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Fanart100: Bhaal's children

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#1 Ilmatar


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Posted 02 March 2007 - 02:54 PM

I've got a Baldur's Gate claim in Fanart100, more specifically the Bhaalspawn. I haven't drawn much yet, but I'm hoping to get more done over time.

Here are some I have already made.

011. Red - Imoen got red quite naturally, I think.

016. Purple - My own PC, I call her Jaina. She's a thief/swashbuckler. I'm not happy with her face but oh well.

013. Yellow - Illasera got yellow, just because.

022. Enemies - BG1 ending - PC (Jaina) vs. Sarevok. There are errors in this picture as well but I guess I'm just way too lazy. :D

025. Strangers - When I was once again replaying BG1 and was reading Sarevok's journals, the idea of Sarevok passing by Imoen and PC like a stranger in Candlekeep before it all began occured to me, and I liked the thought of it. The girls would be oblivious of their sinister fate with the strange big bald guy, and would just keep on babbling girltalk and complaining about gathering heavy books for Tehthoril... :D I left Sarevok's glowy eyes (figured he had an off switch somewhere in his brain, since he was a politician and all..) and the tattoos (since he was quite young at this point) out.

If somebody's interested, here's my claim grid with thumbnails etc.

Ilmatar's portraits for the Baldur's Gate series ¤ | ¤ | ¤ Ahem. Ilmatar =/= Ilmater. ¤ | ¤ | ¤ deviantART gallery
Grunting is a perfectly acceptable reaction to being struck with a blunt instrument. -berelinde
And, just out of curiosity, my dear, what *are* you wearing? :D - Tempest to me.

#2 Ilmatar


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Posted 03 March 2007 - 09:45 AM

One new!

001. Beginnings - This is sort of where it all begins for the PC, the child of the god of murder - the first time she takes somebody's life. The somebody here is Shank, if I remember correctly, in Candlekeep, in the Priest's quarters. Jaina - the PC - is of course horrified and confused.

Ilmatar's portraits for the Baldur's Gate series ¤ | ¤ | ¤ Ahem. Ilmatar =/= Ilmater. ¤ | ¤ | ¤ deviantART gallery
Grunting is a perfectly acceptable reaction to being struck with a blunt instrument. -berelinde
And, just out of curiosity, my dear, what *are* you wearing? :D - Tempest to me.

#3 Kaeloree


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Posted 03 March 2007 - 02:41 PM

Wow, those are amazingly awesome! :D I especially love the BG1 Game End. The dynamic movement in that is love. :D Can't wait to see more!!

#4 vilkacis


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Posted 03 March 2007 - 08:08 PM

Nice! :new_thumbs: And bonus points for being, like, the only one *ever* to draw Illasera. If you actually draw 100 pics, you're probably going to double the amount of BG fanart on the web all by yourself... (...which is a good thing. Just sayin'.)

If you're open to concrit, I noticed a couple of things. I'm no expert, so take it with a grain of salt... if you take it at all. :)



Edited by vilkacis, 03 March 2007 - 08:12 PM.

#5 Archmage Silver

Archmage Silver

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Posted 04 March 2007 - 01:15 AM

Excellent work there... I especially like the one with Sarevok, and Illasera's also very good.

#6 Ilmatar


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Posted 04 March 2007 - 03:08 AM

Thank you everyone for your comments!

vilkacis - thank you for the crits! I especially found your notes about Sarevok's pose and the sword very useful, since fighting and weapons are some of my weak points. I'm going to take a good look at that link, it looks interesting and useful. :)

And hey, people, don't be afraid to follow vilkacis's example - good constructive criticism isn't the same thing as flaming.

Ilmatar's portraits for the Baldur's Gate series ¤ | ¤ | ¤ Ahem. Ilmatar =/= Ilmater. ¤ | ¤ | ¤ deviantART gallery
Grunting is a perfectly acceptable reaction to being struck with a blunt instrument. -berelinde
And, just out of curiosity, my dear, what *are* you wearing? :D - Tempest to me.

#7 Ilmatar


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Posted 26 May 2007 - 06:16 AM

It's been a while since I drew anything for my fanart100, hasn't it! Well, last night I started writing a fanfic (I always do that - I start fanfics but never finish them :D).It takes place on the night before the Big Day when Baldur's Gate 1 begins, in Candlekeep, when Imoen and Jaina are still oblivious of what tomorrow would bring. The girls meet at sunset by the western wall, just like every night. I decided to make a very quick drawing of the moment, since it fits the fanart100 grid. Here it is: 032. Sunset.

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Ilmatar's portraits for the Baldur's Gate series ¤ | ¤ | ¤ Ahem. Ilmatar =/= Ilmater. ¤ | ¤ | ¤ deviantART gallery
Grunting is a perfectly acceptable reaction to being struck with a blunt instrument. -berelinde
And, just out of curiosity, my dear, what *are* you wearing? :D - Tempest to me.

