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Language issues and confusion in general...

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#1 -ShaDan-

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Posted 18 February 2007 - 09:28 AM

Umm... Hey guys. Since this is my first post on this board don't get mad if I say something that may sound a bit stupid/strange/whatever. I'm not a modder so the "technical stuff" just goes beyond me. So, as the "greeting" part is done to the essence of my post we now make our way. A long time ago I heard about the Two Great Ones -> TDD and SoS and about the Big Picture. And I have them all (the non-weidu versions). But now I've seen that the modding-community has presented the BG 2 fans with a couple of new ideas, which are the BP 1.77 and TDD and SoS rewrote to weidu format. And now's the question: will these fine expansions actually WORK with a NON-English BG 2??? I mean BG 2:SoA + ToB + newest patch but not in English. Well, I know that the old ones worked with a non-english game, 'cause both TDD and SoS overwrote the dialog.tlk, Fdialog.tlk (and chitin.key ?) files thus making the game language English. But from what I know the weidu-mods do not modify any BG 2 files (as they can be uninstalled without harming the game itself). So if I' m thinking right the game would be in part English-part something language??? That would be not so good. Actually that would suck like hell...
And the second question: to make an install of something like the old Big Picture pack (The Darkest Day + Shadows over Soubar + Tortured Souls and Check the Bodies, some Weimer-made mods and some small item/NPC adding mods) I must follow the instructions that are located here:
right? But simply skip the Baldur's Gate Trilogy and other parts that I don't want to have. Is that it or am I making a fool out of myself? I remember installing the old Big Picture (v.161) pack at a friends computer (I still don't have one myself! Can you imagine? Having BG 2 and all those mods and not being able to play them, oh the torture... Still leeching at my other friends computers...) and it worked (well, it launched at least). But if some mods do not like each other (you know what I mean) do the sympthoms show up at game launch (i.e. the game crashes) or maybe the bugs show up somewhere about half-way through the game and prevent you from completing BG 2??? Well, I think that's enough for one post. So, anyway I would be very grateful if you would answer my humble questions. An I would also like to say that (if it actually works that is) seanas and horred the plague (the guys that made Big Picture, you know ;)) are really great modders if they were able to make a mod like Big Picture. One, to rule them all! Almost all.

see ya,


#2 OldVeteran

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Posted 18 February 2007 - 10:19 AM

They will work, which is why translations are also available for some of these mods. For those which don't have translations yet, they will just display in English during your localized game.

Follow the installation instructions, skipping those mods you do not want. Just keep the order intact

#3 Markaval

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Posted 04 March 2011 - 04:39 AM

Not sure if this is right place for my query/question but here goes....

I installed BWP with standard install and ticked option not to install foreign language scripts. Install has gone beautifully, game playing well but for one issue - German NPCs and dialog popping up everywhere! It's driving me mad!

I want purely English install (which is what I thought I'd specified at install) - is there a way of sorting out all this German stuff? Are there updated files that I can install/use to overwrite my existing language files?

My daughter has given up playing BWP purely because of all the German dialog - she is a quest freak and enjoys making sure she completes all quests. She was going mad when NPCs started speaking in German and she was forced to make choices not understanding German.

Hoping someone can help - I've enjoyed what I've played so much that I'd happily start again if I knew that all the German would be gone :-)

#4 Miloch



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Posted 04 March 2011 - 11:29 PM

You should post that in the Mega Mod Help forum (see here) - it has nothing to do with the Big Picture mod. I believe there is an option to exclude all non-English mods in BWS/BWP but someone else would have a better idea.

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