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Worgas the NPC and his prettie Eyeball

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#81 flysoup

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Posted 03 March 2008 - 04:02 PM

Hm. I don't seem to have the original zip file, but I have a folder with what appears to be an unpacked version. I'll rar it up and PM it to you in a moment.

[edit] Sent - check your inbox.

I got it, many thanks even though I would need a scroll of removing modding and gaming addiction.

Well I'll head into it, feel free to come up with suggestions on the future adds of this mod.

If anyone wants to aid then PM me, all help is welcomed.

Best regards/
"Chef of Goblin Pies"

#82 flysoup

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Posted 04 March 2008 - 01:27 PM

I have started to create a new portrait for Worgas in the upcoming Worgas-NPC Beta v2. The most insane and chaotic being in the whole Realm!


Edited by flysoup, 04 March 2008 - 01:28 PM.

"Chef of Goblin Pies"

#83 flysoup

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Posted 04 March 2008 - 02:56 PM

Portrait progress: made the eyes more frenzy mood, also continued to polish the portrait with various colors.

"Chef of Goblin Pies"

#84 flysoup

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Posted 05 March 2008 - 03:45 AM

Further into the portrait progress, changed the eyebrow so he looks more insane and chaotic neutral rather than chaotic evil like the portrait above. Well time to download the modding tools and see if I remember how to do it.... The plan is to add more area scripts and dialog content to the upcoming Worgas beta v.2


Here is Worgas beta 1 with the new portrait and edited skin colour. (Fully playable with content all the way from SoA to the end of ToB with his own epilogue. Remember not to skip Irenicus dungeon in the beginning since it holds a special surprise for Worgas ;). Other than that read the readme file for further info.)

Attached File  Worgas_npc.rar   3.64MB   1114 downloads


Attached File  WorgasReadme.txt   3.12K   917 downloads

Only known issue so far is that Worgas only works in single player mode. It doesn't work in multiplayer due to the cutscene script in the beginning. If anyone with scripting skills higher than my amateur ones could look into it then I could help back with my artistic abilities ;)

Here are the new portraits for the ones that already has the old Worgas mod installed. Just add these portraits into the Worgas_files folder or if the mod alreay is installed paste them into the override. This is only for you that has downloaded Worgas before.

Attached File  nworgaL.bmp   203.73K   635 downloads Attached File  worgarL.bmp   55.17K   523 downloads Attached File  worgarS.bmp   6.85K   478 downloads

(The new portraits are already included in the beta 1 above called Worgas_npc.rar.)

Best regards/

Edited by flysoup, 05 March 2008 - 05:20 PM.

"Chef of Goblin Pies"

#85 flysoup

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Posted 18 March 2008 - 02:32 PM

I recently started to work on Worgas and decided to make him a BGT NPC. So far I have implemented him in BGT starting at level 2.

He can be found outside the Nashkel mines and his familiar Gauth within the Nashkel mines. He also tags along into SoA if he is alive at the end of BG then continues all the way through ToB as before.

I don't know when I will upload a beta test since I am already overloaded with the all so common real life and other projects.

Other adds (Made Minsc's berserk ability equal as the fighter enrage so he is controllable, his companion Boo will be able to jump out from the inventory as in the SoA ver.)

Here are some teasers of some wild magic in BGT:

"Chef of Goblin Pies"

#86 flysoup

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Posted 19 March 2008 - 06:16 PM

Here are some more screenshots from Worgas BGT (minor spoilers of his personal item and arrival into BGT)
The screens are taken from my game with Drizzt Saga installed and One Pixel productions (flameblade animation9 by Erephine)

Worgas escape from Spellhold crafting a blade from his wildsurge:

Worgas blade info:

Worgas arrives:

Zarix (Worgas gauth familiar) arrives:

The party gathers:
"Chef of Goblin Pies"

#87 Rodman49

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Posted 19 March 2008 - 08:16 PM

This good sir, looks most unbelievably badass.

#88 -Koltran-

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Posted 23 December 2008 - 05:58 PM

So this will go into the NPC mod section....when?

#89 Daulmakan


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Posted 23 December 2008 - 06:45 PM

It went at the time, then it got removed.

Perhaps somebody else still has it and can send you a copy.

item_pack.jpg   Drows.jpg


#90 -erik-

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Posted 09 January 2009 - 11:49 AM

Look a few posts back. flysoup's Beta 1 is still available.

#91 flysoup

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Posted 11 November 2009 - 06:57 AM


The Worgas Npc is now compatible with BGT removing the crash at the beginning of BG2. Drizzt and Boo is now added as an optional install. The changes has been made by White Agnus.

Here is the beta:

Attached File  WorgasNPC_Beta1.1.zip   4.52MB   74709 downloads
"Chef of Goblin Pies"

#92 Ankhes

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Posted 19 November 2009 - 08:44 PM

I've just installed it (yes, at the end of all my mods) so don't know if it is because of my large install or what, but now I've got a really pain-in-the-butt problem.

My sidebars have vanished and so has the bottom bar with the attack buttons and so-forth. I can only see and access them when I hit the space bar for "pause." Trying "U" and "Y" does not work, only on pause.

I don't know if this is Worgas or not, but if it is, how can I fix this? Argh! It is unplayable but I adore Worgas and his pretty eyeball, though!!!

#93 prune1

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Posted 20 November 2009 - 07:24 AM

I've just installed it (yes, at the end of all my mods) so don't know if it is because of my large install or what, but now I've got a really pain-in-the-butt problem.

My sidebars have vanished and so has the bottom bar with the attack buttons and so-forth. I can only see and access them when I hit the space bar for "pause." Trying "U" and "Y" does not work, only on pause.

I don't know if this is Worgas or not, but if it is, how can I fix this? Argh! It is unplayable but I adore Worgas and his pretty eyeball, though!!!

Press H.

#94 Ankhes

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Posted 20 November 2009 - 02:04 PM

Thanks so much!

#95 Homer_S

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Posted 14 February 2010 - 07:13 AM

When you do not have him in your party and walk anywhere near him, he asks to join. He asks repeatedly, it brings the game to a halt as it moves the focus to him and then back to your walking anywhere else in the Copper Coronet. Is this by design or its it an accident?


#96 rbx4

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Posted 29 January 2011 - 12:07 AM

I very much enjoy this mod. I have played a grand total of about an hour with him (since my installation went wrong due to some other mod), but I am already addicted. I don't know how I lived without Worgas in my life previously.

#97 -Morken-

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Posted 17 April 2015 - 03:30 AM

Worgas clashes with the other mod that,

at the start of BG2.. says

"10 years ago in candelkeep..."


The start is stuck and you must Control+J out of the cage.

#98 Bill Bisco

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Posted 07 May 2015 - 07:30 AM


The Worgas Npc is now compatible with BGT removing the crash at the beginning of BG2. Drizzt and Boo is now added as an optional install. The changes has been made by White Agnus.

Here is the beta:

[img=http://www.shsforums...attachicon.gif] WorgasNPC_Beta1.1.zip

Do we still have a multiplayer problem? Is there any chance that could get fixed? It seems that we have a Check the bodies conflict via the above poster. Any chance we could get that fixed?