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Northern Tales of the Sword Coast

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#1 Kaeloree


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Posted 24 April 2007 - 09:15 PM

File Name: Northern Tales of the Sword Coast
File Submitter: erebusant
File Submitted: 25 Apr 2007
File Category: Dark Side of the Sword Coast (BGT)
More spells (two), items, new areas, and several major quests are all part of this mod. One large quest is given to you by Duke Eltan (before you go to Candlekeep). One of the longest quests also starts before Candlekeep: Talk to the lady outside the Sorceror's Sundries. One quest can be started by talking to Yness in Ulgoth's Beard. The rest can be done during the TotSC quests in Ulgoth's Beard. Quests take you through new areas of the Firewine Bridge, the Field of the Dead, and several new areas around Beregost and Nashkel you didn't know existed!
This mod is compatible with BGT, BG:EE, and EET.
The install has eight parts: the main component (obligatory for the mod) and five optional components of restored game content, the joinable NPC Will O'Hara, and some fighting encounters.

  • Keelor the Dwarf
  • Pilar and Gheldehar
  • Nim Furlwing
  • Llindellyn's Lucky Arrow
  • Svlast's Torment
  • Will O'Hara NPC
  • Fighting Encounters

Will is a Human Bard, S 17, I 14, W 13, D 14, C 14, Ch 15. Note: He will have some interjections in his home town Beregost but apart from that is a silent NPC with no dialogues or banter with the PC or party.
Download  |  Readme  |  GitHub

Edited by skellytz, 08 December 2024 - 01:12 AM.

#2 jastey

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Posted 05 February 2019 - 03:20 AM

NTotSC updated to version 3.1.0! (EDIT: for now, the new version is only available from the SHS download's page.)



Angel's rebalancing fixes:
    -Officer Tytus, Haeball, the Black Hand cultists and General Ghotal now have appropriate stats for their levels, especially in HP and AC
    -Haeball has been given a proper spell list and script
    -General Ghotal will now actually be able to hit back much more often than once every two rounds
    -Tytus will no longer have guaranteed hits every round as his THAC0 has been fixed.
    -removed some items (one robe that was just too good for BG1, a potion that was utterly useless in BG1, and the duplicate ankheg plates),
    -added a few new ones (one original, the rest IWD imports)
    -tweaked a few existing ones (mainly those in Firewine).
    -included a few fixes for install issues on Linux, mainly the installer not being able to install tilesets properly on EE, resulting in black lines between the tiles.

jastey's bugfixes and changes:
     -Giving Ordolath his candle will now give exp, always
     -added reply option to decline Lobar's offer eben though the PC has the gold
     -several traps are now detectable (flagg was missing)
     -added ntotsc.ini

Edited by jastey, 05 February 2019 - 03:28 AM.

#3 jastey

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Posted 14 March 2019 - 01:55 AM

Update to v3.1.1! Download from the GitHub Page is working again: https://github.com/S...releases/latest


- name of the "Black Swan Armor +2" (ntplat03.itm) fixed  
- (BG:EE): RING05.are from area AR25PB has 8 charges as per description
- (compatibility) Pilar and Gheldehar: JAP detection fixed

#4 Miloch



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Posted 15 March 2019 - 01:41 PM

It is impressive to see an update 12 years later to an update that was probably at least as much later as the initial mod. Kudos.

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#5 jastey

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Posted 16 March 2019 - 12:10 AM

Thanks. I am actually rather proud of how the mod turned out. I sincerely hope that the original author agrees and also players, of course.

#6 jastey

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Posted 11 December 2019 - 01:18 AM

The mod updates to v3.2.0!


Version 3.2.0 comes with minor bug fixes, more tuned down fights, and a revised Italian version by ilot, and a revised Polish version by Roberciiik!


