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Cuv's Areas

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#21 GeN1e


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Posted 02 May 2007 - 07:31 AM

Cuv - Casting Disintegration.
Cuv - Disintegrate: Keep the RtW plot secret.
Keep the RtW plot secret: save failed!
Keep the RtW plot secret: Death.
The party has gained XP: 12000.

Release it finally, guys. Otherwise don't spoil it to others.

A small question - how long it takes to create a new large area? I've got an idea about a big quest (the size is similar to Watcher's keep) but not sure, if it would be better to do it on my own rather than to ask someone else to help me with it.

Edited by GeN1e, 02 May 2007 - 07:32 AM.

Retired from modding.

#22 maximus2001

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Posted 02 May 2007 - 01:46 PM

Here is an outdoor winter area I did for someone several years ago... it needed to fit in with IWD.

I remember this from ROT when you travel to IWD. It is so good I thought it came from IWD2. Really cool stuff Cuv. I'm looking forward to Return to Windspear one day. :cheers:

#23 Cuv


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Posted 02 May 2007 - 02:39 PM

A small question - how long it takes to create a new large area? I've got an idea about a big quest (the size is similar to Watcher's keep) but not sure, if it would be better to do it on my own rather than to ask someone else to help me with it.

Well, if you mean a single large area? Could take weeks or years to finish the artwork... depends on the artist and his tenacity and single-mindedness. The Forgotten Crypts artwork took me over a year to do just the artwork, but I should point out that ToB had not been released when I started working on that... and IETME was in it's infancy. Had ICM (Infinity Campaign Maker by TBG) back then.. and it was barely useable.

Once IETME 2.2 came out... I was in heaven. Not to mention Olav's Near Infinity. I can now crank out an area in about 1-2 weeks IF I have the artwork done already. Size doesnt matter... although it does depend on how many doors I need to add, walls and the S/L/H maps need to be precise or you can ruin the entire effect.

I seem to hear alot from people just how buggy IETME is... and you know what, they are right. It can be, but I have been making areas with it for so long that I couldnt even tell you what NOT to do with it... I just do it. Maybe I will lay out how I do it to avoid the bugs... see that, I have gotten completely off track and forgotten the initial question :) Sorry.

If you have the artwork... shoot me a PM or send me a small jpg of the area and I can give you an estimate.

If it is still all concept, I would need to know more details. I might be able to help you with it. PM me.


#24 Cuv


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Posted 02 May 2007 - 02:51 PM

A bunch of guys who can destroy the 'something' of the 'somebody' (blame theBigg) if you can solve their something

There... that's better. But I think everybody already knew who the 'somebody' was.

Cuv: Resurrection : RTW
RTW: Magic Resistance : Spell Ineffective
RTW: Miscast Magic : Cuv
Cuv: Greater Restoration : RTW
Cuv: Casting Failure
Cuv: Sigh
Cuv: You have rested for 8 hours and regained all your spells
Cuv: Attacks RTW
Cuv: Critical Miss:
RTW: Critical Hit Averted by Helmet


#25 minotaur_in_maze


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Posted 02 May 2007 - 04:27 PM

:Bow: :Bow: :Bow:


You have TALENT!!!

Please don't stop!

:Bow: :Bow:

* * * * * *
They say the world is going to Hell.

They are wrong.

The world IS Hell! Always has been, always will be; except perhaps for the five percent or so of the population who can afford differently.

And, if one must reside in Hell, it is far better to do it as a minion of the Devil than as a member of the damned.
* * * * * *
LOVE SUCKS: It makes fools and slaves of us all.
But being alone and unloved is worse.
- Nancy A. Collins "Thin Walls"
* * * * * *

#26 Cuv


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Posted 03 May 2007 - 09:10 AM

Okay, time for some more.

These two were in my upload offer a few years back of 'Areas for free'

Port City... that I wasnt entirely happy with. Borrowed heavily from BG1


Next we have a rework of Durlags for a castle quest idea that I had


#27 Cuv


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Posted 03 May 2007 - 09:12 AM

Now for some interesting items that I made... not really areas. They are for .MOS files for a TC

First is a TC start screen for yet another mod idea that didnt get very far where you can play the game as a monster of your choice and defend a tomb from a party.


#28 Cuv


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Posted 03 May 2007 - 09:15 AM

Then I made a whole bunch of new start and option screens for TCCore ToB





If anyone wants any of these... you are welcome to them. They should already be the right size, just save them, convert to Bmp. Then run through your MOSWorkshop.

