Topics can be suggested, but it?s likely to be on a first come, first used.
We're holding the fanfiction challenges because there are so many writers here on SHS complaining about how they lack inspiration, critiques or comments (okay maybe they aren't all complaining, but they're hoping for it!); here you get them all.
Plus we have to counter that Fanart Challenge somehow?
While the people who participate in the challenges won't get 'awards' per se, you can have cookies. Okay, maybe no cookies, but those who submit On Topic stories will be sure to get comments by other writers and authors- and if you see a story which you think deserves a comment, do so! It's inestimably helpful to receive comments on stories, so if you have a moment, I'm sure it would be appreciated.
Critique can be asked for, and if you ask, we'll definitely make an effort to do so. And please, please, please do not ask for critique unless you want it and can take it well. We don?t want to hurt feelings, but critiques can appear to be nothing so much as tearing your work in two. If you see a story which has a 'critique pls', do be somewhat gentle unless, of course, the author has asked for brutality!
Of course, if you see a story which you'd like to critique and it has been asked for, we fully encourage you to do so - the more critiques received, the better!
Primarily, we hope you have fun writing, and working with themes you might never have otherwise. The fanfiction challenge is as hard or as easy as you want it to be - but keep in mind that the more you put in, the more you get out, so if you have some extra moments to go over what you've written or write something extra, I would fully suggest that you do it, if only for your own satisfaction of a job well done.
And if you don?t submit something we will track you down. Yes, you! The one reading this right now. I will track you down. Mwahahahahaha!