Fanart Challenge Ideas
Posted 21 December 2010 - 08:59 AM
Will there be any challenges before 2011?
It's just I have a few ideas for a challenge. (Or more correctly, one idea and a few vague ones)
Race: Supposedly human. (We're still not sure)
Class: Bard
Alignment: Anything chaotic.
"You know what I always say? Always kill the mouthy one." - Kythriel (Bhaalspawn)
"I wanted infravision like the elves, but tis' more than just taking their eyes" - Xzar
"Fear not! I will inspire you all by charging blindly on!" - Minsc
Sand: "Careful, lest I blush from all these compliments."
Nevalle: "That wasn't a compliment, Sand. Usually if something's out of place, you're suspiciously close by."
"Now that the warm fuzzy part is over we can get back to the ritual dismemberments. Oh wait, it's not Tuesday is it?" - Alistair
"Ah, quiet insular communities. There's always something nasty going on behind closed doors. I hope it involves chains. I hope they ask me to join in." - Zevran Arainai (Assassin and pervert supreme)
One day I'll find a better use for my signature than pasting a load of game comments...