Edited by Cuv, 03 May 2007 - 09:26 AM.

#29 Rastor


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Posted 03 May 2007 - 10:34 AM

I may have a use for some of these!
Home of Kitanya, Improved Asylum, more...

Posted Image

#30 igi


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Posted 03 May 2007 - 10:57 AM

Cuv: There is a finite amount of artistic talent in the world, and you're one of the primary reasons I have none, you git :P

They should already be the right size, just save them, convert to Bmp. Then run through your MOSWorkshop.

Or the Photoshop MOS Export plugin...

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#31 Cuv


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Posted 04 May 2007 - 08:00 AM

Cuv: There is a finite amount of artistic talent in the world, and you're one of the primary reasons I have none, you git :P

That is probably the nicest compliment I have ever received. thank you Igi :cheers:

I have gotten a few messages here and there about how to make an area. Not specifically how to use the tools, that is assumed, but the best things to do and in what order.

Let me give you a general guide of things I do and in what order when I am making an area:

-Artwork. Get your render exactly the way you want it. Don't forget to make an Opened and Closed version. You will need those doors later. Put these renders in a folder called "Renders". Save everything as bmp. Save them in two locations (working versions... and put copies somewhere else, maybe one of your modding folders. Backup everything.

-Raw Area: Make a quick area with it so you can access the grid feature in IETME for the tileset. Backup this tileset. I make a folder called "Raw Area". You can always come back to this tileset and wed if you make a mistake. As you make areas that are fully functional up to that point, save them again each with version names or numbers of your choice. It really sucks to start completely over if you make a dumb mistake... so you can go back to the last working version.

-Doors: Use that to figure out the tiles that you will need for the doors, cut them out and make them. If you don't know how to do this... I can give you a hint, but its not easy to explain. Remember, 64X64. Open your crude area in IETME, go down and Add Overlay, show overlay, show grid. Then move around everywhere you need a door and take screenshots. The beauty of this is that they are actual size screenies. Now you know exactly where each tile is... and how you will need to cut your doors. Make all the doors and save them in a folder called "Doors". Move this folder inside your "Renders" folder.

-Make a crude Search Map to test in the game. It just needs to be good enough to navigate a party everywhere in your area. White the Light map, and black the HT map.

-Create a WeiDU installer for ALL of your work for testing. I cannot stress this enough, it will save you a ton of time trying to figure out what you have and havent added to your area later. Get the TISUnpacker from PP. Have your installer install and COMPLETELY uninstall everything as you make changes and make backups.
I have a folder specifically for this in my Modding Tools folder. I call it "Single Use TIZ". In here I have the TIS packer and a BAT file to convert a single area to 85%. But you can always drag your TIS over the TISPack and it will make a TIZ.

-Do ALL the doors first... before you do anything else or IETME may screw up your WED later. I made a tutorial on doors, using PS and adding them in IETME. It's floating around. Open/Closed polygons, unknowns and flags, using the searchmap to help. Having them all already done is a wonderful feeling at this point. Just navigate to your "Doors" folder. Finish each and every one before going on. I have a clean backup of my area seperate, then I start making folders... 1 door added, 3 doors added, 5 doors added, etc. Backing up each step. Test them as you make a few. Finish it off with a "Doors Done" folder, this is your latest working area version. Make a backup.

-Add your animations. ie: torches, flies, whatever. Add these with IETME, easy to move again. Yep, new folder "Animations done".

-Do ALL the walls. This is the most time consuming part I think. Not only getting them all to work right, but getting the flags set on them correctly... and making sure they do not cover your animations or creature animations. Test each and every wall in-game with a character wearing the cloak of mirroring. Outdoor areas are usually fairly easy for walls... but dungeons are filled with them. You can expect this to take you a full 4 or 5 straight hours of work. Think you are finished? Hardly, take another walk around inside your area and double-check those animations. Are they visible? Fix, fix, fix. Another 6-8 hours of fixing walls. I will tell you right now that there is always one or two wall polygons that just will not cooperate. Hopefully it is somewhere you can simply alter your search map, or skip an animation there. If you can get it down to 1 or 2 bad walls, you are doing good. Make a workaround fix and move on. Save everything one last time in IETME... Tileset, MOS, and search maps. Back these up.

-Set flags, locks and traps on your doors. New folder!

-Ambient sounds: Any sound you assign to your area directly will have to be in the override or your game will crash. Just a warning. So figure out what area sounds you need and either extract them to install with your WeiDU, OR code your TP2 to extract them to your override.