    -Completed and revised Italian version by ilot
    -Completed and revised Polish version by Roberciiik
    -Map Note to Fire Leaf Forest added (entrance to pass to Cloud Peak)
    -Map Note added to AR80PB.are (Entrance to Cave)
    -description of Shocking Flail adjusted to real stats
    -Draagis' staff should have correct damage effect
    -all keys tagged as keys so they fit into the key chain
    -Nadalin recognizes whether he brought PC to island before (should not give his first dialogue every time after quest is finished)
    -AR9001.are: trap at desk should be removable/reachable
    -AR25PB.are: removed original fire slamander references, also from dialogues (replaced with mod ones)
    -journal entry for elven bow will also be added if PC gets quest without any of the items already in inventory
    -assigned fighting script to Demon Knights (should not stand idle)
    -nerved fire slamander fight: for level PC lower 4 or game difficulty lower NORMAL, number of fire slamander will be halved.
    -nerved fire slamanders: less HP, no immunity to nonmagical weapons, less damage
    -Lesser Tanar'ri nerved: lower XP, immunity to slashing, crishing, piercing set to 0, nerfed Tanar'ri spell script.
    -fight with Lesser Tanar'ri nerved: number of Lesser Tanar'ri depending in game difficulty
    -removed elven chain mail +1 from Haebal
    -Haebal cre nerfed and corrected: is now mage with legal stats
    -Hasdar cre nerfed: has now legal amount of HP
    -nerved Knights of the Grave: reduced HP, nerved undroppable flame blade
    -monster count in AR02PB reduced depending on game difficulty. For INSANE, all monsters will still be there.
    -DSotSC ressources: Holy Water effect should work on undead, Holy Water can be bought in almost all Temples.
    -put a note into the readme that Will is a rather silent NPC.
    -German version: corrected description of Studded Leather of Resistance
    -German version: effects description of Armor of Black Swan corrected

#7 earthdude

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Posted 28 March 2020 - 01:37 PM



I'm enjoying this mod so far, but have encountered a problem that's probably my fault.


I'm playing EET.  First of all, is there an up-to-date walkthrough?  I have an ancient walkthrough, which is from before DSotSC and NTotSC were disentangled; not sure where I found it.


*** SPOILERS ***







In order to gain access to the Druid Circle cave, I need the Guardian Wardstone (along with the hand of Helm).  I know I picked up the Guardian wardstone, but then went off to do Durlag's Tower with its plethora of wardstones and now cannot find it.  I have EE Keeper and looked for it there, but can't find it.  Any suggestions?


According to the ancient walkthrough, to gain access to the Orc King's tomb, I need a dagger and ring; I have both.  But how do I use them to gain entry?



Edited by earthdude, 28 March 2020 - 01:37 PM.

#8 jastey

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Posted 28 March 2020 - 01:42 PM

In order to gain access to the Druid Circle cave, I need the Guardian Wardstone (along with the hand of Helm).

I *think* this is DSotSC, not NTotSC?


ccording to the ancient walkthrough, to gain access to the Orc King's tomb, I need a dagger and ring; I have both.  But how do I use them to gain entry?

Having them in the inventory both should be enough?... What happens if you klick on the entry to the tomb?

#9 earthdude

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Posted 28 March 2020 - 03:32 PM

I'm pretty sure the druid circle is related to the Orc King Tomb since you supposedly find the Orc King's sword there? 



Just to be sure I'm on the right page, the orc king's tomb is on the west side of the Fields of the Dead and the entry is flanked by 2 pillars with 4 round large round stones with a design on them in front.


Regarding gaining entry to the orc king's tomb, I have both in my inventory.  When I click on the entrance (I just get a '?'), I get the message that the catacombs are protected by powerful magic and that the seal was put in place by priests of Helm.

#10 The Imp

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Posted 28 March 2020 - 04:22 PM

I would remember that you have to insert both items into a chest/container/a space that can contain the items, and that should then unlock the tomb. It's not just holding the items that required.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#11 jastey

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Posted 29 March 2020 - 01:47 AM

I'm pretty sure the druid circle is related to the Orc King Tomb since you supposedly find the Orc King's sword there?

Ah, you were referring to the orcs shamans. I was thinking about human druids, sorry.

The cave where the orc shamans are gathered (in AR01PB) you need the "Ring from the Grave" ("NTKEYPB2") and the "Rusted Dagger" ("NTKEYPB3"). The Ring from the Grave you get in AR61PB, the Black Hand Cult Temple from their leader Brother Draagis. To get there, you need to first save Reedrig from a cave in east Field's of the Dead and talk to him again with a letter after fighting the original game demon in Ulgoth's Beard. The Rusted Dagger you find in Haeball's desc (AR9001).