#8 Cuv


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Posted 26 May 2007 - 07:16 AM

That is simply stunning!!!! I love it. Beautiful work and it certainly captures the moment

#9 Dark-Mage


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Posted 26 May 2007 - 12:10 PM

wow, nice work Ilmatar :-)

#10 vilkacis


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Posted 26 May 2007 - 05:39 PM

Y halo thar, ladies, I must say I enjoy this lovely view... :naughty:

...don't hurt me! :o

*ow, ow, OW*

(Curse my first-level commoner d4 of hit points! :angry: )

...oh, and the sunset is quite nice, too. :whistling:

#11 Ankhes

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Posted 26 May 2007 - 05:55 PM

Ilmatar your works are just amazing! I really really love them, especially the sweet drawing of the endings. I personally wouldn't mind more Saravok pics as I think he's kind of hunky. Okay I'm weird. : )

#12 minotaur_in_maze


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Posted 26 May 2007 - 09:14 PM

Great work as always Ilmatar,

I like all your work but that last one is really eleqent. The shading and tone of the sunset is great.

Plus I have always thought Imoen had a really cute backside... :devil:

Is it WRONG to be leching over an NPC?

Minotaur In...Therapy.
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They say the world is going to Hell.

They are wrong.

The world IS Hell! Always has been, always will be; except perhaps for the five percent or so of the population who can afford differently.

And, if one must reside in Hell, it is far better to do it as a minion of the Devil than as a member of the damned.
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LOVE SUCKS: It makes fools and slaves of us all.
But being alone and unloved is worse.
- Nancy A. Collins "Thin Walls"
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#13 Ilmatar


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Posted 27 May 2007 - 12:41 AM

Bwahhaa, I know how to please the male audiences... :D

And besides, Minotaur and Ankhes, I think it would be weird if a gamer would NOT drool over an NPC. :D

Thank you for your nice comments. :)

Ilmatar's portraits for the Baldur's Gate series ¤ | ¤ | ¤ Ahem. Ilmatar =/= Ilmater. ¤ | ¤ | ¤ deviantART gallery
Grunting is a perfectly acceptable reaction to being struck with a blunt instrument. -berelinde
And, just out of curiosity, my dear, what *are* you wearing? :D - Tempest to me.

#14 Orthodoxia

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Posted 27 May 2007 - 01:24 AM

It's beautiful Ilmatar. It looks more alive then most drawings I've ever seen. And it's not just the color, the pose as well - the entire composition.

Did you use any reference of sort?
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#15 Bardess


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Posted 27 May 2007 - 07:33 AM

I like the way you draw Charname and Imoen, so cool. That comic-alike picture in the draw Xan thread was great, too!

"Farewell, Charname, and may Irenicus get you!"

Mazzy to Edwin:
"When science finally locates the center of the planes, I'm sure you'll be taken aback to find that you're not it."

- Author of lil one-day Moddie fox. -

#16 vilkacis


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Posted 27 May 2007 - 07:41 AM

I think it would be weird if a gamer would NOT drool over an NPC. :D

I'm not drooling, goddammit, I'm making an ass of myself. :angry: That's COMPLETELY different! :P

#17 Ilmatar


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Posted 27 May 2007 - 07:56 AM

It's beautiful Ilmatar. It looks more alive then most drawings I've ever seen. And it's not just the color, the pose as well - the entire composition.

Did you use any reference of sort?

Thank you so much, Orthodoxia. :hug: I did not use a reference picture for that one, no. I made it really quickly, in the heat of the moment - I think that might have added to the overall "feeling" of the drawing. You know, not thinking and planning it too much.

Ilmatar's portraits for the Baldur's Gate series ¤ | ¤ | ¤ Ahem. Ilmatar =/= Ilmater. ¤ | ¤ | ¤ deviantART gallery
Grunting is a perfectly acceptable reaction to being struck with a blunt instrument. -berelinde
And, just out of curiosity, my dear, what *are* you wearing? :D - Tempest to me.

#18 minotaur_in_maze


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Posted 27 May 2007 - 10:26 AM


Just calling it like I see it. You do great work.

Now, how about Imoen in short chainmail, perhaps doing something...unusual...with a wand of lightning>

(Whups, sorry wrong forum... Hey, SOME guys obsess over porn. Me, I get my jollies over pixilated NPC's)

REALLY seeking therapy (But loves Ilmatar's stuff!)

Minotaur et' all.
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They say the world is going to Hell.

They are wrong.

The world IS Hell! Always has been, always will be; except perhaps for the five percent or so of the population who can afford differently.

And, if one must reside in Hell, it is far better to do it as a minion of the Devil than as a member of the damned.
* * * * * *
LOVE SUCKS: It makes fools and slaves of us all.
But being alone and unloved is worse.
- Nancy A. Collins "Thin Walls"
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#19 Ilmatar


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Posted 27 May 2007 - 12:40 PM

077. What is dedicated to Minotaur. :D

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Ilmatar's portraits for the Baldur's Gate series ¤ | ¤ | ¤ Ahem. Ilmatar =/= Ilmater. ¤ | ¤ | ¤ deviantART gallery
Grunting is a perfectly acceptable reaction to being struck with a blunt instrument. -berelinde
And, just out of curiosity, my dear, what *are* you wearing? :D - Tempest to me.

#20 Orthodoxia

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Posted 27 May 2007 - 12:46 PM

You tell 'em Immy!! :lol:
Dear gamer! You cannot summon Spirits of Rage when fighting bosses. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please send all complaints to Undead Control Administration, Bosses Combat Department, and apply for revision of the Endoria combat regulations. - King?s Bounty, the Legend
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