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Favorite Character?

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#21 Daulmakan


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Posted 15 August 2007 - 12:39 PM


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#22 Rastor


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Posted 15 August 2007 - 02:49 PM

The NPCs in this game didn't have as much depth as I would have liked. :(

In no particular order:
Aribeth (evil version, anyway)

I liked henchmen in some of the fan-made mods more.

Edited by Rastor, 15 August 2007 - 02:49 PM.

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#23 AnnabelleRose


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Posted 04 November 2007 - 05:44 PM

Aribeth - Loved her, broke my heart when she was mentally manipulated (of course I was on perscribed meds and sick and overly sensative at the time).
Deekin - He is awesome. I would love to see him ported to BG2.
Linu - See my comment about Deekin.

- The transitioned former modder once known as MTS.

#24 --Iguana-on-a-stick--

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Posted 22 November 2007 - 04:03 PM

Daniel and Pandy Monium.

... what? Official campaigns? What's that?

If it has to be from official stuff, the parrot from Pirates of the Sword coast. (but honestly, there were very few NPCs in the standard games I found memorable)

Pandy and Daniel are from the Hex Coda, of course.

#25 Solar's Harper

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Posted 07 March 2008 - 03:41 AM

1. Nathyrra :wub:
2. Aribeth :hug:
3. Deekin :ROFL:

Nathyrra I'd say is my favorite, then again I'm a sucker for drow like her. :lol: Her background however did prove to be interesting in some ways, and her personality certainly shows two faces rather than just a single purpose depending on alignment. Why she is lawful evil is a good question, one could guess she hasn't given up her old ways just yet despite being a loyal follower of the Seer and Eilistraee. Personally I can't see any other logical reason, how she'd be accepted by Eilistraee's followers though is beyond me, since they loathe evil drow.

Aribeth also interested me both in NWN1 and HotU, although I was severely disappointed by the way they ended up screwing her character about. Seriously some of the changes she had were just too out of line for the person she was originally. :angry:

Deekin, was annoying at first but he seems easily likeable eventually so I'd say he's my third nomination. Aside from that his naivety has a nice cuteness to it. <_<

If there ever was a character I get too annoyed with though yet I needed, it'd be Tomi... honestly I like his jokes, he's valuable as a thief, but he just ticks me off. Anyway I'm going a bit off topic so I'll stop there. :)

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#26 Vicen


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Posted 23 May 2008 - 07:27 PM

Tomi the halfing thief is quite a riot :lol:

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#27 Lysan Lurraxol

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Posted 24 May 2008 - 12:44 AM

I'm inclined to agree with Iguana on a stick. The NPCs in HeX Coda were much more interesting and better written than most of the NWN NPCs. Of course, saying that, HotU was much much better than the original game. (SoU might be good, but I hit a bug making it impossible to play :crying: ). Despite the horrible graphics, HotU had moments of beauty (Canis, the city of avariel), and brilliant sequences like the battle at the end of Chapter 2, though there were still tedious, monotonous dungeons. But the game deleted the shapechanging amulet from my inventory, so i couldn't complete the game. <_<

My favourite NPCs were,
Nathyrra, she was amazing, funny, clever, brilliant companion.
Aribeth - much less sanctimonious and dull as in the original campaign. Interesting, tragic character.
Valen - again interesting, and well written. And quite attractive :wub:
Sharwyn - Would have liked to have seen her for more than just chapter 1, she was fun.
Linu - again, entertaining and fun. Should have got past chapter 1.

I was annoyed at the silly character limit, which meant I had to abandon Valen in hell.

Does anyone know of any mods that would remove the party limit, and let me take Linu and Sharwyn into Chapter 2?

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#28 Vicen


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Posted 21 June 2008 - 09:36 AM

Well now that I have played the expansions I must say I like Deekin and Xanos quite a bit!

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#29 Hecate

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Posted 26 June 2008 - 03:37 AM

Daniel and Pandy Monium.

... what? Official campaigns? What's that?

Now THOSE are great characters. Two of my favorites in all NWN, in fact. Stefan Gagne is a amazing autor. I was so sad when it was cancelled, but it was worth it even if the story remained un-moduled (? XD).

But if we are talking of official characters, the answer is easy:

-Deekin, because you can't find a kobold with so much personality in all Faerūn.
-Valen. Come on, ladies. Bioware knows how to make fan-girls happy XD At least in HotU. And besides of that, the character past and the romance is quite interesting, and charming in a way (in response of Jazhara7 and her comment of the lost conversation in the mimic lair: AT LAST! *Goes to play HotU again*).
-Tomi. We all need a halfling rogue with a ridiculously marked accent in our lifes. And I cracked up with certain story about a night of alcohol and him tied on a bed.
-Linu, 'cause she is just adorable. Dangerously adorable XD
-And I remember having a soft spot for Nathyrra; I liked the friendship with her, and her romance too, though it's been a while since I play with a male PC and almost can't remember it very well.

Edited by Hecate, 26 June 2008 - 03:38 AM.

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#30 Jarley

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Posted 13 July 2008 - 10:46 AM

Valen, absolutely no questions asked. I could play HotU again and again just to get him. And it always makes me so happy to free him from his taint :wub:
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#31 Sammi Somara

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Posted 06 January 2009 - 12:50 AM

Well, I haven't been playing for that long, but so far, I like Tomi the best. He amuses me.
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#32 Yuwakusha

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Posted 08 January 2009 - 04:51 PM

Commander Imloth. :wub:

...And of course Valen, Nathyrra, and Deekin.


#33 Thanatos.

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Posted 08 January 2009 - 05:07 PM


EDIT: Oh wait, this is NVN o.O I dunno D:

Edited by Ithilian Delorio, 08 January 2009 - 05:08 PM.

#34 marrylucas234

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Posted 04 December 2009 - 01:16 AM

Hi Everyone..

Well I like Aarin Gend.

#35 Dagger

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Posted 21 January 2013 - 02:31 AM

The henchmen I liked most were :

Daelan Red Tiger (serious, but good)

Deekin ("I'm gonna sing the Doom song now!")

Linu( I love her,she's so cute and clumsy!)

Dorna(my partner in crimes)

Valen(excellent warrior,badass and gentleman.)

Nathyrra(very interesting character)


NPCs: Aaring Gend (At first he didn't liked him that much, but I changed my mind with time.<3)

Drogan, and Harpers in general.

The Seer

Mephistopheles (One of the best villain ever *_*)

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