I felt reluctant to post my current larger WIPz as its going to be a while until they will be even remotely near completion but with this one I should be done much sooner, maybe a couple of week to a month max so without further ado.
Some people might remember/know about my Chrome Dwarven set although not many so I was thinking of updating that shortly when I decided to make a new Chrome set from other pieces I like, mainly Ebony although I am swapping out the stock Ebony helmets and shields meshes for others I prefer.
The shield has been started today so here is how it looks just now, I am not planning to rush this set in the least so its not one of my 24 caffeine fuelled hours WIPz to RELz jobs.
Shield ? overall shot
Shield ? detail shot
Large shots but it?s a large shield.

Not finished of course but it?s a wip thread so?