-Search Map. This is another time consuming part of area making. There is a nice trick to making a search map by resizing your area to the same size as the search map. That is good for a quickie... but not the finished product. Go back into IETME and add to your search map. Every nook and corner. Save the area with the search map. Open your search map in Photoshop and do your fine tuning. Search Maps can crash your game if done incorrectly.

-Light and Height maps. Use the area resizing method for these, works just fine.

WARNING: Never save your Auxillary Maps again from this point on in IETME. Copy paste these from your backup when they are done. You should have sufficient backups of your TIS and MOS also, so you only want to save the .ARE going forward.

-Actors added. Cre files must be in override folder or you will crash. Backup folder

-Containers. Add your containers. I like to add a single gold piece to each container... easier to replace in Near Infinity later when I know what I want to put there. Folder again

-All your travel triggers, traps, info triggers and spawn points. Travel triggers must link to an existing Exit or you will crash. Backup folder.

You can make adjustments to anything and everything using Near Infinity. Sometimes I just use IETME to make the tileset for me... and NI for everything else. I don't recommend that if you plan on doing anything with the WED in NI. Another fair warning.

All you have left to do now is script everything: Triggers, creatures, traps, etc. Just remember to keep that WeiDU installer up to date on all your changes and you should have everything you need going to your override to avoid crashes.

I hope this has been of some help. I have probably forgotten something, just ask if you get stuck or have mysterious crashes.


#32 --Sir-Kill--

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Posted 04 May 2007 - 08:21 AM

I figured when I read rendered areas I thought you were talking 3d.
btw nice areas

have you ever thought of jumping into 3ds?

#33 Cuv


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Posted 04 May 2007 - 10:39 AM

I figured when I read rendered areas I thought you were talking 3d.
btw nice areas

have you ever thought of jumping into 3ds?

Hi Sir Kill :)

Thank you for the compliment... I consider the area art secondary to making it work in-game, but I do take alot of pride in making sure everything fits and works with careful blending of the textures.

3ds? Yep, thought about it and even tried it with some free-ware, but can't afford 3dsmax right now. I didnt like the look of the freeware stuff at all so I gave it up. I was a beta tester for Adobe Atmosphere... and even used that for some landscapes, but it looks so flawed... no real detail. Some of the stuff posted with 3dsmax looks fantastic though... so I might have to give that a try when I can, I wouldnt want to be left too far behind with tech usage.

For now, I prefer to use existing basic stuff and then hand-paint in any unique changes I want to add. It fits better with BG2. The exception was the alien ship stuff. Borrowed textures from anywhere I could find and just put it together using a typical BG2 house interior to keep my walls proportioned correctly using Photoshop ;)


#34 Cuv


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Posted 04 May 2007 - 11:52 AM

Here are some versions of an RTW area that were not used. They have not been converted into areas... and are available to anyone. I don't personally like them and feel they are unfinished.

I show them to demonstrate what kind of evolution an area goes through in my mind before I feel I have the one that best fits what I want to do. It also demonstrates that sometimes I make many versions of a similar area before I find the one I want to keep and tweak.



#35 Cuv


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Posted 04 May 2007 - 12:12 PM

Help yourself to any of these start screens. I have blanked them out. More from the TC vault.





#36 Cuv


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Posted 13 May 2007 - 11:34 AM

I just finished making another area for someone here. Won't say for whom or what their use is... they can pop in if they want. Got everything working perfectly.


#37 Cuv


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Posted 13 May 2007 - 11:48 AM

..... and here's how it looks in the game.


#38 Cuv


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Posted 21 May 2007 - 08:23 PM

Here is an area I am still working on, but almost finished with the artwork. It is for someone's mod. Since it will change a bit in the final version, thought I would show it too.

I plan to have the waterfall working with full animation in the finished area.



#39 Miloch



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Posted 21 May 2007 - 08:51 PM

Damn. Awesome work. Think you could whip out a few quick interiors for Balduran's Seatower? :whistling:

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#40 Kulyok

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Posted 21 May 2007 - 10:23 PM

Your last area is very impressive. (I'm still gawking at it with my mouth open, to be honest).

It's strange, really: I wasn't very comfortable with other areas, because I could recognize the parts of them: the tiles, the textures and so on. But here - I don't know how, the floor and the lights in the water, perhaps - it is both very BG-ish and utterly unrecognizable. Awesome. :)