To enter the crypt at the west side of the Field of the Dead (AR10PB), you need to have the Holy Symbol of Helm from the Citadel where Duke Eltan sends you to investigate ("NTMISC08").

#12 earthdude

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Posted 29 March 2020 - 06:23 PM

Thanks for the reply.  Everything worked for me now.  Interestingly, the entrance into the orc shaman cave became available after I took the ring and dagger into *and* back out of the adjacent grave/tomb.  Also, it seems it's not sufficient to just have the Symbol of Helm, but that you also recovered the sword and wonder where the body is actually located.

#13 blatantninja

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Posted 18 February 2021 - 09:30 PM

Hello, I hope it's ok if I bump this since it references the question I have.  So I finished the Citadel Quest, got the Symbol of Helm, and cleared out the Orc King Tomb.  I got the Ghotal's armor, but didn't see find a sword.  I had already cleared out the Cult, so I can access the Orc Shaman Cave.  It seemed like that's what's next, but when I go in, I get attacked by the Catacomb Warder and all his friends.  The fight seems a massive step up over anything I've experienced so far, so my question is, did I miss something? If I had this sword that's mentioned, do they not immediately attack?


EDIT:  Nevermind!  I ended up drawing groups of them out at a time and it became manageable.

Edited by blatantninja, 18 February 2021 - 10:09 PM.

#14 Greenhorn

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Posted 17 April 2022 - 05:56 AM

Excited to be able to play this at long last! Actually gave this mod try once on original BG:TOS but it was different version without even a WEIDU installer. I intend to play this on BG:SoD and only available DSotSC option is Carnelian's, I gather this mod and his are fully compatible if I install his mod first, right? Another concern is BG1UB, it has some overlapping components I see, may I please ask correct install order, I guess NTotSC come before UB so the latter could detect same components of the former and skip it but I could be wrong on that assumption? 

Edited by Greenhorn, 17 April 2022 - 10:45 AM.

#15 jastey

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Posted 19 April 2022 - 12:01 AM

Yes, NTotSC detects both BGT/EET version and BG:SoD version from DSotSC.

The overlapping components/content from bg1ub and also Jarl's Adventure Pack (a mod only for BGT) will be skipped automatically in NTotSC if detected and vice versa.

#16 Greenhorn

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Posted 19 April 2022 - 03:04 AM

Thank you.

#17 jastey

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Posted 19 June 2022 - 12:48 AM

Upcoming v5.0.0 has new lines that would need translation to German, Italian and Russian. New lines are in the GitHub Master.


new tra file:

new lines:
 in setup.tra: @556 - @573; @55134 - @55140
 in setup-ee.tra: @557, @559, @561, @563

changed lines:
 in setup.tra: @550
 in setup-ee.tra: @550.


Edited by jastey, 20 June 2022 - 05:54 AM.

#18 Arkie

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Posted 19 June 2022 - 07:06 PM

Upcoming v5.0.0 has new lines that would need translation to German, Italian and Russian. New lines are in the GitHub Master.


new tra file:

new lines:
 in setup.tra: @556 - @573; @55134 - @55140
 in setup-ee.tra: @557, @559, @561, @563

changed lines:
 in setup.tra: @550
 in setup-ee.tra: @550.



 I've sent the pull request with Russian translation. Thank you for update!

#19 jastey

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Posted 20 June 2022 - 01:12 AM

Thanks, I got it! I added some more lines in the setup.tra for installation but if I understand it correctly, these do not need to be translated. (I'll upload to SHs master later).


I have a revised Italian version from improb@bile, but it is in utf8, I'd need them in ANSI. In case anyone can reach out to improb@bile or can provide the Italian tra files attached here and here in ANSI let me know.

Edited by jastey, 20 June 2022 - 05:54 AM.

#20 Yakkuz

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Posted 20 June 2022 - 05:18 AM

Hi! If converting them in ANSI with notepad++ is enough, here you are: Attached File  italian plus new commits by Improbabile converted in ANSI.zip   517.42K   121 downloads

If Improb@bile is not currently available, as soon as I have a bit of time I could translate the new lines in italian for v. 5.00.