful people.esp)
8. Click OK, then click SAVE on the bottom.
9. Close out Wrye and you're done.
Now you should take note, this ONLY WORKED because I merged Tabaxi_bab.esp into Beautiful People.esp. If for example, I decided I didn't want Tabaxi_bab.esp and I wanted to use regular beautiful people.esp, I wouldn't be able to do it that way. My game would CTD as soon as it loaded.
Now I had a case recently where someone was kind enough to send me a save of her favorite character, but there were a ton of mods attached to it. If we both use the same beauty mods, it wouldn't be a problem, you could just use the first method that I described and that would be that. But if you're in a situation where say, a save game uses Beautiful People and you use Cosmetic Compilations, then you can't copy over the face without going through some steps first. I should mention that there MIGHT be an easier way of doing this, if someone knows I'd be happy to hear it, but unfortunately it's not like a companion mod where you can just change the beauty .esp to a .esm and then change the dependency in Wrye like in what I just talked about. Soooooo.... what do we do?
1. Go to your Mopy/Extras directory
2. Find the file called blank.esp
3. Right-Click, select copy
4. In the copy file you just made, name it something you can remember, like face library.esp
5. Stick face library.esp into your /DATA folder
6. Open up Wrye, find face library.esp
7. Right-click on face library.esp, scroll down to "import" then select "face"
8. Find the Save game you want to IMPORT YOUR FACE FROM and click ok
9. Open up the TESCS (construction set)
10. Click on the little yellow folder on the top left hand menu
11. Put an X next to Oblivion.esm, face library.esp, and THE COSMETIC MOD YOU WANT TO USE (for example, beautiful people would be beautiful people.esp, etc etc etc)
12. highlight face library.esp, and click on "Set as active file"
13. Click "OK". There might be some messages saying "sg(NAME) cannot find hair or something similar, and then it asks "continue load?" Click on yes to all. Don't freak out when everything loads, I know it looks scary but it really isn't. Get up, walk around, watch some tv if you're that nervous

14. In the window that says "object window", you will see on the branch it says "Actors" then "NPC". Click on NPC.
15. On the right-hand side, you'll see a column that says "EDITOR ID". Click on it to sort the column by alphabetical order.
16. You're going to look for an EDITOR ID called sg (in lower case) (something, usually UNKA, BOKA ETC) (character name) PC. So for example, Jade is sgUNKAJADEPC. Double-click on it.
17. If a window comes up, you've just delete your entire hard-drive. Just kidding. You'll see a window that says NPC. First look to make sure that the RACE is correct under the RACE menu, on the left side of the NPC menu. Click on the FACE tab on the top right.
18. In the FACE tab, you'll see two menus under that tiny little face preview window. One says HAIR and the other says EYES
19. Choose a VANILLA HAIR style. Any of them will do. Do the same for EYES (usually says default, depending on your race).
20. Click OK, then click the little button on the top of the TESCS that looks like a little floppy disk to save.
21. Close the TESCS and open up Wrye Bash again.
22. Fine the SAVE tab. Click on it.
23. Fine the SAVEGAME YOU WANT TO IMPORT YOUR FACE INTO. Right-click, find "IMPORT", then "FACE"
24. Now instead of looking for a SAVEGAME< you're going to point it to the face library.esp, located in your /data folder. Hit ok.
25. A window will come up. On the left-hand side, you will see your character's ID that you saw in the TESCS (sgUNKAsomethingsomethingPC). Click on that, then click OK.
26. Start Oblivion and load the savegame. Now your character will have whatever vanilla hair and eyes you chose for them in the TESCS. However, now you can access the CHANGERACEMENU without it crashing on you

This one has been asked a lot recently, and with the release of Jade I'm sure people that have downloaded the mod are eager to use her as a companion. So here we go:
1. Go to your Wrye Bash directory. You should see a folder called EXTRAS. Inside, there should be two files: one is a bashed list 0.esp (might not be there if you're using an older version of Wrye Bash) and 2. a file called blank.esp
2. Copy blank.esp and paste it into your Oblivion/data directory. Rename the .esp file to something you'll remember, like face library.esp. This file is going to keep all of the faces that you import into it. So techincally, you could import hundreds of faces into this file for safe-keeping if you wanted to.
3. Open up Wrye Bash
4. Click on the tab that says "mods".
5. Locate the file that you just named (face library.esp or whatever it was), right-click on it and choose Import -> Face
6. Locate the savegame that you want to import the face FROM. (in this case it would be the Jade the Tabaxi.ess savegame) then hit OK. You will get a message that says "Imported SG -something-something-name of character-PC.
NOTE: If the character that you want to use uses a cosmetic mod like beautiful people, you need to follow these extra steps:
a) Find the name of the cosmetic esp (ie beautiful people.esp) in the Wrye Bash "Mods" tab
B) Right-click, and then click on "Copy to .Esm". What this is going to do, is it's going to allow your companion mod to use the .esm instead of .esp file to look for hair/eyes/etc
7. Open up the TESCS (construction set)
8. Click on the little folder icon to load the .esp's you're going to be with. Put an X next to Face Library.esp, the name of the companion mod's .esp you're using (the popular choice would be Companion Neeshka, so put an X next to companion Neeshka.esp, or whatever mod you're using), and the name of the cosmetic .ESM you made if it applies (NOT the .esp. So for beautiful people, you would use beautiful people.esm, not .esp. Very important!) We'll also need to load the Tabaxi_whateverbody.esp you're using.
9. Set your companion mod's .esp as the Active file and click "OK"
10. After everything loads, look in the Object Window. Click once under the column "Name" to sort the list alphabetically by name so we can find what we're looking for faster.
11. Locate Jade under the name tab and double-click on her row to bring up her info
12. Locate your companion's name (in this case, Neeshka) under the name tab and double-click on it to bring up your companion's info
13. We're going to be transfering information FROM Jade and INTO Neeshka. So first thing we'll do is change Neeshka's name to Jade. NOTE: DO NOT CHANGE THE ID COLUMN (where it says 1ncmNeeshka) change ONLY the name (Neeshka) column.
14. Now lets change Neeshka's race from Dark Elf to Tabaxi.
15. Now click on the Face Advanced tab (it's the furthest right, you might have to click on the little arrows on the top left of the render window to get to it). Do this for both the Neeshka window and the Jade window.
16. Go to the Jade NPC window and click "COPY". Now go to the Neeshka NPC window and click "PASTE". You have just copied and pasted the slider settings from Neeshka to Jade.
17. Almost done. Now underneath the NPC box for Neeshka, you'll see options for "Hair" and "Eyes". Set the hair to "soyahair03" and the eyes to "tabaxi18".
18. Click OK on both NPC menus to close them.
19. Click on the little floppy drive icon on the top left of the TESCS menu to save your changes.
20. Open up the OBMM and activate everything like you normaly would, but DON'T FORGET TO ACTIVATE YOUR COSMETIC MOD'S .ESM. Even if you, lets say use Beautiful People for your companion and your main character, your character uses BP.esp, your companion uses BP.esm. Anytime you load your companion, you need to load your .esm as well! Otherwize she will end up bald in-game!
Now, lemme stretch my hands before I get carpal tunnel syndrome....
Edited by SeV, 06 May 2007 - 02:39 PM.