*delayed-reaction response time!*
A Mary Sue is a fiction character who is unnaturally perfect - usually they come into being when a writer inserts themselves into their works. For example, let's use the YuGiOh fandom - if you wrote fanfiction and made a girl character who happened to have the mysterious (and completely made-up) eighth Millenium Item that has all sorts of cool powers, and all of the characters are in love with her, and she happens to be extremely beautiful and/or extremely nice or something like that... well, that's a Mary Sue.
The idea behind the challenge would be that you have to draw
a) how your personal PC has Mary Sue-like qualities (it's okay to admit it)
b) what would happen if your party encountered a Mary Sue and how the others would react.
Or something like that. I mean, I doubt it'll get chosen *is waiting impatiently for the next challenge XD* but I hope that clarified it a bit

Edited by JAMoczo, 07 September 2008 - 05:32 PM.